来源 21世纪报
The Chinese lunar new year is coming. But should we call it "The Year of the Ox" or "The Year of the Bull"? 21st Century staff Charlie Shifflett answers the question and more.
中国的农历新年牛年就要来到了。那么“牛年”我们用英文该怎么说呢?21世纪报的员工Charlie Shifflett回答了这个问题。
Ox: Westerners respect the ox for its strength and hardworking spirit. However, bulls are generally viewed negatively, thanks to their aggressive nature. Cows are considered the "cutest of the three". In fact, in the US, people often decorate their homes with pictures of cows. The animal is associated with the comfort and quiet of a country home.
西方人对牛ox是很敬重的,因为它的强健和勤劳!不过,bull这个词一般就有些否定的意义在里面,如“盛气凌人”,但也要谢谢它的“积极进取的”的个性。而奶牛cow被视为三个中最可爱的、最讨人喜欢的一个。事实上,在美国,人们常用奶牛图片来装饰屋子,她们总是和宁静舒适的乡村生活联系在一起。 |