本帖最后由 richy 于 2011-12-1 13:21 编辑
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Corrective actions should be taken in order to prevent the occurrence of non-conformance. In a example we will try to illustrate this with a practical case from industry: Some years ago a number of pipelines where ordered outside Norway by one of the Norwegian oil companies. In the specification from the oil company the following text was given:
surface prep. paint system
Blast-cleaning Sa 2 1/2
ISO 8501 -1 Roughness Grade- medium, G
ISO 8503-1 Coal tar epoxy in 300 um
ISO 2808
No inspection from the Oil Company was carried out during production, and the pipelines were finally delivered to the yard in Norway. During assembly the paint suddenly flaked in large areas, inspection showed that the pipelines had not been blast-cleaned prior to painting. Consequence - all the work had to be carried out once more at a high cost for the foreign yard. |