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发表于 2013-1-11 15:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
某设计公司设计人员在设计一散货船,该船排水量75000吨,有NO.1~No.6六个货舱,艏部区域有液压泵间(舱容2003), 锚链舱(舱容1503),木工间(舱容703),油漆间(舱容903),艏尖舱;
Regulation 12
Hold,ballast and dry space water level detectors*
1 Bulkcarriers shall be fitted with water level detectors
.1 in each cargo hold, givingaudible and visual alarms, one when the water level above the inner bottomin any hold reaches a height of 0.5 mand another at a height not less than 15% of the depth of the cargo hold butnot more than 2 m. On bulkcarriers to which regulation 9.2 applies, detectors with only the latteralarm need be installed. The water level detectors shall be fitted in the aftend of the cargo holds. For cargo holds which are used for water ballast, analarm overriding device may be installed. The visual alarms shall clearlydiscriminate between the two different water levels detected in each hold;
.2 in any ballast tank forward ofthe collision bulkhead required by regulation II-1/11,giving an audible and visualalarm when the liquid in the tank reaches a level not exceeding 10% of the tankcapacity. An alarm overriding device may be installed to be activated when thetank is in use;and
.3 in any dry or void space otherthan a chain cable locker, any part of which extends forward of the foremostcargo hold, giving an audible and visual alarm at a water levelof 0.1 m above the deck. Suchalarms need not be provided in enclosed spaces the volume of which does notexceed 0.1% of the ship’s maximum displacement volume.
A:  NO.1 ~No.6六个货舱的前部的正中间设置水位探测器;在液压泵间、锚链舱、木工间、油漆间,艏尖舱设置水位探测器
B:  NO.1 ~No.6六个货舱的后部正中间设置水位探测器;在液压泵间、油漆间,艏尖舱设置水位探测器
C:  NO.1 ~No.6六个货舱的后部正中间设置水位探测器;在液压泵间、锚链舱、油漆间,艏尖舱设置水位探测器
D:  NO.1 ~No.6六个货舱的后部的正中间设置水位探测器;在液压泵间、木工间、油漆间,艏尖舱设置水位探测器
答案:  B


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发表于 2013-1-12 23:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东深圳
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