| Regarding for steam feed system, which of the under mentioned are correct: | | | Every steam generating system which provides services essential for the safety of the ship , or which could be rendered dangerous by the failure of its feed water supply, shall be provided not less than two separate feed water systems from and including the feeding pumps | | The equipment that could prevent over pressure should be provided, unless overpressure is prevented by pump characteristics. | | Boilers should be provided with means to supervise and control the quality of the feed water | | Suitable arrangements shall be provided to preclude the entry of oil or other con***inants. | | | | | | 国际海上人命安全公约,第一部分 第II-1章,构造-结构、分舱与稳性、机电设备 C部分 机器设备, 第32条 蒸汽锅炉和锅炉给水系统 4,5 |