MARS 2000
Scantlings of plating and ordinary stiffeners of any transverse section located all along the ship length according to BUREAU VERITAS Rules for the Classification of Ships and IACS Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Tankers.
MARS 2000 allows to check the scantling of any transverse secti*** or any transverse bulkheads all along the ship length. It allows to estimate the distribution of warping stresses by using a beam model with variable inertia (each hold is modelised by a transverse section). For a tranvsverse section, it calculates: - The geometric properties (area, inertia and moduli ...)
- The hull girder strength criteria
- The hull girder ultimate strength
- The rule scantling of strakes, longitudinal and transverse stiffeners taking into account:
- Yielding criteria
- Minimum thickness criteria
- Buckling criteria ...
and includes fatigue checks of structural details. Operating system: Windows 9x/NT/Me/XP/2000
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