发表于 2022-7-13 12:24
来自: 中国上海
6 Power supply and fallback arrangements
6.1 Each NL should be connected, via separate circuits, to a NLC located on the bridge in order to avoid any NL failure, including short circuit, that affect any other NLs connected to the NLC. A NLC may only be additionally connected to special signal lights such as lights required by canal authorities.
6.2 It should be possible to operate the NLC and NLs when supplied by an emergency source of electrical power in accordance with the appropriate requirements of chapter II-1 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended.
6.3 Automatic switch over to the alternative source of power is permitted.
标题里说到后备措施,结合6.3条款, 航行灯,至少必须可以使用应急电,还得可以使用选择性电源或叫后备电源,这可以是电池,哪怕主电电源也可以啊。
再回来,总结,要尊重设计多样化,满足法规要求,最普遍的做法是,航行灯控制板由主电源和应急电源供电,电源输入的切换可以是动旋钮开挂,也可以是继电器自动切换是许可的。 |