发表于 2009-8-5 15:33
来自: 新加坡
BV PART C, chapter 1, section 10
2.8 Sea inlets and overboard discharges
2.8.3 valves
The bodies of the valves and distance pieces are to have
a spigot passing through the plating without projecting
beyond the external surface of such plating or of the
doubling plates and stiffening rings, if any.
上面是BV的船舷管的规定, 短管不超过船舷外板或加强复板, 就是伸出去0mm, 另外ABS 4-2-2 21.7 有说到 'but the spigot need not project beyond the outside surface of the unit'
意思是说没有必要伸出超过船舷外板或加强复板, 很多船厂这样做, 烧时伸出去,烧好后把伸出去那8或10mm磨掉. 希望楼主清楚了. |