发表于 2009-6-17 19:13
来自: 中国上海
如果主机和副机均为电启动,可以设置一个与正常启动蓄电池独立的蓄电池组,由副机保持持续充电。瘫船时,由于该独立蓄电池被认为始终有电,可解决瘫船问题。102 Starting arrangement for auxiliary engines
a)Electric starting arrangement for a single auxiliary engine not for emergency use, shall have a separate battery, or it shall be possible to connect it by a separate circuit to one of the main engine batteries, when such are used according to 101.
b)When the starting arrangement serves two or more auxiliary engines, there shall at least be two separate batteries, as specified for main engines in 101. The main engine batteries, when such are used, can also be used for this purpose.
c)Each starting battery shall have sufficient capacity for at least three start attempts of each of the engines being normally supplied. The duration of each starting shall be taken as minimum 10 s. If the starting batteries are also used for supplying other consumers, the capacity shall be increased accordingly.
d)Power supply to electronic governors, AVRs and other necessary auxiliaries for auxiliary engines shall, if dependent on external power, be arranged as required for starting arrangement in b).103 Start during blackout
All generator sets shall be arranged with systems for starting during blackout. Where prime movers and generators depend upon additional systems for starting after blackout e.g. pre-lubrication, heating, fuel oil supply, these systems shall be fitted on at least one generator on each side of the main switchboard. The capacity of such systems is to correspond to the required number of starting attempts. The stored energy is to be located within the machinery space. The emergency generator may be used as one of the required stored energy sources provided arranged with automatic starting. Other equivalent arrangements may be accepted. |