发表于 2011-3-6 21:28
来自: 中国上海
不需要的,水喷淋要求SOLAS II-2 / Reg. 10.5.6
5.6 Fixed local application fire-fighting systems IACS UI SC 176
5.6.1 Paragraph 5.6 shall apply to passenger ships of 500 gross tonnage and above and cargo ships of 2000 gross tonnage and above. 5.6.2 Machinery spaces of category A above 500 ㎥ in volume shall, in addition to the fixed fire-extinguishing system required in paragraph 5.1.1, be protected by an approved type of fixed water-based or equivalent local application fire-fighting system, based on the guidelines developed by the Organization*. In the case of periodically unattended machinery spaces, the fire fighting system shall have both automatic and manual release capabilities. In the case of continuously manned machinery spaces, the fire-fighting system is only required to have a manual release capability.
5.6.3 Fixed local application fire-fighting systems are to protect areas such as the following without the necessity of engine shutdown, personnel evacuation, or sealing of the spaces:
.1 the fire hazard portions of internal combustion machinery used for the ship's main propulsion and power generation;
.2 boiler fronts;
.3 the fire hazard portions of incinerators; and
.4 purifiers for heated fuel oil. |