首先根据DNV-OS-C031.3.2.4:Exceptional conditions for ESD
"Equipment which is arranged to operate during exceptional conditions, in which the explosion hazard extends o
utside the defined hazadous zones, shall be suitable for installation in zone 2, Arrangement shall be provided to faciliate disconnection of equipment in those areas not suitable for installation zone 2. See DNV-OS-A101 Ch.2 Sec.4"
问题:根据上面描述在energency shut down的时候,危险区域的爆炸危险物会蔓延到原本指定的安全区域,同时安全区域的设备如果断电,那么它们不需要满足zone 2的要求。
“A launching appliance shall not depend on any means other than gravity or stored mechanical power which is independent of the ship's power supplies to launch the suvrival craft or rescue boat it serves in the fully loaded and equipped condition and also in the light condition”
救生艇及救助艇的下降设施只能应该依靠重力或者机械储能, 不需要船上供电。