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[基础知识] 焊接缺陷与检验专业词汇,中英文对照,总结得很详细

发表于 2015-5-27 14:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
1、焊接缺陷 welding defects

在焊接过程中,由于受到材质、结构、工艺、操作等因素的影响,焊接接头区域常产生各种各样的缺陷,这些缺陷将直接影响焊接接头的使用寿命和安全。(For the effect of materials,constructure,procedure,operation and so on, the welding joint zone usually has all kinds of welding defects during welding, which will affect the using period and security of joint directly.)



External defects: undercut,overip,arc pit, gas cavity in surface,crack in surface.


Internal defects:lack of penetration,lack of fusion,slag,gas pole,carck,overheating.

2、焊接检验 welding inspection

2.1 焊接检验的主要内容

⑴ 焊前检验:preweld inspection

⑵ 焊接过程检验:inspection during welding

⑶ 焊后检验:postweld inspection

2.2 非破坏性试验 undestructive test

⑴ 外观检验:visual test

⑵ 致密性试验:airtightness test

① 渗透试验:penetration test
② 水压试验:pressure test of water
③ 气压试验:pressure test of atomsphere

⑶ 无损探伤:non-destructive test

① 射线探伤:radiograph test
② 超声波探伤: ultrasonic test
③ 磁粉探伤: magnetic test
④ 渗透探伤:penetration test

2.3 破坏性试验:destructive test

⑴ 断口检查:cross gap examination

⑵ 钻孔检查:drilling test

⑶ 机械性能测试:machinery test

① 高温拉伸试验:tensile test in high temperature
② 冷弯试验:cold bend test
③ 冲击试验:impact test

⑷ 化学分析试验:chemical analyse test

⑸ 金相试验:metallographic test

① 宏观检验:macro test
② 微观检验:micro test

⑹ 腐蚀试验:corrosive test



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发表于 2015-6-7 21:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁大连
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