发表于 2009-2-16 08:10
来自: 中国江苏南通
所谓的舷边,我想当初规范是考虑到了 damage penetration zone 这个概念的。
If sounding pipes terminate below the freeboard deck, they are to be provided
with means for closing in the following manner.
3.3.1 Oil Tanks
For oil tanks, with quick-acting, self-closing gate valves.
3.3.2 Other Tanks
For tanks other than oil tanks, with gate valves or a screw cap secured to the pipe with a chain.
Provision is to be made to prevent injuring the unit’s plating by the striking of the sounding
rod. In general, sounding pipes are not to pass through bilge wells, but if this is not practicable,
the pipe is to be at least Extra Heavy in the bilge well. (See 4-2-1/7.21). Sounding pipes for
combustible or flammable fluids are not to terminate in accommodation spaces. |