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[基础知识] 求水压实验和气压实验的作业标准

发表于 2009-1-16 16:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国浙江舟山

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发表于 2009-1-16 17:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京
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发表于 2009-1-16 17:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 英国
this is from CSR  chapter 11,section3
2.2 Leak testing
2.2.1. Where leak testing is carried out, in accordance with Tab 1, an air pressure of  Pa is to be applied during the test.

2.2.2. Prior to inspection, it is recommended that the air pressure in the tank is raised to  Pa and kept at this level for about 1 hour to reach a stabilized state, with a minimum number of personnel in the vicinity of the tank, and then lowered to the test pressure.

2.2.3. The Society may accept that the test is conducted after the pressure has reached a stabilized state at  Pa, without lowering pressure, provided they are satisfied of the safety of the personnel involved in the test.

2.2.4. Welds are to be coated with an efficient indicating liquid.

2.2.5. A U-tube filled with water up to a height corresponding to the test pressure is to be fitted to avoid overpressure of the compartment tested and verify the test pressure. The U-tube should have a cross section larger than that of the pipe supplying air.

In addition, test pressure is also to be verified by means of one master pressure gauge. The Society may accept alternative means which are considered to equivalently reliable.

2.2.6. Leak testing is to be carried out, prior to the application of protective coating, on all fillet weld connections on tank boundaries, penetrations and erection welds on tank boundaries excepting welds may be automatic processes. Selected locations of automatic erection welds and pre-erection manual or automatic welds may be required to be similarly tested at the discretion of the Surveyor taking account of the quality control procedures operating in the shipyard. For other welds, leak testing may be carried out, after the protective coating has been applied, provided that these welds were carefully inspected visually to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.

2.2.7. Any other recognized method may be accepted to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.
3.1 General
3.1.1. General testing requirements for testing are given in Tab 1.

Table 1 General testing requirements
Item number Structural to be tested Type of testing Structural test pressure Remarks
1 Double bottom tanks Structural testing (1) The greater of the following:
head of water up to the top of overflow
head of water up to the bulkhead deck
Tank boundaries tested from at least one side
2 Double side tanks Structural testing (1) The greater of the following:
head of water up to the top of overflow
2.4 m head of water above highest point of tank
Tank boundaries tested from at least one side
3 Tank bulkheads, deep tanks Structural testing (1) The greater of the following: (2)
head of water up to the top of overflow
2.4 m head of water above highest point of tank
setting pressure of the safety relief valves, where relevant
Tank boundaries tested from at least one side
Fuel oil tanks Structural testing  
4 Ballast holds Structural testing (1) The greater of the following:
head of water up to the top of overflow
0.90 m head of water above top of hatch
5 Fore peak and after peak used as tank Structural testing  The greater of the following:
head of water up to the top of overflow
2.4 m head of water above highest point of tank
Tank of the after peak carried out after the stern tube has been fitted
Fore peak not used as tank Refer to SOLAS Ch II.1 Reg.14     
Aft peak not used as tank Leak testing     
6 Cofferdams Structural testing (3) The greater of the following:
head of water up to the top of overflow
2.4 m head of water above highest point of tank
7 Watertight bulkheads Refer to SOLAS Ch II.1 Reg.14 (4)     
8 Watertight doors below freeboard or bulkhead deck Refer to SOLAS Ch II.1 Reg.18     
9 Double plate rudder Leak testing     
10 Shaft tunnel clear of deep tanks Hose testing     
11 Shell doors Hose testing     
12 Watertight hatchcovers of tanks Hose testing     
13 Watertight hatchcovers and closing appliances Hose testing     
14 Chain locker, located aft of collision bulkhead Structural testing Head of water up to the top   
15 Independent tanks Structural testing Head of water up to the top of overflow, but not less than 0.9 m   
16 Ballast ducts Structural testing Ballast pump maximum pressure   
(1) Leak or hydropneumatic testing may be accepted under the conditions specified in [2.2], provided that at least one tank for each type is structurally tested, to be selected in connection with the approval of the design. In general, structural testing need not be repeated for subsequent vessels of series of identical newbuildings. This relaxation does not apply to cargo space boundaries in tankers and combination carriers and tanks for segregated cargoes or pollutants. If the structural test reveals weakness or severe faults not detected by the leak test, all tanks are to be structurally tested.
(2) Where applicable, the highest point of tank is to be measured to the deck and excluding hatches. In holds for liquid cargo or ballast with large hatch covers, the highest point of tanks is to be taken at the top of hatch.
(3) Leak or hydropneumatic testing may be accepted under the conditions specified in [2.2] when, at the Society discretion, the latter is considered significant also in relation to the construction techniques and the welding procedures adopted.
(4) When hose test cannot be performed without damaging possible outfitting (machinery, cables, switchboards, insulation, etc.) already installed, it may be replaced, at the Society discretion, by a careful visual inspection of all the crossings and weld joints; where necessary, dye penetrant test or ultrasonic test may be required.
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发表于 2009-1-18 13:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国福建厦门
楼上的 再麻烦好人做到底。帮翻译过来。嘿嘿
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