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[船体] 求助:船舶焊接的翻译!急

发表于 2008-10-28 21:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏南通
1、The connection of stiffeners and girders webs to plate panel as well as plating abutting on another plate panel to be made by fillet welds.                                                            
Unless otherwise indicated,welding to be fully double continous.
2、Where the connection is highly stressed the increased fillet weld or full or partial penetration tee jionts may be required (see fig.page4).
3、Where the connection is moderately stressed intermittent staggered or chain welds may be used for welding of ordinary stiffener (not web).In interior dry space above deck 9 outside vent.duct,refrigerating chamber.ends and supporting structure connections .(see fig .page 6)                                   
Staggered (type B )welds not to be used for connection ordinary longitudinal or transverse stiffeners with car decks plating.
4、Slot weld (type B) may by used for connection of plating to internal webs. where access for welding is not practicable.fillet slot(type C)may be used for plates subject to larger in plane transverse stresses where slot welding is not acceptable.                                                      
Type B and C joint shall not be used in case of pressure  from abutting plate side , or in tank boundaries (see fig .page 7)
5、Size of welds in class drawings are superior to weld table (if occur)

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