发表于 2013-8-21 12:21
来自: 中国山东威海
本帖最后由 文明人 于 2013-8-21 12:33 编辑
GL规范是这样规定的,在大于等于500GT的货船以及所有客船上,燃油供给超过一台以上的柴油机(比如两台发电机或者两台主机),需要在进口/出口回油管路上安装可以在失火状态下安全操作的隔离关闭装置,一般选用快关阀. 出口处的阀门可以用止回阀来代替. 同时这些阀都要锁定在正常工作的位置.
详见GL-I-Part 1-chapter 2-section 11-G-6,shut-off devices.
6.1 On cargo ships of 500 GT or above and on
all passenger ships for plants with more than one
engine, shut-off devices for isolating the fuel supply
and overproduction/recirculation lines to any engine
from a common supply system are to be provided.
These valves are to be operable from a position not
rendered inaccessible by a fire on any of the engines.
6.2 Instead of shut-off devices in the overproduction/
recirculation lines check valves may be fitted.
Where shut-off devices are fitted, they are to be
locked in the operating position.