老侠客 发表于 2012-10-11 06:06
我读过船级社的人写的一些文章(估计为了 ...
Due to the lack of detail in the COLREGS, we must be guided by Resolution MSC.253(83). This Resolution is however in itself not mandatory (it RECOMMENDS Governments ensure that Navigation Lights, Navigation Light Controllers and associated equipment installed on or after 1 January 2009 conform to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annex to the present resolution.) Classification applies Resolutions such as this, unless the Flag states otherwise. MSC.253(83) clearly defines a Navigational Light, which includes the “steaming lights” (masthead lights, side lights and stern light) as well as all-round and flashing lights. It is not true to say that these all-round lights are signal lights and not included within this definition – they are no more signal lights than the “steaming lights.” Signalling lights are covered under Rule 36 of the COLREGS. And alarm should activate in the event of a failure of each and every navigation light, which would include the “steaming lights” and any all-round lights (NUC, RAM, Constrained by draft, etc.) |