发表于 2008-7-10 18:34
来自: 中国江苏扬州
Regulation 25
Protection of the crew
(1) The deckhouses used for the accommodation of the crew shall be constructed to an acceptable level of strength.
(2) Guard rails or bulwarks shall be fitted around all exposed decks. The height of the bulwarks or guard rails shall be at least 1 m from the deck, provided that where this height would interfere with the normal operation of the ship, a lesser height may be approved, if the Administration is satisfied that adequate protection is provided.
(3) Guard rails fitted on superstructure and freeboard decks shall have at least three courses. The opening below the lowest course of the guard rails shall not exceed 230 mm. The other courses shall be not more than 380 mm apart. In the case of ships with rounded gunwales the guard rail supports shall be placed on the flat of the deck. In other locations, guardrails with at least two courses shall be fitted. Guard rails shall comply with the following provisions:
(a) fixed, removable or hinged stanchions shall be fitted about 1.5 m apart. Removable or
hinged stanchions shall be capable of being locked in the upright position;
(b) at least every third stanchion shall be supported by a bracket or stay;
(c) where necessary for the normal operation of the ship, steel wire ropes may be accepted in
lieu of guard rails. Wires shall be made taut by means of turnbuckles; and
(d) where necessary for the normal operation of the ship, chains fitted between two fixed
stanchions and/or bulwarks are acceptable in lieu of guard rails.
[ 本帖最后由 bmw 于 2008-7-10 19:26 编辑 ] |