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发表于 2008-5-15 15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏镇江

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发表于 2008-5-15 16:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏泰州
The DMA has provided the following procedural guidance for the initial survey and testing of high-pressure CO2 systems:

1.  Manifold and Pipes:
        a)  Pressure test of the manifold to the blind flange.  Main stop valve(s)/distribution valve(s) has/have to be open.  Test pressure: 190 bar.  Pressure test carried out before mounting can be accepted, if certificate from Classification Society or recognized pressure test company is present.  Note: The attention is drawn to the fact that often only part of the manifold has been pressure tested before the mounting.  The manifold between the last flange and the blind flange has to be pressure tested as well.  Whether this pressure test has been carried out or not, it may, after an evaluation, be necessary to carry out a new pressure test to the blind flange.
        b)  Pressure test of distribution pipes from main stop valve(s)/distribution valve(s) to nozzles.  Test pressure: 25 bar.
        c)  Pressure test of the servo system.  Test pressure: 1.3 x working  pressure.  To be carried out by Nitrogen.

2.  Blow Through:
        a)  The blow-through of pipes and nozzles with compressed air has to be carried out.  Note: Plastic bags have to be mounted on all nozzles, or checked in another way to confirm that flow exists.  If the system consists of more than one room, check that the piping systems are correctly connected.

3.  Test of Alarm System
        a)Pressure switch with alarm on the manifold.  Note: The alarm must be indicated on the engine alarm panel.  (In smaller ships, on the bridge).
        b)CO2 alarm in protected rooms.  Note: This test has to be carried out with as much machinery as possible in operation.  The machinery crew are to participate in this test.

4.  Precautionary Measures Before Performing the Full Scale Test:
        a)  No person(s) is allowed to stay in the protected rooms.
        b)  All doors to the protected rooms must be locked after ensuring that no persons are staying in the rooms.
        c)  No unauthorized persons are allowed to stay on the deck in the area around the CO2 room.
        d)  Two sets of breathing apparatus are prepared, and two crew members are instructed.
        e)  Communication between the CO2 room and the release location(s) is established.
        f)  No persons should stay in the CO2 room or in the immediate vicinity of the room during the test.

5.  Full Scale Test:
        a)  The manifold shall be pressurized to about 60 bar, for the checking of flanges, packing etc.  This has to be carried out by use of nitrogen.  CO2 must not be used.
        b)  Blow off the manifold.
        c)  Activate handle No. 1 in the release cabinet.  Check the function of the main stop valve/distribution valve (opening).
        d)  Activate handle No. 2 in the release cabinet.  Check that the bottle valves are opening.  Check the manifold to the blind flange for tightness, etc.
        e)  Close handle No. 1 in the release cabinet.  Check that the servo line is vented.
        f)  Close handle No. 2 in the release cabinet.  Check that the servo line is vented.  Check that the bottles valves close itself.
        g)  Close the main stop valve/distribution valve manually with full CO2 pressure on manifold.  Check that it is possible to open the main stop valve/distribution valve manually with full CO2 pressure in manifold.
        h)  Blow off the manifold.
        i)  If there is more than one release station, the above mentioned points are carried out for each release station.  Note: Check of cylinders (Refill) Applies for pilot cylinders as well.

a)  Release of the CO2 system may not cause shut down of propulsion plant, aux. engine and booster pumps.
        b)  Automatic closing of fire damper serving the protected spaces is not allowed.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-15 16:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁大连
你可以去administration requirements里面去找,如果没有,留下邮箱,我发给你。、

DMA...很多乱七八糟的要求,比如windlass的平台,淡水舱的access coaming。。。
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-15 17:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏镇江
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