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[轮机] 油船惰性气体系统图

发表于 2010-11-19 09:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏扬州
求油船惰性气体系统图,尤其是进货油舱和压载舱的那部分管系,如果有惰性气体操作手册更好。或者有IMO Inert-Gas-Systems 1990 Edition 完整版,本人只有一部分,不全。

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发表于 2010-11-19 10:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江舟山
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-19 12:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏扬州
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发表于 2010-11-22 20:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东烟台
回复 1# snowshinesun

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发表于 2010-11-22 20:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江台州
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-23 08:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏扬州
是啊 ,在网上找了好几天都没找到,只想找一些相关的资料学习学习!
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发表于 2010-11-28 23:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江舟山
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发表于 2011-6-21 10:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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发表于 2011-7-14 12:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 亚太地区
FSS Code - Fire Safety Systems Resolution MSC.98(73) Amended by Resolution MSC.217(82) - Annex - International Code For Fire Safety Systems - Chapter 15 - Inert Gas Systems  
Chapter 15 - Inert Gas Systems
1 Application
. This chapter details the specifications for inert gas systems as required by chapter II-2 of the Convention.

2 Engineering specifications
2.1 General
2.1.1. Throughout this chapter the term cargo tank includes also slop tanks.

2.1.2. The inert gas system referred to in chapter II-2 of the Convention shall be designed, constructed and tested to the satisfaction of the Administration. It shall be so designed see footnote and operated as to render and maintain the atmosphere of the cargo tanks non-flammable at all times, except when such tanks are required to be gas-free. In the event that the inert gas system is unable to meet the operational requirement set out above and it has been assessed that it is impracticable to effect a repair, then cargo discharge, deballasting and necessary tank cleaning shall only be resumed when the "emergency conditions" specified in the Guidelines on inert gas systems are complied with. see footnote

2.1.3. Required functions

The system shall be capable of:

.1. inerting empty cargo tanks by reducing the oxygen content of the atmosphere in each tank to a level at which combustion cannot be supported;

.2. maintaining the atmosphere in any part of any cargo tank with an oxygen content not exceeding 8% by volume and at a positive pressure at all times in port and at sea except when it is necessary for such a tank to be gas-free;

.3. eliminating the need for air to enter a tank during normal operations except when it is necessary for such a tank to be gas-free; and

.4. purging empty cargo tanks of a hydrocarbon gas, so that subsequent gas-freeing operations will at no time create a flammable atmosphere within the tank.

2.2 Component requirements
2.2.1 Supply of inert gas The inert gas supply may be treated flue gas from main or auxiliary boilers. The Administration may accept systems using flue gases from one or more separate gas generators or other sources or any combination thereof, provided that an equivalent standard of safety is achieved. Such systems shall, as far as practicable, comply with the requirements of this chapter. Systems using stored carbon dioxide shall not be permitted unless the Administration is satisfied that the risk of ignition from generation of static electricity by the system itself is minimized. The system shall be capable of delivering inert gas to the cargo tanks at a rate of at least 125% of the maximum rate of discharge capacity of the ship expressed as a volume. The system shall be capable of delivering inert gas with an oxygen content of not more than 5 % by volume in the inert gas supply main to the cargo tanks at any required rate of flow. Two fuel oil pumps shall be fitted to the inert gas generator. The Administration may permit only one fuel oil pump on condition that sufficient spares for the fuel oil pump and its prime mover are carried on board to enable any failure of the fuel oil pump and its prime mover to be rectified by the ship’s crew.

2.2.2 Scrubbers A flue gas scrubber shall be fitted which will effectively cool the volume of gas specified in paragraphs and and remove solids and sulphur combustion products. The cooling water arrangements shall be such that an adequate supply of water will always be available without interfering with any essential services on the ship. Provision shall also be made for an alternative supply of cooling water. Filters or equivalent devices shall be fitted to minimize the amount of water carried over to the inert gas blowers. The scrubber shall be located aft of all cargo tanks, cargo pump-rooms and cofferdams separating these spaces from machinery spaces of category A.

2.2.3 Blowers At least two blowers shall be fitted and be capable of delivering to the cargo tanks at least the volume of gas required by paragraphs and For systems with gas generators, the Administration may permit only one blower if that system is capable of delivering the total volume of gas required by paragraphs and to the protected cargo tanks, provided that sufficient spares for the blower and its prime mover are carried on board to enable any failure of the blower and its prime mover to be rectified by the ship’s crew. The inert gas system shall be so designed that the maximum pressure which it can exert on any cargo tank will not exceed the test pressure of any cargo tank. Suitable shutoff arrangements shall be provided on the suction and discharge connections of each blower. Arrangements shall be provided to enable the functioning of the inert gas plant to be stabilized before commencing cargo discharge. If the blowers are to be used for gas-freeing, their air inlets shall be provided with blanking arrangements. The blowers shall be located aft of all cargo tanks, cargo pump-rooms and cofferdams separating these spaces from machinery spaces of category A.

2.2.4 Water seals The water seal referred to in paragraph shall be capable of being supplied by two separate pumps, each of which shall be capable of maintaining an adequate supply at all times. The arrangement of the seal and its associated fittings shall be such that it will prevent backflow of hydrocarbon vapours and will ensure the proper functioning of the seal under operating conditions. Provision shall be made to ensure that the water seal is protected against freezing, in such a way that the integrity of seal is not impaired by overheating. A water loop or other approved arrangement shall also be fitted to each associated water supply and drainpipe and each venting or pressure-sensing pipe leading to gas-safe spaces. Means shall be provided to prevent such loops from being emptied by a vacuum. The deck water seal and loop arrangements shall be capable of preventing return of hydrocarbon vapours at a pressure equal to the test pressure of the cargo tanks. In respect of paragraph, the Administration shall be satisfied as to the maintenance of an adequate reserve of water at all times and the integrity of the arrangements to permit the automatic formation of the water seal when the gas flow ceases. The audible and visual alarm on the low level of water in the water seal shall operate when the inert gas is not being supplied.

2.3 Installation requirements
2.3.1 Safety measures in the system Flue gas isolating valves

Flue gas isolating valves shall be fitted in the inert gas supply mains between the boiler uptakes and the flue gas scrubber. These valves shall be provided with indicators to show whether they are open or shut, and precautions shall be taken to maintain them gas-tight and keep the seatings clear of soot. Arrangements shall be made to ensure that boiler soot blowers cannot be operated when the corresponding flue gas valve is open. Prevention of flue gas leakage Special consideration shall be given to the design and location of scrubber and blowers with relevant piping and fittings in order to prevent flue gas leakages into enclosed spaces. To permit the safe maintenance, an additional water seal or other effective means of preventing flue gas leakage shall be fitted between the flue gas isolating valves and scrubber or incorporated in the gas entry to the scrubber. Gas regulating valves A gas regulating valve shall be fitted in the inert gas supply main. This valve shall be automatically controlled to close as required in paragraphs It shall also be capable of automatically regulating the flow of inert gas to the cargo tanks unless means are provided to automatically control the speed of the inert gas blowers required in paragraph 2.2.3. The valve referred to in paragraph shall be located at the forward bulkhead of the forward most gas-safe space see footnote through which the inert gas supply main passes. Non-return devices of flue gas At least two non-return devices, one of which shall be a water seal, shall be fitted in the inert gas supply main, in order to prevent the return of hydrocarbon vapour to the machinery space uptakes or to any gas-safe spaces under all normal conditions of trim, list and motion of the ship. They shall be located between the automatic valve required by paragraph and the aftermost connection to any cargo tank or cargo pipeline. The devices referred to in paragraph shall be located in the cargo area on deck. The second device shall be a non-return valve or equivalent capable of preventing the return of vapours or liquids and fitted forward of the deck water seal required in paragraph It shall be provided with positive means of closure. As an alternative to positive means of closure, an additional valve having such means of closure may be provided forward of the non-return valve to isolate the deck water seal from the inert gas main to the cargo tanks. As an additional safeguard against the possible leakage of hydrocarbon liquids or vapours back from the deck main, means shall be provided to permit this section of the line between the valve having positive means of closure referred to in paragraph and the valve referred to in paragraph to be vented in a safe manner when the first of these valves is closed. Automatic shutdown Automatic shutdown of the inert gas blowers and gas regulating valve shall be arranged on predetermined limits being reached in respect of paragraphs, and Automatic shutdown of the gas regulating valve shall be arranged in respect of paragraph Oxygen rich gas

In respect of paragraph, when the oxygen content of the inert gas exceeds 8% by volume, immediate action shall be taken to improve the gas quality. Unless the quality of the gas improves, all cargo tank operations shall be suspended so as to avoid air being drawn into the tanks and the isolation valve referred to in paragraph shall be closed.

2.3.2 Inert gas lines The inert gas main may be divided into two or more branches forward of the non-return devices required by paragraphs 2.2.4 and The inert gas supply main shall be fitted with branch piping leading to each cargo tank. Branch piping for inert gas shall be fitted with either stop valves or equivalent means of control for isolating each tank. Where stop valves are fitted, they shall be provided with locking arrangements, which shall be under the control of a responsible ship’s officer. The control system shall provide unambiguous information of the operational status of such valves. In combination carriers, the arrangement to isolate the slop tanks containing oil or oil residues from other tanks shall consist of blank flanges which will remain in position at all times when cargoes other than oil are being carried except as provided for in the relevant section of the Guidelines on inert gas systems. see footnote Means shall be provided to protect cargo tanks against the effect of overpressure or vacuum caused by thermal variations when the cargo tanks are isolated from the inert gas mains. Piping systems shall be so designed as to prevent the accumulation of cargo or water in the pipelines under all normal conditions. Arrangements shall be provided to enable the inert gas main to be connected to an external supply of inert gas. The arrangements shall consist of a 250 mm nominal pipe size bolted flange, isolated from the inert gas main by a valve and located forward of the non-return valve referred to in paragraph The design of the flange should conform to the appropriate class in the standards adopted for the design of other external connections in the ship’s cargo piping system. If a connection is fitted between the inert gas supply main and the cargo piping system, arrangements shall be made to ensure an effective isolation having regard to the large pressure difference which may exist between the systems. This shall consist of two shutoff valves with an arrangement to vent the space between the valves in a safe manner or an arrangement consisting of a spool-piece with associated blanks. The valve separating the inert gas supply main from the cargo main and which is on the cargo main side shall be a non-return valve with a positive means of closure.

2.4 Operation and control requirements
2.4.1 Indication devices
. Means shall be provided for continuously indicating the temperature and pressure of the inert gas at the discharge side of the gas blowers, whenever the gas blowers are operating.

2.4.2 Indicating and recording devices Instrumentation shall be fitted for continuously indicating and permanently recordingwhen inert gas is being supplied:

.1. the pressure of the inert gas supply mains forward of the non-return devices required by paragraph; and

.2. the oxygen content of the inert gas in the inert gas supply mains on the discharge side of the gas blowers. The devices referred to in paragraph shall be placed in the cargo control room where provided. But where no cargo control room is provided, they shall be placed in a position easily accessible to the officer in charge of cargo operations. In addition, meters shall be fitted:

.1. in the navigation bridge to indicate at all times the pressure referred to in paragraph and the pressure in the slop tanks of combination carriers, whenever those tanks are isolated from the inert gas supply main; and

.2. in the machinery control room or in the machinery space to indicate the oxygen content referred to in paragraph Portable instruments for measuring oxygen and flammable vapour concentration shall be provided. In addition, suitable arrangement shall be made on each cargo tank such that the condition of the tank atmosphere can be determined using these portable instruments. Suitable means shall be provided for the zero and span calibration of both fixed and portable gas concentration measurement instruments, referred to in paragraphs to

2.4.3 Audible and visual alarms For inert gas systems of both the fluegas type and the inert gas generator type, audible and visual alarms shall be provided to indicate:

.1. low water pressure or low water flow rate to the flue gas scrubber as referred to in paragraph;

.2. high water level in the flue gas scrubber as referred to in paragraph;

.3. high gas temperature as referred to in paragraph 2.4.1;

.4. failure of the inert gas blowers referred to in paragraph 2.2.3;

.5. oxygen content in excess of 8% by volume as referred to in paragraph;

.6. failure of the power supply to the automatic control system for the gas regulating valve and to the indicating devices as referred to in paragraphs and;

.7. low water level in the water seal as referred to in paragraph;

.8. gas pressure less than 100 mm water gauge as referred to in paragraph The alarm arrangement shall be such as to ensure that the pressure in slop tanks in combination carriers can be monitored at all times; and

.9. high gas pressure as referred to in paragraph For inert gas systems of the inert gas generator type, additional audible and visual alarms shall be provided to indicate:

.1. insufficient fuel oil supply;

.2. failure of the power supply to the generator; and

.3. failure of the power supply to the automatic control system for the generator. The alarms required in paragraphs, and shall be fitted in the machinery space and cargo control room, where provided, but in each case in such a position that they are immediately received by responsible members of the crew. An audible alarm system independent of that required in paragraph or automatic shutdown of cargo pumps shall be provided to operate on predetermined limits of low pressure in the inert gas main being reached.

2.4.4 Instruction manuals
. Detailed instruction manuals shall be provided on board, covering the operations, safety and maintenance requirements and occupational health hazards relevant to the inert gas system and its application to the cargo tank system. see footnote The manuals shall include guidance on procedures to be followed in the event of a fault or failure of the inert gas system.


Copyright 2009 Lloyd's Register, International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organization or Maritime and Coastguard Agency. All rights reserved. Lloyd's Register, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as the 'Lloyd's Register Group'. The Lloyd's Register Group assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Lloyd's Register Group entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.
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发表于 2011-7-14 12:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 亚太地区
IMO Resolution A.567(14) - Regulation for Inert Gas Systems on Chemical Tankers - (adopted on 20 November 1985) - Annex - Regulation for Inert Gas Systems on Chemical Tankers - Resolution  
1. Inert gas generator systems see footnote shall be designed, constructed and tested to the satisfaction of the Administration. They shall be designed and operated so as to render and maintain the atmosphere of cargo tanks see footnote non-flammable at all times except when such tanks are required to be maintained empty and gas-free. Inert gas systems supplied by one or more oil-fired inert gas generators may be accepted. An Administration may accept systems using inert gas from other sources provided that an equivalent standard of safety is achieved.

2. The systems shall be capable of:

.1. inerting empty cargo tanks by reducing the oxygen content of the atmosphere in each tank to a level at which combustion cannot be supported;

.2. maintaining the atmosphere, in all parts of each cargo tank designated to carry flammable products requiring protection by an inert gas system, with an oxygen content not exceeding 8% by volume and at a positive pressure at all times in port and at sea except when it is necessary for such a tank to be gas-free;

.3. eliminating the need for air to enter a tank during normal operations except when it is necessary for such a tank to be gas-free;

.4. purging empty cargo tanks of flammable vapour, so that subsequent gas-freeing operations will at no time create a flammable atmosphere within the tank.

3.1. The systems shall be capable of delivering inert gas to the cargo tanks at a rate of at least 125% of the maximum rate of discharge capacity of the ship expressed as a volume. An Administration may accept inert gas systems having a lower delivery capacity provided that the maximum rate of discharge of cargoes from cargo tanks being protected by the system is restricted to 80% of the inert gas capacity.

3.2. The systems shall be capable of delivering inert gas with an oxygen content of not more than 5% by volume in the inert gas supply main to the cargo tanks at any required rate of flow.

4.1. Suitable fuel in sufficient quantity shall be provided for the inert gas generators.

4.2. The inert gas generators shall be located outside the cargo tank area as defined in the Bulk Chemical Code and the International Bulk Chemical Code. Spaces containing inert gas generators should have no direct access to accommodation, service or control station spaces, but may be located in machinery spaces. If they are not located in machinery spaces they shall be located in a compartment reserved solely for their use. Such a compartment shall be separated by a gastight steel bulkhead and/or deck from accommodation, service and control station spaces as defined in the Bulk Chemical Code and the International Bulk Chemical Code. Adequate positive-pressure-type mechanical ventilation shall be provided for such a compartment. Access to such compartments located aft shall be only from an open deck outside the cargo tank area. Access shall be located on the end bulkhead not facing the cargo area and/or on the outboard side of the superstructure or deckhouse at a distance of at least 25% of the length of the ship but not less than 5 m from the end of the superstructure or deckhouse facing the cargo area. In the case of such a compartment being located in the forecastle, access shall be through the deckhead forward of the cargo area.

4.3. Inert gas piping systems shall not pass through accommodation, service and control station spaces.

5.1. Means shall be provided which will effectively cool the volume of gas specified in paragraph 3 and remove solids and sulphur combustion products. The cooling water arrangements shall be such that an adequate supply of water will always be available without interfering with any essential services on the ship. Provision shall also be made for an alternative supply of cooling water.

5.2. Filters or equivalent devices shall be fitted to minimize the amount of water carried over to the inert gas main.

6.1. Two air blowers shall be fitted to each inert gas generator, which together shall be capable of delivering to the cargo tanks, required to be protected by the system, at least the volume of gas required by paragraph 3. An Administration may permit only one blower if it is capable of delivering to the protected cargo tanks the total volume of gas required by paragraph 3, provided that sufficient spares for the air blower and its prime mover are carried on board to enable any failure of the air blower and its prime mover to be rectified.

6.2. The inert gas systems shall be so designed that the maximum pressure which they can exert on any cargo tank will not exceed the test pressure of any cargo tank.

6.3. Where more than one inert gas generator is provided, suitable shutoff arrangements shall be provided on the discharge outlet of each generator plant.

6.4. Arrangements shall be made to vent the inert gas to the atmosphere in case the inert gas produced is off-specification, e.g. during starting-up or in case of equipment failure.

6.5. Where inert gas generators are served by positive displacement blowers, a pressure relief device shall be provided to prevent excess pressure being developed on the discharge side of the blower.

7. Two fuel oil pumps shall be fitted to each inert gas generator. An Administration may permit only one fuel oil pump on condition that sufficient spares for the fuel oil pump and its prime mover are carried on board to enable any failure of the fuel oil pump and its prime mover to be rectified by the ship’s crew.

8. A gas regulating valve shall be fitted in the inert gas supply main. This valve shall be automatically controlled to close as required in paragraphs 17.2 and 17.3. It shall also be capable of automatically regulating the flow of inert gas to the cargo tanks unless other means are provided to automatically control the inert gas flow rate.

9.1. At least two nonreturn devices, one of which shall be a water seal, shall be fitted in the inert gas supply main in order to prevent the return of flammable vapour to the inert gas generator and to any gas-safe space under all normal conditions of trim, list and motion of the ship. They shall be located between the automatic valve required by paragraph 8 and the first connection to any cargo tank or cargo pipeline. An Administration may permit an alternative arrangement or device providing a measure of safety equivalent to that of a water seal.

9.2. The devices referred to in paragraphs 9.1 shall be located in the cargo tank area on deck.

9.3. The water seal referred to in paragraph 9.1 shall be capable of being supplied by two separate pumps, each of which shall be capable of maintaining an adequate supply at all times.

9.4. The arrangement of the water seal and its associated provisions shall be such that it will prevent backflow of flammable vapours and will ensure the proper functioning of the water seal under operating conditions.

9.5. Provisions shall be made to ensure that any water seal is protected against freezing, in such a way that the integrity of water seal is not impaired by overheating.

9.6. A water loop or other approved arrangement shall also be fitted to all associated water supply and drain piping and to all venting or pressure sensing piping leading to gas-safe spaces see footnote . Means shall be provided to prevent such loops from being emptied by vacuum.

9.7. Any water seal or equivalent device and all loop arrangements shall be capable of preventing the return of flammable vapours to an inert gas generator at a pressure equal to the test pressure of the cargo tanks.

9.8. The second device shall be a nonreturn valve or equivalent capable of preventing the return of vapours or liquids or both and fitted between the water seal (or the equivalent device) required in paragraph 9.1 and the first connection from the inert gas main to a cargo tank. It shall be provided with positive means of closure. As an alternative to positive means of closure, an additional valve having such means of closure may be provided between the nonreturn valve and the first connection to the cargo tanks to isolate the water seal (or equivalent device).

9.9. As an additional safeguard against the possible leakage of flammable liquids or vapours back from the deck main, means shall be provided to permit this section of the line between the valve having positive means of closure referred to in paragraph 9.8 and the valve referred to in paragraph 8 to be vented in a safe manner when the first of these valves is closed.

10.1. The inert gas main may be divided into two or more branches between the nonreturn devices required by paragraph 9 and the cargo tanks.

10.2. Inert gas supply mains shall be fitted with branch piping leading to each cargo tank designated for the carriage of flammable products required to be inerted by this Regulation. Each cargo tank containing or loading products not required to be inerted shall be separated from the inert gas main by:

.1. removing spool-pieces, valves or other pipe sections, and blanking the pipe ends; or

.2. arrangement of two spectacle flanges in series with provisions for detecting leakage into the pipe between the two spectacle flanges.

10.3. Means shall be provided to protect cargo tanks against the effect of overpressure or vacuum caused by thermal variations when the cargo tanks are isolated from the inert gas mains.

10.4. Piping systems shall be so designed as to prevent the accumulation of cargo or water in the pipelines under all normal conditions.

10.5. Suitable arrangements shall be provided to enable the inert gas main to be connected to an external supply of inert gas.

11. Unless the arrangements for venting of all vapours displaced from the cargo tanks during loading and ballasting comply with the requirements of the BCH and IBC Codes for controlled venting, such arrangements shall comply with regulation II-2/59.1 of SOLAS 1974 as amended and shall consist either of one or more mast risers or of a number of high velocity vents.

12. The arrangements for inerting, purging or gas-freeing of empty tanks as required in paragraph 2 shall be to the satisfaction of the Administration and shall be such that the accumulation of hydrocarbon vapours in pockets formed by the internal structural members in a tank is minimized and that:

.1. on individual cargo tanks the gas outlet pipe, if fitted, shall be positioned as far as practicable from the inert gas/air inlet and in accordance with regulation II-2/ of the 1974 SOLAS Convention as amended, or of the IBC Code. The inlet of such outlet pipes may be located either at deck level or at not more than 1 m above the bottom of the tank;

.2. the cross-sectional area of such gas outlet pipe referred to in subparagraph 12.1 shall be such that an exit velocity of at least 20 m/sec can be maintained when any three tanks are being simultaneously supplied with inert gas. Their outlets shall extend not less than 2 m above deck level. When in accordance with paragraph 3 an Administration permits a system designed to supply only one or two tanks simultaneously, the outlet pipes should be sized such that an exit velocity in the outlet pipes of 20 m/sec can be maintained;

.3. each gas outlet referred to in subparagraph 12.2 shall be fitted with suitable blanking arrangements.

13. Means shall be provided for continuously indicating the temperature and pressure of the inert gas at the discharge side of the system, whenever it is operating.

14.1. Instrumentation shall be fitted for continuously indicating and permanently recording, when the inert gas is being supplied:

.1. the pressure of the inert gas supply mains between the nonreturn devices required by paragraph 9.1 and the cargo tanks; and

.2. the oxygen content of the inert gas in the inert gas supply main.

14.2. The devices referred to in paragraph 14.1 shall be placed in the cargo control room where provided. Where no cargo control room is provided, they shall be placed in a position easily accessible to the officer in charge of cargo operations.

14.3. In addition, meters shall be fitted:

.1. in the navigating bridge to indicate at all times the pressure referred to in paragraph 14.1.1; and

.2. in the machinery control room or in the machinery space to indicate the oxygen content referred to in paragraph 14.1.2.

15. Portable instruments for measuring oxygen and flammable vapour concentration shall be provided. In addition, suitable arrangement shall be made on each cargo tank such that the condition of the tank atmosphere can be determined using these portable instruments.

16. Suitable means shall be provided for the zero and span calibration of both fixed and portable gas concentration measurement instruments, referred to in paragraphs 14 and 15.

17.1. Audible and visual alarms shall be provided to indicate:

.1. low water pressure or low water flow rate to the cooling and scrubbing arrangement referred to in paragraph 5.1;

.2. low fuel supply;

.3. high gas temperature as referred to in paragraph 13;

.4. failure of the power supply to the inert gas generators;

.5. oxygen content in excess of 8 per cent by volume as referred to in paragraph 14.1.2;

.6. failure of the power supply to the indicating devices as referred to in paragraph 14.1 and to the automatic control systems for the gas regulating valve referred to in paragraph 8 and the inert gas generator;

.7. low water level in the water seal as referred to in paragraph 9.1;

.8. gas pressure less than 100 mm water gauge as referred to in paragraph 14.1;

.9. high gas pressure as referred to in paragraph 14.1.1.

17.2. Automatic shutdown of the gas regulating valve and of the fuel oil supply to the inert gas generator shall be arranged on predetermined limits being reached in respect of paragraphs 17.1.1 and 17.1.3.

17.3. Automatic shutdown of the gas regulating valve shall be arranged in respect of paragraph 17.1.4.

17.4. In respect of paragraph 17.1.5, when the oxygen content of the inert gas exceeds 8% by volume, immediate action shall be taken to improve the gas quality. Unless the quality of the inert gas improves, all operations in those tanks to which inert gas is being supplied shall be suspended so as to avoid air being drawn into the tanks. The deck isolation valve referred to in paragraph 9.8 shall be closed and the off-specification gas shall be vented to atmosphere.

17.5. The alarms required in paragraphs 17.1.5, 17.1.6 and 17.1.8 shall be fitted in the machinery space and cargo control room, where provided, but in each case in such a position that they are immediately received by responsible members of the crew. All other alarms required by this paragraph shall be audible to responsible members of the crew either as individual alarms or as a group alarm.

17.6. In respect of paragraph 17.1.7 the Administration shall be satisfied as to the maintenance of an adequate reserve of water at all times and the integrity of the arrangements to permit the automatic formation of the water seal when the gas flow ceases. The audible and visual alarm on the low level of water in the water seal shall operate when the inert gas is not being supplied.

17.7. An audible alarm system independent of that required in paragraph 17.1.8 or automatic shutdown of cargo pumps shall be provided to operate on predetermined limits of low pressure in the inert gas mains being reached.

18. Detailed instruction manuals shall be provided on board, covering the operations, safety and maintenance requirements and occupational health hazards relevant to the inert gas system and its application to the cargo tank system. The manuals shall include guidance on procedures to be followed in the event of a fault or failure of the inert gas system.
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