发表于 2010-8-17 15:03
来自: 中国江苏南京
Reference systems
Besides position and heading, other variables are fed into the DP system through sensors:
Motion Reference Units, Vertical Reference Units or Vertical Reference Sensors, VRU's or MRU's or VRS's, determine the ship's roll, pitch and heave.
Wind sensors are fed into the DP system feed-forward, so the system can anticipate wind gusts before the ship is blown off position.
Draught sensors, since a change of draught influences the effect of wind and current on the hull.
Other sensors depend on the kind of ship. A pipelay ship may measure the force needed to pull on the pipe, large crane vessels will have sensors to determine the cranes position, as this changes the wind model, enabling the calculation of a more accurate model (see Control systems |