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资料共享 今日: 6 |主题: 21297|排名: 3 

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[规范公约] ABS (2013)Part_5c_CSR_Tanker_e-July2012.pdf attachment caelly 2013-11-4 13:45 01030 caelly 2013-11-4 13:45
[规范公约] ABS(2013)SVR_Part_4_e-July13.pdf attachment caelly 2013-11-4 13:38 01064 caelly 2013-11-4 13:38
[规范公约] ABS(2013)SVR_Part_3_e-July13.pdf attachment caelly 2013-11-4 13:36 0999 caelly 2013-11-4 13:36
[规范公约] ABS(2013)Part_2_e-July13.pdf attachment caelly 2013-11-4 13:34 01060 caelly 2013-11-4 13:34
[规范公约] ABS(2013)Part_1_Ships_e-July13 attachment caelly 2013-11-4 13:33 0906 caelly 2013-11-4 13:33
[规范公约] IEC 62061分享(2005) attachment caelly 2013-11-4 13:29 0986 caelly 2013-11-4 13:29
[规范公约] 2008RINA规范 heatlevel agree  ...234 stronglive 2008-3-17 14:00 679497 洋洋得意0580 2013-11-4 09:39
[规范公约] BV 对于管件及管附件材质牌号的明确定义 attachment seamanlww 2013-10-1 11:57 31994 seamanlww 2013-11-2 23:03
[规范公约] GB/T11693-2008代替11693和11694了 attachment 真菌 2010-8-5 21:14 22392 hugh777 2013-11-2 09:01
[规范公约] 海上移动平台入级与建造规范 - [阅读权限 2]attachment playor 2011-6-3 14:27 14106 xl5261 2013-11-1 14:07
[规范公约] 哪位帮帮忙?英文,请进 attach_img 吴刚 2013-10-21 15:48 31493 170015754 2013-11-1 08:57
[规范公约] imo resolutuion a673-16 attachment nwpugaoxin 2013-10-16 09:46 21643 夜之哀伤 2013-10-31 08:29
[规范公约] 钢质海船入级规范修改通报(2013) attachment hylovegj 2013-5-8 19:23 11496 unmost 2013-10-30 22:04
[规范公约] 船体焊缝表面质量检验要求 attachment lonelywalker 2010-8-16 11:21 21309 weizaizaiku 2013-10-30 11:01
[规范公约] 船体结构焊接坡口型式 attachment Anslow 2012-5-29 11:33 31458 weizaizaiku 2013-10-30 10:55
[规范公约] 国际航行船舶消防设备配备表 attachment jiyes1111 2011-5-18 10:24 31760 liulangxin 2013-10-29 14:12
[规范公约] DNV RULE&REGULATION attachment designer_2008 2008-4-21 20:34 31959 sanchen1985 2013-10-28 10:44
[规范公约] GL notation - [售价 2 金币] attachment 老三 2013-10-26 14:41 01468 老三 2013-10-26 14:41
[规范公约] CCS《船用高强度厚板检验指南》2013,无密码水印! attachment hugh777 2013-10-26 00:07 12316 WANGZL 2013-10-26 07:23
[规范公约] 船用克令吊安装工艺规范 attachment  ...234 abv 2008-3-14 15:45 7512735 sunyachu1002 2013-10-24 10:28
[规范公约] GL2011年规范最新版本 attachment heatlevel  ...234 malcolm 2012-5-14 13:48 739241 怒海狂鲨 2013-10-23 18:08
[规范公约] 船体焊接原则工艺规范 attachment  ...2345 xuehu122 2008-3-4 23:49 9112707 sunyu_113 2013-10-15 16:07
[规范公约] 急需一个标准:ISO 5620 谢谢大家了! lwcs 2013-10-12 09:33 01025 lwcs 2013-10-12 09:33
[规范公约] 注册验船师考试资料(轮机部分) attachment heatlevel xiaodi252 2012-3-31 08:10 182477 翔风jaby 2013-10-12 09:14
[规范公约] CCS钢规 - [售价 2 金币] attachment agree 老三 2013-10-10 18:40 01331 老三 2013-10-10 18:40
[规范公约] 圣劳伦斯河航运规则 attachment shipzy 2013-10-10 08:14 01203 shipzy 2013-10-10 08:14
[规范公约] 强力构件开孔 attachment fengruijun19871 2009-5-14 07:26 63134 粤韵 2013-10-7 11:01
[规范公约] IP 等级的划分和解释 attachment agree akiko 2008-5-28 12:17 192770 Money_ZHANG 2013-9-29 13:45
[规范公约] 2013年9月生效的CCS的天然气燃料船舶规范 attachment bigant0119 2013-9-28 09:05 01101 bigant0119 2013-9-28 09:05
[规范公约] 船厂装配图手册(全) attachment dasspiel 2012-5-2 10:24 102371 williamge11 2013-9-27 08:23
[规范公约] LR Rulefinder Stat 9.13(Jan2010) 免费下载 heatlevel  ...2 海上铁匠 2010-12-8 21:49 214661 haijun_w9731 2013-9-24 21:11
[规范公约] 分舱与破舱稳性要求 attachment 爱出者爱返 2010-1-12 13:02 173582 taobinghui 2013-9-23 08:09
[规范公约] 海上高速船入级与建造规范+2012 - [售价 2 金币] attachment wuzhenwei 2013-9-22 21:46 01494 wuzhenwei 2013-9-22 21:46
[规范公约] 船体装配工艺规范 attachment jack358 2009-10-25 04:14 71949 helv217891 2013-9-22 18:33
[规范公约] CCS《检验安全客户指南》2013,无水印密码! attachment hugh777 2013-9-21 20:23 11128 121974041 2013-9-21 21:40
[规范公约] CCS《天然气燃料动力船舶规范》2013,无水印密码! attachment hugh777 2013-9-21 20:24 11831 121974041 2013-9-21 21:38
[规范公约] CCS《油井激活剂(增产剂)船指南》2013,无水印密码! attachment hugh777 2013-9-21 20:25 01205 hugh777 2013-9-21 20:25
[规范公约] MODU2001综合文本(中文WORD文档) attachment heatlevel 朗峰 2011-4-20 14:16 182857 lzx8505 2013-9-20 20:36
[规范公约] 船用柴油机知识 attachment  ...2 hanson1284 2008-7-25 12:13 283465 黄瓜! 2013-9-19 19:46
[规范公约] 国际消防安全系统规则 attachment gonghao 2013-6-18 08:53 41662 gonghao 2013-9-18 13:25
[规范公约] ISO 8861-1998 attachment elijuping 2009-2-24 16:06 82484 wwehjk 2013-9-18 11:28
[规范公约] GL规范-轮机部分 打包下载 attachment 起航 2011-4-7 11:17 122097 lulai12 2013-9-17 18:24
[规范公约] PSPC规范 中英对照版 attachment ycshmax 2011-11-16 09:21 11867 fujian070 2013-9-17 13:22
[规范公约] GL规范 中文版 attachment lihaohao1212 2012-8-15 09:00 32011 lulai12 2013-9-17 12:03
[规范公约] DNV船舶金属材料焊接及试验规范 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 75683950 2009-2-6 10:01 367391 yihong 2013-9-12 10:50
[规范公约] Iso 484-1-1981 船用螺旋桨制造公差 attachment xjf 2013-9-12 07:46 02146 xjf 2013-9-12 07:46
[规范公约] Summary of Status of Convention attachment bookman 2011-7-29 17:54 32718 nwpugaoxin 2013-9-11 16:32
[规范公约] 油舱呼吸阀 attachment changhai 2013-3-13 09:27 31393 maritinliu905 2013-9-9 19:08
[规范公约] ABS船板规范(中文) attachment heatlevel 潘友鹏 2011-5-24 22:30 132589 uiefvwlenqlwcae 2013-9-6 09:54
[规范公约] 第一个PSPC分段表现处理验收总结 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 Kevin_Lu 2009-11-8 14:28 15125552 独有5 2013-9-5 21:42
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