发表于 2011-6-7 21:13
来自: 中国辽宁大连
本帖最后由 goodsteed 于 2011-6-7 23:16 编辑
ISO6954_2000(E)_Mechanical vibration.rar
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ISO6954_Mechanical vibration/2000和1984版的区别
舊版船舶振動法規ISO 6954自1984年發布至今已有19年,應用此規範之新船不計其數,而各國驗船機構於振動舒適方面亦多採用此規範。新版ISO-6954於2000年正式發布,本篇旨在探討新舊ISO 6954在理論上以及量測上的差異性,並利用實船海試的分析結果評估兩者孰嚴孰鬆。
2000年發表之ISO 6954船舶振動規範是由國際標準協會第二副委員會(SC2,mechanical vibration and shock in vehicles and structures)所提出,並與第四副委員會(SC4,human whole-body vibration)所制定的ISO 2631達到一致,解決19年來兩法規的爭端與不一致。也因為如此,ISO 6954船舶振動法規由原先的船體振動(hull vibration)之評估轉變為評估人體於船舶之適居性(vibration regard to habitability),適用範圍也由原先之100公尺以上之商船擴大至旅客船及商船。
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the practical difference between ISO 6954-1984 and ISO 6954-2000. At year 1984, vibration guidelines for merchant ships (ISO 6954:1984)was firstly published. During 19 years, it was applied to thoushands of new ships and was adopteded by classification societies around the world. At the end of year 2000, ISO 6954 was revised and republished. ISO 6954-2000 was proposed by ISO/TC 108 Subcommittee SC2, and it solved the discord with ISO SC4 (human while-body vibration,ISO 2631). Now, ISO 6954 gives the guidelines for evaluating the habitability of different types of ships. In this paper, the new and old standards are compared to comprehend the philosophy of revision. Comparison between new and old ISO 6954 is made by actual ship data as well. |