柴油机大修的一般程序: THE PROCEDURE OF OVERHAULING THE DIESEL ENGINE 1. Dismantle all accessory pipes and carry out deflection and clearance measurement; 拆除所有附属的管件,拐档差测量,间隙测量; 2. Remove cylinder head & piston, and con-rod; 活塞头、缸头和连杆拆除; 3. Clean and Measure piston ,liner ,con-rods and record; 清洁并测量活塞、缸套、连杆并作好记录 4. Remove the engine block and draw out crankshaft ; 拆除机架,吊出曲轴 5. Renew the parts with owner supply if necessary; 如果有需要将船供备件换新; 6. Assemble all parts and tightened all the bolts & nuts in according to standard procedures. 按照标准程序装回所有的部件; 7. Carry out deflection measurement and check bearing clearance; 拐档重新测量和间隙测量; 8. Carry out cleaning crank case ; 曲拐箱清洁; 9. Submits report. 提交报告 |