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发表于 2013-10-23 09:28
来自: 中国浙江舟山
1 压缩空气 compressed air 2 化学分析 chemical analysis 3 抛锚 cast anchor 4 拉锚 cat anchor 5 无障碍泊地 clear anchorage 6 舱口角材,缘围角材 coaming angle 7 曲柄角 crank angle 8 关闭装置 closing appliance 9 液货舱甲板区 cargo tank of area 10 断面缩率 contraction (or reduction) of area 11 曲柄臂 crank arm 12 渗碳装甲 cemented armour 13 复装甲 compound armour 14 止裂设施 crack arrester 15 清洁压舱水 clean ballast 16 绞盘棒 capstan bar 17 煤驳[船] coal barge 18 绞盘筒 capstan barrel 19 缸筒 cylinder barrel 20 货舱侧垫材 cargo (or hold) batten 21 梁弧高,梁拱高 camber (or round-up) of beam 22 斜梁 cant beam 23 呼铃 call bell 24 连接弯管 connecting bend 25 冷弯试验,常温弯曲试验 cold bending test 26 绞盘柱 carrick (or windlass) bitt 27 吊锚滑车 cat block 28 链滑车 chain block 29 帆布艇 canvas boat 30 货船 cargo boat 31 冷藏船 cold storage boat 32 可折小艇 collapsible boat 33 燃煤锅炉 coal burning (or firing) boiler 34 盘管锅炉 coil boiler 35 横管锅炉 cross tube boiler 36 防松螺栓 check bolt 37 圆头槽螺栓 circular head grooved bolt 38 紧箝螺栓,结合螺栓 clenched (or clinched) bolt 39 联结螺栓 coupling bolt 40 缸底 cylinder bottom 41 电缆箱 cable box 42 接线盒 cable joint box 43 导线管接合箱 conduit box 44 接线箱 connecting (or connection) box 45 断流器盒 cut-out box 46 电缆架 cable bracket 47 曲柄轴衬 crank brass 48 连桥 connecting bridge 49 碳[精]刷 carbon brush 50 煤斗 coal bucket 51 中线舱壁 center line bulkhead 52 防碰舱壁 collision bulkhead 53 波形舱壁 corrugated bulkhead 54 煤舱 coal bunker 55 横燃料舱 cross bunker 56 C重油 bunker C 57 浮[力中]心 center of buoyancy 58 房舱,舱间 cabin 59 船长室 captain's cabin (or room) 60 室内罗经 cabin compass 61 特等房舱 cabin de luxe 62 套房舱 cabin en suite 63 房舱乘客 cabin passenger 64 房舱布置图 cabin plan 65 房舱用具间 cabin store 66 舱壁通风器 cabin wall ventilator 67 1)粗缆 2)锚缆 3)电缆 4)索(长度单位) cable 68 链索,锚链 chain cable 69 同心电缆 concentric cable 70 缆箍 cable band 71 电缆箱 cable box 72 电缆架 cable bracket 73 电缆夹,线夹 cable clamp 74 穿线环围,线孔线围 cable coaming 75 制索器 cable compressor 76 线控潜水研究载具 cable-controlled under- water research vehicles (CURV) 77 1)缆筒 2)电缆滚动条 cable drum (or reel) 78 电缆槽,电缆沟 cable duct 79 电缆握套,电缆紧线器 cable grip (or gripper) 80 电缆挂钩,电缆吊架 cable hanger 81 绞缆装置 cable hauling gear 82 索夹 cable holder 83 接线盒 cable joint box 84 布缆船 cable layer 85 电缆收布机(海底电缆) cable picking and laying machine 86 缆索道板 cable plate 87 绳索位置测定器 cable position sensor 88 电缆架 cable rack 89 电缆卷盘 cable reel 90 电缆护套 cable sheath 91 布缆工作船 cable ship 92 电缆插座 cable socket 93 锚链扣 cable (or chain, or bow) stopper (or controller, or clench) 94 电缆舱 cable tank 95 电缆沟 cable trench 96 绞缆盘 cable winch 97 胶包电缆 cabtyre (or captire) cable 98 实习生,海军学生 cadet 99 计算机辅助工程 CAE (= computer aided engineering) 100 笼形铠装电缆 caged armor cable 101 笼形桅 cage mast 102 笼式转子感应马达 cage-rotor induction motor 103 1)沉箱 2)坞门 caisson 104 钙卤水,钙盐 calcium brine 105 校准杆 calibrating (or proving) lever 106 校准 calibration 107 卡钳 caliper (or calliper) 108 捻缝工 calker (or caulker) 109 捻缝 calking (or caulking) 110 捻缝凿 calking chisel 111 捻缝工具 calking tool 112 口笛 call (or pipe) 113 呼铃 call bell 114 呼铃指示器 call bell indicator 115 呼唤系统 call bell system 116 呼号 call sign 117 CBS溶接 CALM (= catenary anchor leg mooring) 118 [平]静海[面] calm sea 119 平静无风,零级风 calm wind 120 卡[路里](热量单位) calorie (or calory) 121 热容量 calorific capacity 122 热值 calorific value 123 热水器 calorifier 124 1)热量计 2)蒸汽干度计 calorimeter 125 渗铝[防滫法] calorizing 126 凸轮 cam 127 军舰,战舰 cambatant vessel 128 弧高,拱高 camber 129 弧面角 camber angle 130 弧面曲线 camber line 131 梁弧高,梁拱高 camber (or round-up) of beam 132 下水滑道弧高 camber of launching wag 133 弧度比 camber ratio 134 凸轮间隙 cam clearance 135 凸轮线图 cam diagram 136 1)码头护木 2)浮柜 camel 137 凸轮从动件 cam follower 138 凸轮杆 cam lever 139 凸轮机构 cam mechanism 140 凸轮运动齿条 cam movement rack 141 凸轮环 cam ring 142 凸轮滚子 cam roller 143 凸轮滚子导具 cam roller guide 144 凸轮轴 cam shaft 145 凸轮 cam wheel 146 加拿大航运法规 Canada shipping act 147 运河 canal 148 运河驳船 canal barge 149 两端开口坞建造法 canal dock building system 150 闭口导索器 canal fair leader 151 运河闸门 canal lock 152 运河[辅助]舵 canal rudder 153 运河吨位 canal tonnage 154 罐形浮标 can buoy 155 藤床垫 cane shaving mattress 156 吊桶钩 can hook 157 发射筒 canister launcher 158 罐头工作船 canning factory ship 159 独木舟 canoe 160 小艇天遮,遮篷 canopy 161 卡诺循环 Canot cycle 162 艉突部 cant (or counter) 163 斜梁 cant beam 164 艉突部 cant body 165 斜肋骨 cant frame 166 悬臂梁 cantilever beam 167 悬臂肋系船 cantilever framed ship 168 [翼]肩船 cantilever tank (or topside tank) 169 筒形燃烧室 can-type chamber 170 帆布 canvas 171 帆布艇 canvas boat 172 载货帆布袋 canvas cargo bag 173 防浪幕 canvas dodger 174 帆布软管 canvas hose 175 帆布幕 canvas screen 176 帆布工作,帆布制品 canvas work 177 1)帽 2)盖 cap 178 电容 capacitance 179 电容器 capacitor 180 1)容量 2)能力 capacity 181 装载量 carrying capacity 182 容量曲线 capacity curve 183 体积船 capacity governed vessel 184 容量图 capacity plan 185 体积船 capacity pursuit vessel 186 容积船 capacity vessel 187 毛细管现象 capillarity 188 毛细管 capillarity tube 189 表面张力波 capillary wave 190 主力舰 capital ship 191 盖形螺帽 cap nut 192 翻覆 capsizing 193 1)绞盘 2)起锚机 capstan 194 绞盘棒 capstan bar 195 绞盘筒 capstan barrel 196 船长,舰长 captain 197 船长甲板 captain deck 198 船长船桥 captain's bridge 199 船长室 captain's cabin (or room) 200 泡浮艇,边墙式气垫船 capture bubble air craft 201 [浸水式]乙炔发生器 carbide to water gas generator 202 碳弧 carbon arc 203 碳弧切割 carbon arc cutting 204 碳[极电]弧熔焊 carbon arc welding 205 碳[精]刷 carbon brush 206 二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide fire extinguisher 207 二氧化碳冷冻机 carbon dioxide machine 208 碳极 carbon electrode 209 碳纤维强化塑料 carbonfiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) 210 碳精填料,碳精迫紧 carbon gland (or ring) 211 碳刷夹,碳极夹 carbon holder 212 二氧化碳冷冻机 carbonic acid (or CO2 ) machine 213 碳精填料,碳精迫紧 carbon packing 214 碳精迫紧圈,碳精垫圈 carbon packing ring 215 碳精棒 carbon rod 216 碳钢 carbon steel 217 四氯化碳灭火器 carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher 218 汽车兼散装货船 car/bulk carrier 219 汽化器,化油器 carbureter 220 渗碳法 carburization 221 汽车[运输]船 car carrier 222 车辆甲板 car deck 223 基点 cardinal points 224 船身倾侧检修 careen 225 车辆渡船 car ferry 226 车辆浮桥,车驳船 car float 227 货物 cargo 228 货舱侧垫材 cargo (or hold) batten ( or sparring) 229 吊货滑车 cargo block 230 货船 cargo boat 231 吊货杆 cargo boom 232 吊货链 cargo chain 233 吊货灯 cargo cluster 234 载货量 cargo dead weight 235 装货舷门 cargo door 236 装卸货滚动条 cargo drop reel 237 吊货索 cargo fall 238 货物装卸装置 cargo gear 239 货物装卸 cargo handling 240 货舱口 cargo hatch 241 货舱口 cargo hatchway 242 货舱 cargo hold 243 吊货钩 cargo hook 244 [装卸]货[照明]灯 cargo lamp 245 货物升降机 cargo lift 246 装卸货照明灯 cargo light 247 吊货网 cargo net 248 货油 cargo oil 249 货油管 cargo oil pipe 250 货油泵 cargo oil pump 251 货油舱 cargo oil tank 252 托货板 cargo pallet 253 货物装载图 cargo plan 254 装货舷门 cargo port 255 液货泵 cargo pump 256 安全吊货钩 cargo safety hook 257 货船 cargo ship 258 货船安全结构证书 cargo ship safety construction certificate 259 货船安全设备证书 cargo ship safety equipment certificate 260 货船安全无线电报证书 cargo ship safety radiotelegraphy certificate 261 货船安全无线电话证书 cargo ship safety radiotelephony certificate 262 吊货索 cargo sling 263 装货空间 cargo space 264 货轮 cargo steamer 265 液货舱甲板区 cargo tank of area 266 货船 cargo vessel 267 吊货绞机 cargo winch 268 吊货索 cargo wire 269 吊货钢索 cargo wire rope 270 吊货索具 cargo wire runner 271 局部加强[短]梁 carling (or caline) 272 局部加强梁水平腋板 carling knee 273 木工 carpenter 274 木螺钻 carpenter ring auger 275 出厂证书 carpenter's certificate 276 木工工作间 carpenter's shop 277 木工库 carpenter's store 278 木工库 carpenter's store room 279 木工用品 carpenter's stores 280 木工工作 carpenter work 281 地毯 carpet 282 通道地毯 carpet runner 283 绞盘柱 carrick (or windlass) bitt 284 1)运输船 2)航空母舰 carrier 285 舱口梁承座 carrier of shifting beam 286 装载量 carrying capacity 287 救生艇容载量 carrying capacity of life boat 288 搬运船 carrying vessel 289 装饰镜板 cartouche panel 290 熔线筒,管形熔线 cartridge fuse 291 [西班牙,葡萄牙人的]轻快帆船 carvel (or caravel) 292 平铺法(小艇壳板) carvel built 293 串行,翼列,梯级 cascade 294 梯级放大器(电) cascade amplifier 295 阶迭组合系统 cascade combination system 296 梯级接法 cascade connection 297 梯列控制 cascade control 298 翼列效应 cascade effect 299 串行柜 cascade tank 300 翼列风洞 cascade tunnel 301 翼列转角 cascade turning angle 302 串行焊接顺序 cascade welding sequence 303 表面渗碳法 case carburization 304 表面硬化 case hardening 305 1)壳套,罩棚 2)护井套管(钻油台) casing 306 1)铸件 2)铸造 cast 307 1)铸锚 2)抛锚 cast anchor 308 铸造叶片 cast blade 309 铸件 casting 310 离心铸件 centrifugal casting 311 冷硬[面]铸件 chilled casting 312 铸铁 cast iron 313 堡形螺帽 castle nut 314 铸钢 cast steel 315 海难事故 casualty 316 计算机辅助试验 CAT (= computer aided testing) 317 硬化剂,触媒剂(FRP) catalyzer (or hardener) 318 双[胴]体船 catamaran 319 拉锚 cat anchor 320 起飞弹射器 catapult 321 吊锚滑车 cat block 322 挡器,掣子 catch 323 水汽分离器 catch water 324 吊锚杆 cat (or anchor) davit 325 部门,种类 category 326 悬垂法锚泊(钻油台) catenary anchor leg mooring (CALM) 327 悬垂系泊(钻油台) catenary mooring 328 吊锚索 cat fall 329 吊锚杆 cat head 330 阴极耦合器(电) cathode follower (or cathode coupled stage) 331 阴极[射线]示波器 cathode rag oscilloscope (or cathode rag oscillograph) 332 阴极射线[高频]测向仪 cathode-ray h.f. direction finder 333 阴极射线管 cathode-ray tube (CRT) 334 阴极防蚀 cathodic protection 335 牲口船 cattle carrier 336 牲口船 cattle ship 337 天桥,窄道 cat walk 338 捻缝工 caulker (or calker) 339 捻缝 caulking (or calking) 340 捻缝凿 caulking chisel 341 填隙槽 caulking groove 342 捻缝锤 caulking hammer 343 捻缝木锤 caulking mallet 344 填隙片 caulking piece 345 填隙条 caulking strip 346 捻缝工具 caulking tool 347 栈桥 cause-way 348 碱脆性 caustic brittleness 349 碱性脆化 caustic embrittlement 350 空蚀,汽泡现象 cavitation 351 空泡控制 cavitation control 352 空[泡冲]蚀 cavitation errosion 353 空泡噪音 cavitation noise 354 空蚀数 cavitation number 355 空蚀试验槽 cavitation tunnel (or tank) 356 窝,凹,汽泡 cavity 357 板条垫单面潜弧焊法 CBS (= contact bar submerged arc welding) 358 清洁压舱水舱 CBT (= clean bullest tank ) 359 连续控制 CC (= continuous control) 360 防蚀控制 CC (= corrosion control) 361 连续铸造 CC (= continuous casting) 362 残余碳素 CCR (= conradson carbon residue) 363 1)舱底板 2)天花板 3)内衬板 4)垫材 ceiling 364 密接垫材 close ceiling 365 吊扇 ceiling fan 366 吊灯 ceiling lamp 367 电池 cell 368 窖层甲板(钻油台) cellar deck (or floor) 369 [货柜]导槽 cell guide 370 槽架式货柜储放 cell-type container stowage 371 醋酸纤维 cellular cellose acetate (C.C.A.) 372 格子[二]重底 cellular double bottom 373 赛璐珞 celluloid 374 醋酸纤维素发泡材 cellulose acetate foam 375 纤维填料 cellulose filler 376 摄氏温度计 celsius (or centigrade) thermometer 377 1)水泥 2)胶结剂 cement 378 1)渗碳 2)胶结 cementation 379 渗碳法 cementation process 380 水泥堵漏箱 cement box 381 水泥运输船 cement carrier 382 渗碳装甲 cemented armour 383 渗碳装甲板 cemented armour plate 384 渗碳钢 cemented steel 385 水泥工 cementer 386 胶结[材]料 cementing material 387 水泥拌浇装置 cementing unit 388 水泥涂刷 cement wash 389 水泥工作 cement work 390 1)中心 2)顶尖 center (or centre) 391 垂板龙骨 center board 392 中线分隔 center devision 393 CFRC型索芯,中心含线缆芯 center fit wire rope core (CFRC) 394 中心规 center gauge 395 中线纵梁 center girder 396 对中[线],定心 centering 397 中线内龙骨 center keelson 398 中线 center line 399 中线舱壁 center line bulkhead 400 中线内龙骨 center line keelson
401 中线板列 center line strake 402 中线贯通板 center line through plate 403 浮[力中]心 center of buoyancy 404 曲率中心 center of curvature 405 圆标中心(干舷) center of disc 406 作用中心 center of effort 407 浮面中心 center of floatation 408 重心 center of gravity 409 冲击中心 center of impact 410 侧向阻力中心 center of lateral resistance 411 质[量中]心 center of mass 412 摆动中心 center of oscillation 413 撞心 center of percussion 414 压力中心 center of pressure 415 中心冲 center punch 416 中间转子 center roller 417 中央轴 center shaft 418 测心规,测心矩 center square 419 中心舱 center tank 420 百分泊 centipoise 421 中央暖气系统 central calorifier system 422 中央控制台 central console 423 中央控制室 central control room 424 中央控制系统 central control system 425 中央导索器 central fair leader 426 中央暖气系统 central heating system 427 集中控制 centralized control 428 中心纵剖面 central lateral plane 429 中央润滑 central lubrication 430 中央测量系统(自动化) central measuring system 431 中央系泊系统 central mooring system 432 中央动力站 central power station 433 中央处理机(计算机) central processing unit (CPU) 434 中[心]线 centre line 435 载重线圈中心(干舷) centre of disc 436 旋转中心 centre of rotation 437 离心铸件 centrifugal casting 438 离心式离合器 centrifugal clutch 439 离心压缩机 centrifugal compressor 440 离心式风扇,离心式鼓风机 centrifugal fan 441 离心力 centrifugal force 442 离心调速器 centrifugal governor 443 离心润滑器 centrifugal lubricator 444 离心净油机 centrifugal oil purifier 445 离心泵 centrifugal pump 446 离心分离器 centrifugal separator 447 离心应力 centrifugal stress 448 离心分离器 centrifuge (or cen- trifuger) 449 向心力 centripetal force 450 陶瓷电容器 ceramic condensor 451 证书 certificate 452 船级证书 classification cer- tificate 453 结关证书 clearance certificate 454 船舶国籍证书 certificate of ship's nationality 455 船舶检验证书 certificate of ship's (or vessel's) survey 456 合格安全型式器具 certified safe type apparatus 457 CFRC型索芯 CFRC (= center fit wire rope core) 458 磨损,擦损 chafing 459 防擦垫 chafing mat 460 防擦条 chafing piece (or rod) 461 防擦板 chafing plate 462 防擦条 chafing strip 463 链,链条 chain 464 吊货链 cargo chain 465 链杆 chain bar 466 链滑车 chain block 467 链煞 chain brake 468 链索,锚链 chain cable 469 制链器 chain cable compressor ( or controller) 470 锚链试验室 chain cable proving house 471 链条输送机 chain conveyer 472 链驱动 chain drive 473 链盘,链筒 chain drum 474 定链眼板 chain eye plate 475 链传动装置 chain gearing 476 链条加煤机 chain grate stroker 477 链吊车 chain hoist 478 链钩 chain hook 479 并列断续填角焊接 chain intermittent fillet welds 480 链用钢铁,链环 chain iron 481 拉系链扣 chain lashing device 482 链线(制图) chain line 483 锚链舱 chain locker 484 锚链管 chain pipe 485 定链眼板 chain (or channel) plate 486 并[列]铆[接] chain riveting 487 链工场 chain shop 488 吊链 chain sling 489 链[条]用钢 chain steel 490 锚链扣 chain stopper 491 链条试验机 chain testing machine 492 链管钳 chain tongs 493 并列焊接 chain welding 494 链轮 chain wheel (or gypsy wheel) 495 椅 chair 496 粉末渗透探伤法 chalk test 497 室,空间 chamber 498 去角 chamfer 499 去角缘 chamfer edge 500 去角机 chamfering machine 501 变换齿轮 change gear 502 潮差 change of tide 503 换向开关 change over switch 504 变换阀 change over valve 505 变换器 changer 506 水道,海峡 channel 507 槽型材,U型材 channel bar 508 海峡船 channel steamer 509 特性曲线 characteristic curve 510 特性阻抗 characteristic impedance 511 木炭铁 charcoal iron 512 木炭炼生铁 charcoal pig iron 513 1)充电 2)电荷 3)充气 4)进料 charge 514 给气压力 charged air pressure 515 给气温度 charged air temperature 516 填充阀,充气阀 charge valve 517 1)充添 2)充电 charging 518 充放电盘 charging and discharging board 519 充电设备 charging equipment 520 充填压力(气压检查法) charging pressure 521 充电间 charging room 522 充电[用]配电板 charging switchboard 523 沙比冲击试验 Charpy impact test 524 1)海图 2)图表 chart 525 包租 charter 526 租船者,租船主 charterer 527 租船市场 charter market 528 用船契约,用船契约书 charter party 529 海图室 chart house (or room) 530 海图灯 chart lamp 531 海图架 chart rack 532 海图桌 chart table 533 海图镇纸 chart weight 534 螺纹刀 chaser 535 螺纹刀具 chasing tool 536 防松螺栓 check bolt 537 网纹板 checkered plate 538 制动舵柄 check helm 539 校对线 check line 540 校对标志 check mark 541 锁[紧螺]帽,并紧螺帽 check (or jam, or lock) nut 542 锁销 check pin 543 防松板 check plate 544 限制环 check (or limiting) ring 545 防松索 check rope 546 止回阀 check valve 547 化学分析 chemical analysis 548 化学品船 chemical carrier (or tanker) 549 化学清洗 chemical cleaning 550 化学清洗泵 chemical cleaning pump 551 化学干燥器(剂),化学脱水器(剂) chemical dehydrator 552 化学热渍硬焊 chemical dip brazing 553 化学灭火器 chemical fire extinguisher 554 [指示距离]化学灯 chemical light 555 膜状化合物 chemical membrane compounds 556 化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand (COD) 557 化学液体船 chemical tanker 558 化学测深管 chemical tube 559 网纹板 chequered plate 560 网纹管 chequered tube 561 樱红热 cherry red heat 562 内务箱,衣箱 chest 563 衣柜 chest of drawers 564 人字形 chevron pointing 565 厨师长,大厨 chief cook 566 1)总工程师 2)轮机长 chief engineer 567 渔捞长 chief fisherman 568 大副 chief mate (or chief officer, or first officer) 569 报务主任 chief (or chief wireless) operator 570 事务长 chief steward 571 冷硬,骤冻 chill 572 冷硬[面]铸件 chill casting 573 骤冻货物 chilled cargo 574 冷硬[面]铸件 chilled casting 575 冷凝模板 chill plate 576 骤冻室 chill room (or chilling room, or chamber) 577 背材(焊接) chill strip 578 中国验船中心 China corporation register of shipping (CR) 579 缘线,棱线 chine (or chine line) 580 脊索 chine line 581 棱型船 chine type ship 582 捻缝凿 chinsing iron 583 木屑[运输]船 chip carrier 584 凿刀 chipper 585 1)凿平 2)敲凿 chipping 586 凿平与轻敲工具 chipping and peening tool 587 平錾,敲錾 chipping chisel 588 錾锤 chipping hammer 589 凿平工具 chipping tool 590 凿,錾 chisel 591 尖嘴凿,尖嘴錾 cross cut chisel 592 氯化橡胶涂料 chlorinated rubber paint 593 1)导索器 2)座垫 chock 594 抗流线圈 chocking coil 595 机座垫板 chock liner 596 导索滚子 chock roller 597 阻气阀 choke valve 598 抗流线圈 choking coil 599 切股毡(FRP) chopped strand mat 600 截波器 chopper 601 短急浪 chopping sea 602 弦节 chordal pitch 603 弦长 chord length 604 叶片弦 chord of blade 605 翼弦 chord of foil 606 1)井顶控制阀组(钻油台) 2)锚索导向装置(挖泥船) Christmas tree 607 镀铬气缸内衬 chrome plated cylinder liner 608 镀铬 chrome plating 609 铬钢 chrome steel 610 铬钒钢 chrome vanadium steel 611 测时计 chronograph 612 天文钟,船钟 chronometer 613 夹头 chuck 614 滑槽 chute 615 煤渣 cinder 616 中央监视 cintralized monitoring 617 电路 circuit 618 断路器 circuit breaker 619 线路图 circuit diagram 620 断路装置 circuit interrupting device 621 轮齿倾斜角(减速齿轮) circular angle of obliquity 622 圆弧形背[面] circular back 623 圆头槽螺栓 circular head grooved bolt 624 弧度法 circular measure 625 圆密尔 circular mil 626 圆轨运动试验 circular motion test (CMT) 627 圆周节 circular (or circumfer- ential) pitch 628 圆锯 circular saw 629 圆弧形断面 circular section 630 循环,环流 circulating 631 循环润滑 circulating lubrication 632 循环泵 circulating pump 633 循环水 circulating water 634 循环水过滤器 circulating water strainer 635 环流水槽 circulating water tank 636 循环,环流 circulation 637 周围接头 circumferential joint 638 周节 circumferential pitch 639 周缝 circumferential seam 640 水箱 cistern 641 中部甲板室 citadel deck house 642 翼门阀 clack valve 643 护面材料 clad material 644 护面钢 clad steel 645 夹器,钳 clamp 646 夹紧螺钉 clamping screw 647 夹[紧]圈 clamp ring 648 澄清器 clarifier 649 克拉克循环 Clark cycle 650 克拉克引擎 Clark engine 651 船级 class 652 入级船 class boat 653 船级证书 classification certificate 654 耐冰航行船级 classification for ice strengthening 655 船级协会 classification society 656 船级检验 classification survey 657 船级材 class material 658 船级符号 class notation 659 波高等级 class of wave height 660 克劳西斯循环 Clausius cycle 661 爪形离合器 claw clutch 662 爪形联结器 claw coupling 663 爪锤,拔钉锤 claw hammer 664 隔热板 cleading 665 清洁压舱水 clean ballast 666 清洁压舱水舱 cleaning ballast tank (CBT) 667 清炉 cleaning fire 668 污秽因子(热交换器) cleanliness (or fouling) factor 669 给水过滤器 cleanser (or feed filter) 670 间隙,余隙 clearance 671 凸轮间隙 cam clearance 672 余隙调整器 clearance adjuster 673 余隙角 clearance angle 674 结关证书 clearance certificate 675 余隙因子 clearance factor 676 余隙配合 clearance fit 677 迫紧间隙 clearance for packing 678 测隙规 clearance gage 679 余隙存气 clearance gas 680 穿通孔,出砂孔 clearance hole 681 余隙线 clearance line 682 余隙损失 clearance loss 683 绝缘间隙 clearance of insulation 684 余隙穴 clearance pocket 685 余隙比 clearance ratio 686 余隙空间 clearance space 687 余隙容积 clearance volume 688 无障碍泊地 clear anchorage 689 解链钩,制缆器 clear hawse pipe (or slip ) 690 无支柱货舱 clear hold 691 洁油机 clearifier 692 回旋窗 clear view screen 693 全开阀 clear way valve 694 系索扣 cleat (or belaying cleat) 695 紧箝螺栓,结合螺栓 clenched (or clinched) bolt 696 帆耳 clew 697 帆耳索圈 clew cringle 698 绞帆滑车 clew garnet 699 绞帆索 clew line 700 渣,熔结块 clinker 701 鱼鳞迭接 clinker built 702 鱼鳞板(木船) clinker plank 703 鱼鳞板(钢船) clinker plating 704 鳞状搭接 clinker system (or clinker built) 705 测斜仪 clinometer 706 夹,短角铁 clip 707 夹箍连接,短角铁连接 clip connection 708 紧贴端 clip end 709 夹箍钩 clip hook 710 快速帆船 clipper 711 弯曲伸出艏,飞剪式艏 clipper stem 712 衣帽间 cloak room 713 密接垫材 close ceiling 714 密闭灰坑 closed ash pit 715 锐斜角 closed bevel 716 通路(电) closed circuit 717 闭合循环 closed cycle 718 密闭排气 closed exhaust 719 密闭排气阀 closed exhaust valve 720 闭口导索器 closed (or canal) fairleader 721 封密给水系统 closed feed system 722 密闭锅炉舱 closed fire room (or closed-stoke hold) 723 密闭式推力[轴]承 closed type thrust bearing 724 紧密配合 close fit 725 迎风航行 close-hauled 726 紧密铆[接] close riveting 727 最接近点 closest point of approach (CPA) 728 紧工作配合 close working fit 729 关闭装置 closing appliance 730 封闭接头(焊接) closing joint 731 密闭板 closing piece 732 封闭板 closing plate 733 最后焊接板列 closing strake 734 封闭焊接 closing weld 735 云状空化 cloud cavitation 736 吊货灯 cluster lamp 737 离合器 clutch 738 爪形离合器 claw clutch 739 锥形离合器 cone clutch 740 离合器箱 clutch case (or box) 741 离合[联结]器 clutch coupling 742 离合磁铁,磁铁离合器 clutch magnet 743 离合器板 clutch plate 744 圆周运动试验 CMT (= circular motion test) 745 二氧化碳冷冻机 co2 machine 746 马车螺钉 coach screw 747 弓形弹簧 coach spring 748 煤 coal 749 焦煤 coking coal (or coke) 750 燃煤船 coal-fired vessel 751 煤袋 coal bag 752 煤驳[船] coal barge 753 煤斗 coal basket 754 碎煤机 coal beater 755 煤舱 coalbin 756 手推煤车 coal borrow 757 煤箱 coal box 758 煤斗 coal bucket 759 煤舱 coal bunker 760 燃煤锅炉 coal burning (or firing) boiler 761 燃煤船 coal burning vessel 762 运煤船 coal carrier (or collier) 763 输煤槽,输煤管 coal chute (or shoot) 764 耗煤量 coal consumption 765 碎煤机 coal crusher 766 给煤器 coal feeder 767 燃煤锅炉 coal firing boiler 768 煤锤 coal hammer 769 装煤舱口 coal hatch (or scuttle) 770 装煤舱口 coal hatchway (or scuttle ) 771 升煤机 coal hoist 772 煤漏斗 coal hopper 773 装煤港 coaling port 774 起煤绞机 coaling winch 775 量煤器 coal measure 776 磨煤机 coal mill 777 碳油混合物 coal oil mixture (COM) 778 加煤手 coal passer (or trimmer) 779 装煤口 coal port 780 煤筛 coal screen 781 煤舱口 coal scuttle 782 输煤槽,输煤管 coal shoot (or chute) 783 煤铲 coal shovel 784 煤?,柏油,煤焦油 coal tar 785 煤焦环氧漆 coal tar epoxy 786 1)缘围 2)导水板 3)穿线环 coaming 787 舱口角材,缘围角材 coaming angle 788 缘围板 coaming plate 789 缘围加强肋 coaming stiffener 790 粗螺纹 coarse pitch thread 791 海防舰 coast defense ship 792 海防舰艇 coast defense vessel 793 海岸巡防队 coast guard 794 沿海区域 coasting area 795 沿海航行 coasting service 796 沿岸航行船 coasting service vessel 797 沿海船 coasting vessel (or coaster) 798 海岸巡防艇,海岸巡逻艇 coast patrol boat 799 海岸无线电台 coast radio station 800 包覆[电]焊条,涂料[电]焊条 coated electrode
901 碳油混合体 COM (= coal oil mixture) 902 战情中心 combat information center (CIC) 903 多元散装货轮 combination bulk carrier 904 混载船 combination carrier 905 联合控制,组合控制 combination control 906 组合加热器 combination heater 907 组合机械 combination machinery 908 混式涡轮机 combination turbine 909 有根轮叶 combined blade 910 复合循环 combined cycle 911 柴油燃气涡轮复合机 combined diesel and/or gas turbine (CODAG) 912 柴油燃气涡轮组合机 combined diesel on gas turbine (CODOG) 913 合并效率 combined efficiency 914 复合燃气涡轮机 combined gas turbine and/or gas turbine (COGAG) 915 组合燃气涡轮机 combined gas turbine or gas turbine (COGOG) 916 组合冲动[式]涡轮机 combined impulse turbine 917 合成应力,组合应力 combined stress 918 复合涡轮机 combined turbine 919 复合阀 combined valve 920 混构系统 combine system 921 燃烧损失 combustible loss 922 可燃材料 combustible material 923 燃烧 combustion 924 完全燃烧 complete combustion 925 燃烧室 combustion chamber 926 燃烧爆震 combustion knock 927 燃烧压力 combustion pressure 928 燃烧率 combustion rate 929 燃烧记录器 combustion recorder 930 燃烧速率 combustion speed 931 燃烧冲程 combustion stroke 932 燃烧温度 combustion temperature 933 燃烧器 combustor 934 确认试验 comfirmation test 935 指挥管制中心 command control center (CCC) 936 指挥官,舰长,司令 commander 937 商船 commercial ship 938 共通台座 common bed 939 共通污水管 common bilge piping 940 普通链环 common link 941 共通件 common piece 942 共通构件表 common piece table 943 普通滑动阀 common slide valve 944 通讯箱,旗箱 communication box 945 连络管,通话筒 communication pipe 946 通讯管 communication tube 947 连通阀 communication valve 948 整流,换向 commutation 949 换向器,整流子 commutator 950 整流[式]马达 commutator motor 951 升降口 companion 952 升降舱口 companion hatch 953 升降梯 companion ladder 954 升降口 companion way 955 比测仪 comparater 956 舱区,舱 compartment 957 舱间布置,舱区布置 compartmentation 958 罗经 compass 959 室内罗经 cabin compass 960 罗经校正 compass adjustment 961 罗经方位角 compass bearing 962 罗经盆 compass bowl 963 罗经台 compass bridge 964 罗经面,罗经 compass card (or dial) 965 罗经航向 compass course 966 罗经甲板 compass deck 967 罗经面,罗盘 compass dial (or card) 968 罗经差 compass error 969 两脚规,圆规 compasses 970 磁针,罗针 compass (or magnetic) needle 971 圆刨 compass plane 972 补偿设施 compensating device 973 1)补整机构 2)均力装置 compensating gear 974 室补偿 compensating on chamber 975 补偿线圈 compensating winding 976 补助,补偿,补整 compensation 977 补整环,补强环 compensation ring 978 补偿水柜 compensation tank 979 补偿器,调整器 compensator 980 编译器 compiler 981 配额,员额 complement 982 完全退火 complete annealing 983 完全燃烧 complete combustion 984 完全循环 complete cycle 985 全通甲板 complete deck 986 全通船艛甲板 complete superstructure deck 987 全通船艛船,轻[结]构船 complete superstructure vessel 988 完工检查 complete survey 989 顺应式平台 compliant platform 990 顺应式钻油台 compliant structures (or systems) 991 1)成分 2)构件 3)分量 component 992 合成梁 composite beam 993 复合锅炉 composite boiler 994 混合结构 composite construction 995 复合电焊条 composite electrode 996 1)混合接头 2)机焊接合 composite joint 997 [木铁]合构船 composite ship (or vessel ) 998 熔剂(焊接) composition 999 1)化合物 2)剂 compound 1000 复[合]装甲 compound armour 1001 复[合]梁 compound beam 1002 复合周期引擎 compound (or dual, or mixed) cycle engine 1003 复激发电机 compound dynamo 1004 复式引擎 compound engine 1005 1)复合规 2)涨缩表 3)复合压力计 compound gauge 1006 复激发电机 compound generator 1007 复合冲动[式]涡轮机 compound impulse turbine 1008 复激马达 compound motor 1009 复式压力计 compound pressure gauge 1010 复合反动[式]涡轮 compound reaction turbine 1011 复式蒸汽机 compound steam engine 1012 复[合]应力 compound stress 1013 复式涡轮机 compound turbine 1014 压缩空气 compressed air 1015 压缩空气引擎,气动引擎 compressed air engine 1016 压缩空气阀 compressed air valve 1017 压缩软木 compressed cork 1018 压缩氧 compressed oxygen 1019 可压缩性 compressibility 1020 压缩缸 compressing cylinder 1021 压燃机 compressing ignition (or CI) engine 1022 压缩 compression 1023 压缩效率 compression efficiency 1024 压缩点火引擎 compression ignition engine 1025 压缩曲线 compression line (or curve) 1026 压缩[冷冻]机 compression machine (or compression refrigerating machine) 1027 抗压构件 compression member 1028 压缩压力 compression pressure 1029 压缩程序,压缩过程 compression process 1030 压缩比 compression ratio 1031 压缩应力 compression stress 1032 压缩冲程 compression stroke 1033 压缩温度 compression temperature 1034 压缩试验 compression test 1035 压缩负荷 compressive load 1036 压缩应变 compressive strain 1037 抗压强度 compressive strength 1038 压应力 compressive stress 1039 压缩机 compressor 1040 制链器 chain cable compressor (or controller) 1041 计算机辅助设计 computer-aided design (CAD) 1042 计算机辅助设计及制图 computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) 1043 计算机辅助工程 computer aided engineering (CAE) 1044 计算机辅助放样 computer-aided lofting (CAL) 1045 计算机辅助制造 computer-aided manufacture (CAM) 1046 计算机辅助试验 computer aided testing (CAT) 1047 计算机控制 computer control 1048 计算机绘图 computer graphics 1049 计算机化 computerization 1050 计算机网络 computer network 1051 计算机输出缩影片,计算机输出微软片 computer output microfilm (COM) 1052 凹面填角焊接 concave fillet weld 1053 凹透镜 concave lens 1054 隐藏灯 concealed light 1055 暗线,隐藏布线 concealed wiring 1056 集中负荷 concentrated load 1057 浓差电位腐蚀 concentration cell corrosion 1058 同心绞线 concentrically stranded conductor 1059 同心电缆 concentric cable 1060 同心圆 concentric circles 1061 同心度 concentricity 1062 概念设计,构想设计 concept design 1063 混凝土包覆 concrete coating 1064 混凝土重力式钻油台 concrete gravity platform 1065 [钢筋]混凝土船 concrete (or ferro cement ) ship 1066 辅热(焊接) concurrent heating 1067 凝水泵 condensate pump 1068 冷凝 condensation 1069 冷凝设备 condensation plant 1070 冷凝率 condensation rate 1071 1)冷凝器,凝结器,复水器 2)电容器 condenser 1072 逆流冷凝器 contraflow condenser 1073 冷凝器泄压阀 condenser relief valve 1074 冷凝管 condenser tube 1075 复水管套圈 condenser tube ferrule 1076 凝汽机,附冷凝器[动力]机 condensing engine 1077 冷凝设备 condensing plant 1078 凝汽涡轮机 condensing turbine 1079 船况,情况,状态 condition 1080 状态曲线 condition curve 1081 传导 conduction 1082 井口导管(钻油台) conduction pipe 1083 传导性,传导度 conductivity 1084 导体 conductor 1085 槽,沟,管,导管 conduit 1086 导管接合箱 conduit box 1087 导[线]管套 conduit bushing 1088 导[线]管接合匣 conduit connection box 1089 导[线]管配件 conduit fittings 1090 锥形离合器 cone clutch 1091 圆锥规(轴,螺桨) cone gauge 1092 圆锥部(艉轴) cone part 1093 圆锥穿刺试验 cone penetration test 1094 1)塔轮2 )锥形滑轮 cone pulley 1095 锥形浮标 conical buoy 1096 锥头铆钉 conical pointed rivet 1097 锥形扫描 conical scanning 1098 锥形阀 conical valve 1099 锥形导槽 conic guide 1100 连接整补 connected replenishment (ONREP) 1101 连接弯头 connecting bend 1102 接线箱 connecting (or connection ) box 1103 连桥 connecting bridge 1104 连接管 connecting pipe 1105 连杆 connecting rod 1106 连接套管 connecting sleeve 1107 接线板 connection block 1108 接线匣 connection box 1109 接线图 connection diagram 1110 线端衔套 connection lug 1111 司令塔 conning tower 1112 残余碳素 conradson carbon residue (CCR) 1113 常数 constant 1114 汽缸常数 cylinder constant 1115 康[史登]铜线 constantan wire 1116 定流电焊机 constant current welding machine 1117 定能电焊机 constant energy welding machine 1118 定高平台型顶举平底船型钻探船 constant height platform type 1119 定额损失 constant loss 1120 定螺距 constant pitch 1121 [径向]等[螺]距螺桨 constant pitch propeller 1122 等压循环 constant pressure cycle 1123 定压阀 constant pressure valve 1124 定额 constant rating 1125 等反动率轮叶 constant reaction blade 1126 常定点控制 constant setpoint control 1127 定速调速器 constant-speed governor 1128 定冲程喷油泵 constant-stroke injection pump 1129 等温循环 constant temperature cycle 1130 [恒]定拉力绞车 constant tension winch 1131 定压电焊机 constant voltage welding machine 1132 等容循环 constant volume cycle 1133 拘束系数 constraint coefficient 1134 构造,结构 construction 1135 造船渠 construction basin 1136 结构图 construction plan 1137 侧面结构图 construction profile 1138 建造规范 construction (or detail) specification 1139 消耗材 construction (or running) store 1140 顾问工程师 consulting engineer 1141 耗性导管电热熔渣焊接法 consumable nozzle electroslag welding (CES ) 1142 消耗品 consumable store 1143 消耗量 consumption 1144 耗煤量 coal consumption 1145 板条垫单面潜弧焊法 contact bar submerged arc welding (CBS) 1146 正平衡装置 contact dummy 1147 接触颚夹(焊接) contact jaw 1148 触点接通器 contact maker 1149 贴模法 contact molding 1150 贴模法(FRP) contact mold method 1151 接触器 contactor 1152 接触电阻 contact resistance 1153 接触[片]段 contact segment 1154 接触应力 contact stress 1155 接触面 contact surface 1156 1)容器 2)货柜 3)舱柜 container 1157 货柜驳船 container barge 1158 货柜导具 container guide fitting 1159 箱装法,货柜化 containerization 1160 货柜吊架 container lifting spreader 1161 货柜船 container ship 1162 货柜吊卸梁 container spreader 1163 容载系统 containment system 1164 污染 contamination 1165 临时检验 contingent (or occasional) survey 1166 强度连续性 continuity of strength 1167 连续动作控制器 continuous acting controller 1168 连续乙级天花板或内衬板 continuous "B" class ceiling or linings 1169 1)连续撒气 2)连续分供 continuous bleed 1170 连续铸造 continuous casting (CC) 1171 连续控制 continuous control (CC) 1172 直流电 continuous (or direct) current 1173 连续[使]用 continuous duty 1174 连续衬套 continuous liner 1175 连续构材 continuous member 1176 连续出力 continuous output 1177 连续处理(计算机) continuous process 1178 连续定额 continuous rating 1179 连续扫描 continuous scanning 1180 连续使用 continuous service 1181 连续常用出力 continuous service output (CSO) 1182 额定连续常用出力 continuous service rating (CSR) 1183 连续玻璃毡 continuous strand mat 1184 连续检验 continuous survey 1185 1)连续波 2)等幅[电]波 continuous wave (CW) 1186 连续焊接 continuous weld 1187 [整补站]轮廓灯 contour light 1188 1)等高线 2)轮廓线 3)等值线 contour line 1189 合约,契约 contract 1190 合约设计 contract design 1191 收缩 contraction 1192 断面缩率 contraction (or reduction ) of area 1193 主机降额最大连续出力 contract MCR 1194 承包商 contractor 1195 签约双方 contract party 1196 合约图 contract plan 1197 合约规范 contract specification 1198 逆流冷凝器 contra-flow condenser 1199 逆流热交换器 contra-flow heat exchanger 1200 逆流回热器,逆流式再生器 contra-flow regenerator 1201 导叶(螺桨) contra propeller 1202 对转螺桨 contrarotating propeller 1203 对转螺桨 contra rotating propeller (CRP) 1204 导叶式舵 contra rudder 1205 控制用空[气]压[缩]机 control air compressor 1206 控制用储气瓶 control air reservoir 1207 控制板 control board 1208 控制回路 control circuit 1209 控制指令 control command (or instruction) 1210 控制台 control console 1211 控制装置 control device 1212 控制设备 control equipment 1213 可调翼板 controllable fin 1214 [可]控[螺]距螺桨 controllable pitch propeller (CPP) 1215 可控可逆螺桨 controllable-reversible pitch propeller 1216 受控制区域 controlled area 1217 自动控制系统 controlled system with self-regulation 1218 控制量(自动控制) controlled variable 1219 控制器 controller 1220 控制器反应 controller response 1221 控制线 control line 1222 控制箱 controlling box 1223 控制装置 controlling gear 1224 控制机构,操纵机构 controlling mechanism 1225 控制室 controlling room (or station) 1226 控制心轴 controlling spindle 1227 控制阀 controlling valve 1228 控制板 control panel 1229 控制台 control platform 1230 控制点 control point 1231 控制继电器,控制电驿 control relay 1232 控制杆 control rod 1233 控制室 control room 1234 控制轴 control shaft 1235 控制信号 control signal 1236 控制站,控制室 control station 1237 控制面 control surface 1238 控制开关 control switch 1239 控制系统 control system 1240 控制台 control table 1241 控制组,控制单元 control unit 1242 控制阀 control valve 1243 控制阀箱 control valve box 1244 帆布软管 convase hose 1245 对流 convection 1246 对流加热器 convection heater 1247 对流散热器 convector 1248 权宜国籍船 convenient flag ship 1249 传统式输送设备 conventional transfer rig 1250 细腰喷嘴 convergent divergent nozzle 1251 渐缩喷嘴 convergent nozzle 1252 换算表 conversion table 1253 改装巡洋舰 converted (or auxiliary, or merchant) cruiser 1254 1)转炉 2)换流机 converter 1255 凸面填角熔焊 convex fillet weld 1256 凸出比(焊接) convexity ratio 1257 凸透镜 convex lens 1258 半圆凸缘 convex moulding 1259 输送机,运输器 conveyer 1260 链条输送机 chain conveyer 1261 护航船团,护航舰 convoy 1262 炊事,厨司,厨师 cook 1263 炉灶 cooking range (or stove) 1264 厨具库 cooking store 1265 炉灶 cooking stove (or range) 1266 厨具 cooking utensil 1267 冷却剂 coolant 1268 冷却泵(原子炉) coolant pump 1269 冷却材放射能(原子炉) coolant radioactivity 1270 冷却器 cooler 1271 冷却空气套 cooling air jacket 1272 冷却面积 cooling area 1273 冷却叶片 cooling blade 1274 冷却盘管 cooling coil 1275 低温冷却(LNG) cooling down 1276 冷却效果 cooling effect 1277 散热片 cooling fin 1278 冷却[水]套 cooling jacket 1279 冷却管 cooling pipe 1280 冷却管架 cooling pipe grid 1281 冷却[速]率 cooling rate 1282 冷却面 cooling surface 1283 冷却系统 cooling system 1284 冷却试验 cooling test 1285 冷却水 cooling water 1286 冷却水套 cooling water jacket 1287 冷却水岐管 cooling water manifold 1288 冷却水泵 cooling water pump 1289 小工具库,小装具仓库 cooperage store 1290 饮料库 cooper's store 1291 铜 copper 1292 铜合金 copper alloy 1293 铜背垫(电焊) copper backing 1294 铜锤 copper hammer 1295 铜损(电) copper loss 1296 铜覆皮(木船) copper sheathing 1297 铜工,铜匠 coppersmith 1298 铜工场 coppersmith shop 1299 铜管 copper tube 1300 铜线 copper wire 1301 1)靠模机 2)复印机 copying machine
1302 珊瑚船 coral boat 1303 绳索 cordage 1304 索具库 cordage room 1305 储索处 cordage space 1306 1)芯 2)模芯 core 1307 有芯电焊条 core electrode 1308 铁芯损失,磁芯损失 core loss 1309 芯毡(FRP) core mat 1310 芯材 core materials 1311 芯塞 core plug 1312 模芯砂 core sand 1313 芯线 core wire 1314 留芯搪孔 coring 1315 软木 cork 1316 压缩软木 compressed cork 1317 软木板 cork board 1318 软木砖 cork brick 1319 软木地毯 cork carpet 1320 软木屑 cork dust (or dust cork) 1321 软木碰垫 cork fender 1322 软木垫 cork mat 1323 软木涂料 cork paint 1324 角迭板 corner doubling 1325 柜角装置 corner fitting 1326 隅角接合 corner joint 1327 角形反射器 corner reflector 1328 校正信号 correcting signal 1329 修正,改正 correction 1330 修正曲线 correction curve 1331 修正因子 correction factor 1332 校正动作 corrective action 1333 关连裕度 correlation allowance 1334 相关因子 correlation factor 1335 对应速[率](船模试验) corresponding speed 1336 走廊,通道 corridor 1337 通道隔壁 corridor bulkhead 1338 腐蚀,蚀 corrosion 1339 腐蚀控制,防蚀 corrosion control (CC) 1340 腐蚀龟裂 corrosion cracking 1341 腐蚀疲劳,蚀疲劳 corrosion fatigue 1342 腐蚀抑制剂 corrosion inhibitor 1343 腐蚀余裕 corrosion margin 1344 蚀裕度 corrosion margine 1345 腐蚀孔 corrosion pit 1346 腐蚀生成物 corrosion product 1347 防蚀 corrosion proof (or preventing) 1348 防蚀 corrosion protection 1349 耐蚀低合金钢 corrosion resistant low alloy steel 1350 耐蚀合金 corrosion resisting alloy 1351 耐钢 corrosion resisting steel 1352 腐蚀试验 corrosion test 1353 波形舱壁 corrugated bulkhead 1354 波形甲板 corrugated deck 1355 波形烟道 corrugated flue 1356 波形炉膛 corrugated furnace 1357 波形舱盖 corrugated hatch cover 1358 波形管集箱 corrugated header 1359 波形铁皮 corrugated sheet iron 1360 1)波形外板 2)波形锅炉壁 corrugated shell 1361 波形外板船 corrugated vessel 1362 吊床 cot bed 1363 栓,销,键 cotter 1364 滑车栓 cotter block 1365 栓接头 cotter joint 1366 开口销 cotter pin 1367 棉质帆布 cotton canvas 1368 纱包线 cotton-cover wire 1369 棉子油 cotton seed oil 1370 棉质缝线 cotton twine 1371 长椅 couch 1372 1)计数器 2)艉突部 counter 1373 配衡 counter balance 1374 1)衡重 2)平衡器 counter balancer 1375 衡重 counter balance weight 1376 1)埋头孔 2)平头钻 counter bore 1377 钻柱坑 counter boring 1378 反时针[向]旋转 counter clockwise rotation 1379 逆流 counter flow 1380 逆流型热交换器 counterflow (or contraflow) heat exchanger 1381 对轴,副轴,中介轴 counter shaft 1382 钻锥坑 counter sinking 1383 悬伸艉 counter stern 1384 埋头铆钉 counter sunk head rivet 1385 埋头凸顶铆钉 counter sunk oval head rivet 1386 埋头铆端(铆钉) counter sunk point 1387 埋头铆钉 countersunk rivet 1388 艉肋 counter timber 1389 1)配重,衡重 2)砝码 counter weight 1390 力偶 couple 1391 联结器,联轴节,接头 coupling 1392 爪形联结器 claw coupling 1393 离合[联结]器 clutch coupling 1394 联结螺栓 coupling bolt 1395 联结栓压入机 coupling bolt force 1396 联结凸缘 coupling flange 1397 偶合运动 coupling motion 1398 1)大横帆 2)航向 3)航线 course 1399 航向记录器 course recorder 1400 下帆 course sail 1401 航向稳定性 course stability 1402 盖 cover 1403 1)通达范围(电波) 2)涵盖 coverage 1404 被覆焊条 covered electrode 1405 护罩玻璃(焊接) cover glass 1406 被覆 covering 1407 舷缘板(木船) covering board 1408 盖板 covering plate 1409 原油洗净,原油洗舱 COW (= crude oil washing) 1410 烟斗形通风筒 cowl-head ventilator 1411 艇长,舵手 coxswain 1412 最接近点 CPA (= closest point of approach) 1413 要径方法 CPM (= critical path method) 1414 蟹加工船 crab factory ship 1415 捕蟹母船 crab mother ship 1416 横移绞车,滑动绞车 crab winch 1417 1)裂痕 2)龟裂 crack 1418 止裂设施 crack arrester 1419 原油裂化 cracking of crude oil 1420 破裂试验 cracking test 1421 裂缝孕育期间 crack initiation life 1422 裂缝张口位移 crack opening displacement (COD) 1423 裂缝张口位移试验 crack opening displacement test 1424 裂缝传播 crack propagation 1425 裂缝敏感度 crack sensitivity 1426 裂缝试验 crack test 1427 龟裂端开张角 crack tip opening angle (CTOA) 1428 龟裂端开口位移 crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) 1429 托架 cradle 1430 1)船艇 2)载器 3)技艺 craft 1431 技艺 craftmanship 1432 夹板,钳 cramp 1433 起重机 crane 1434 起重机操作员 craneman 1435 起重机操作室 crane man's house 1436 起重船 crane ship (or heavy lift ship) 1437 1)曲柄 2)拐 crank 1438 曲柄角 crank angle 1439 曲柄臂 crank arm (or web) 1440 曲柄轴衬 crank brass 1441 曲柄轴箱 crank case 1442 曲柄轴箱扫气 crank case scavenging 1443 曲柄轴室 crank chamber 1444 曲柄回转力 crank effort 1445 曲柄回转力图 crank effort diagram 1446 曲柄轴颈 crank journal 1447 无曲轴泵 crankless (or non-crank) pump 1448 曲柄销 crank pin 1449 曲柄销[轴]承 crank pin bearing 1450 曲柄销螺栓 crankpin bolt 1451 曲柄销铜衬套 crankpin brass 1452 曲柄槽 crank pit 1453 曲柄[式]泵 crank pump 1454 曲柄半径 crank radius 1455 曲[柄]轴 crank shaft 1456 曲[柄]轴承 crank shaft bearing 1457 曲柄轴挠曲 crankshaft deflection 1458 曲柄牛头刨床 crank shaper 1459 上重船 crank vessel (or top heavy ship, or tender vessel) 1460 曲柄臂 crank web (or arm) 1461 全力倒 crash-astern 1462 紧急倒试验 crash astern test 1463 紧急停 crash stop 1464 紧急停 crash stopping 1465 焊疤 crater 1466 潜变(材料) creep 1467 潜变极限 creep limit 1468 焦馏油,杂酚油 creosote 1469 波峰 crest 1470 [波]峰值 crest value 1471 间隙腐蚀 crevice corrosion 1472 乙级海员,水手 crew 1473 船员起居设备 crew accommodation 1474 船员室 crew space 1475 船员起居舱 crew's quarter 1476 帆缘索孔 cringle 1477 准则,基准 criterion 1478 准则数,基准数 criterion numeral 1479 客船[舱区划分]基准数 criterion of service numeral 1480 临界空蚀数 critical cavitation number 1481 临界阻尼常数 critical damping constant 1482 临界质量 critical mass 1483 临界转数 critical number of revolution 1484 要径分析 critical path analysis 1485 要径方法 critical path method (CPM ) 1486 临界点 critical point 1487 临界压力 critical pressure 1488 临界转数 critical (or critical number of) revolution 1489 临界雷诺数 critical Reynold's number 1490 临界速率 critical speed 1491 临界温度 critical temperature 1492 临界扭转振动 critical torsional vibration 1493 临界速度 critical velocity 1494 餐用器皿 crockery 1495 天然曲材 crook (or natural crook) 1496 横梁 cross beam 1497 交叉方位线 cross bearings 1498 十字形系桩 cross bitt 1499 横燃料舱 cross bunker 1500 海峡船 cross channel vessel 1501 并列复式引擎 cross-compound engine 1502 并列二段涡轮机 cross-compound turbine 1503 交叉曲线(稳度) cross curve 1504 [稳度]交叉曲线 cross curve of stability 1505 尖嘴凿,尖嘴錾 cross cut chisel 1506 横割锯 cross cut saw 1507 横跨甲板 cross deck 1508 交叉示压图 crossed card (or crossed diagram) 1509 对称浸水 cross flooding 1510 越流 cross flow 1511 越流曳力 cross flow drag 1512 交叉流式热交换器 cross flow heat exchanger 1513 交叉流诱导力 cross force 1514 十字头 cross head 1515 十字头导路 cross head guide 1516 十字头销 cross head pin 1517 十字头履 crosshead shoe 1518 十字头式引擎 crosshead type engine 1519 后桅底桁(帆) cross jack 1520 后桅下桁 crossjack yard (or cross jack) 1521 十字接头 cross joint 1522 横连管 cross pipe 1523 交叉铆[接] cross riveting 1524 横扫气 cross scavenging 1525 逆浪 cross sea 1526 [横]截面,[横]剖面 cross section 1527 十字接头 cross shape (or cruciform ) joint 1528 桅顶横杆 cross tree 1529 翼杆 crosstress 1530 横管锅炉 cross tube boiler 1531 十字阀 cross valve 1532 撬棍 crow bar 1533 1)顶 2)隆起 3)帽 crown 1534 顶板 crown plate 1535 桅杆[瞭]望台 crow's (or bird's) nest 1536 反转螺桨 CRP (= contra-rotating propeller) 1537 坩埚 crucible 1538 坩埚炉 crucible furnace 1539 坩埚钢 crucible steel 1540 坩埚钳 crucible tongs 1541 十字形结构 cruciform construction 1542 原油 crude oil 1543 原油轮 crude oil carrier 1544 原油轮 crude oil tanker 1545 原油洗净 crude oil washing (COW) 1546 巡洋舰 cruiser 1547 巡洋舰型艉 cruiser stern 1548 续航[能]力 cruising ability 1549 巡航圈 cruising circle 1550 续航距离 cruising distance 1551 巡航半径,续航半径,续航距离 cruising radius (or range ) 1552 巡航距离 cruising range 1553 巡航船速 cruising speed 1554 巡航涡轮机 cruising turbine 1555 抗碎强度 crushing strength 1556 压挤应力 crushing stress 1557 轧碎试验 crushing test 1558 桨架,桨叉 crutch 1559 低温冷冻 cryogenic 1560 晶[体]控[制]振荡器 crystal controlled oscillator 1561 连续常用出力 CSO (= continuous service output) 1562 额定连续常用出力 CSR (= continuous service rating) 1563 C板列 "C" strake 1564 龟裂端开张角 CTOA (= crack tip opening angle) 1565 龟裂端开口位移 CTOD (= crack tip opening displacement) 1566 立方平方法则(水翼艇) cube-square law 1567 救生艇立体容积 cubic capacity of life boat 1568 立方数 cubic number 1569 立方数系数 cubic number coefficient 1570 三次木条曲线(线图) cubic spline 1571 1)小艇船室 2)小厨房 cuddy 1572 碗厨 cup board 1573 蕈形头铆钉 cup head rivet 1574 熔铁炉 cupola 1575 凹压试验 cupping test 1576 环形裂纹 cup shake 1577 盅形阀 cup valve 1578 硬化 curing 1579 硬化时限 curing time 1580 油毛毡 curled hair 1581 1)电流 2)水流 3)洋流 current 1582 1)流速计 2)电流计 current meter 1583 整流板 current plate 1584 比流器 current transformer 1585 帘板 curtain plate 1586 幕环 curtain ring 1587 幕杆 curtain rod 1588 幕缨 curtain tassel 1589 线控潜水研究载具 CURV (= cable-controlled underwater research vehicles) 1590 曲率 curvature 1591 曲线,曲线图,曲线板 curve 1592 特性曲线 characteristic curve 1593 修正曲线 correction curve 1594 交叉曲线 cross curve 1595 弯曲外板 curved shell plate 1596 曲线配合 curve fitting 1597 浮[力中]心曲线 curve of centre of buoyancy 1598 降[低]角[度]曲线 curve of declining angle 1599 排水量曲线 curve of displacement 1600 动稳度曲线 curve of dynamic stability 1601 消退曲线 curve of extinction 1602 定倾中心曲线 curve of metacenter 1603 稳度曲线 curve of stability 1604 静稳度曲线 curve of static stability 1605 曲线运动 curvilinear motion 1606 1)垫 2)缓冲 cushion 1607 缓冲气体 cushion gas 1608 缓冲作用 cushioning 1609 缓冲阀 cushion valve 1610 刀具 cutlery 1611 1)停供 2)停汽 3)切断 cut-off 1612 截止偏压(电) cut-off bias 1613 1)停供比 2)停汽比 cut-off ratio 1614 断流续电器 cut-off relay 1615 1)停供阀 2)停汽阀 cut-off valve 1616 断流器盒,断流匣 cut-out box 1617 断流熔线 cut-out fuse 1618 停汽装置,断流装置 cut-out gear 1619 1)小艇 2)铣刀 3)刀具 cutter 1620 绞刀吸入式挖泥船 cutter head suction dredger 1621 搅刀式挖泥船 cutter pump dredger 1622 截削用吹管 cutting blow pipe 1623 1)刀口 2)削边 cutting edge 1624 截割焰 cutting flame 1625 切割线 cutting line 1626 钢丝钳 cutting pliers 1627 截割方法(焊接) cutting process 1628 割切顺序 cutting sequence 1629 切割速度 cutting speed 1630 切割检查 cutting survey 1631 截割嘴(焊接) cutting tip 1632 火焰截割器 cutting torch 1633 底在线斜 cut-up 1634 斜削艉 cutup stern 1635 破浪艏材 cutwater (or false stem) 1636 冷水管 CWP (= cold water pipe) 1637 1)循环 2)周 cycle 1638 等压循环 constant pressure cycle 1639 等温循环 constant temperature cycle 1640 等容循环 constant volume cycle 1641 循环线图 cycle diagram 1642 循环效率 cycle efficiency 1643 回转不规率度 cycle irregularity 1644 循环次序 cycle order 1645 反复硬化 cyclic hardening 1646 周期负荷 cyclic load 1647 周期负荷试验 cyclic load test 1648 循环过程 cyclic process 1649 摆线凸轮 cycloidal cam 1650 摆线齿 cycloidal tooth 1651 旋风 cyclone 1652 旋风分离器 cyclone seperator 1653 1)缸,汽缸,气缸 2)圆筒 3)柱体 cylinder 1654 压缩缸 compressing cylinder 1655 缸筒 cylinder barrel 1656 缸体 cylinder block 1657 缸内径 cylinder bore 1658 缸底 cylinder bottom 1659 缸柱 cylinder column 1660 缸常数 cylinder constant 1661 缸盖 cylinder cover 1662 汽缸停供试验 cylinder cut off test 1663 缸直径 cylinder diameter 1664 缸面 cylinder face 1665 缸脚 cylinder feet 1666 筒装瓦斯 cylinder gas 1667 缸头 cylinder head 1668 缸示功器 cylinder indicator 1669 缸套 cylinder jacket 1670 缸防热包衣 cylinder lagging 1671 缸衬[套] cylinder liner 1672 缸[润]滑油泵 cylinder lubricating pump 1673 缸油 cylinder oil 1674 汽缸油量测槽 cylinder oil measuring tank 1675 缸容积比 cylinder ratio 1676 缸阀 cylinder valve 1677 缸容积 cylinder volume 1678 缸壁 cylinder wall 1679 筒状锅炉 cylindrical boiler 1680 柱形凸轮 cylindrical cam 1681 柱形磁控管 cylindrical magnetron 1682 柱形塞规 cylindrical plug gauge 1683 柱形滚子 cylindrical roller 1684 柱形线圈 cylindrical solenoid 1685 柱形阀 cylindrical valve 1686 构想设计 concept design 1687 合约设计 contract design 1688 罗经面,罗盘 compass dial (or card) 1689 载重线圈中心(干舷) centre of disc 1690 排水量曲线 curve of displacement 1691 格子[二]重底 cellular double bottom 1692 冷拉管 cold drawn tube 1693 绞刀吸入挖泥船 cutter head suction dredger 1694 1)缆筒 2)电缆滚动条 cable drum 1695 链盘,链筒 chain drum 1696 复激发电机 compound dynamo 1697 碳极 carbon electrode 1698 包覆[电]焊条,涂料[电]焊条 coated electrode 1699 去角缘 chamfer edge 1700 复式引擎 compound engine1701 复式蒸汽机 compound steam engine 1702 压缩空气机 compressed air engine 1703 并列复式引擎 cross-compound engine 1704 1)总工程师 2)轮机长 chief engineer 1705 密闭排气 closed exhaust 1706 修正因子 correction factor 1707 吊货索 cargo fall 1708 离心式风扇 centrifugal fan 1709 软木碰垫 cork fender 1710 车辆渡船 car ferry 1711 凝汽机 condensing engine 1712 顾问工程师 consulting engineer 1713 膨胀系数 coeffient of expansion 1714 闭口导索器 closed (or canal) fair-leader 1715 余隙配合 clearance fit 1716 信号旗 code flag 1717 绞缆装置 cable hauling gear 1718 给煤器 coal feeder 1719 摩擦系数 coefficient of friction 1720 圆锥规(螺桨壳) cone gauge 1721 控制装置 controlling gear 1722 重心 center of gravity 1723 向心力 centripetal force 1724 樱红热 cherry red heat 1725 升煤机 coal hoist 1726 碳精填料,碳精迫紧 carbon gland (or ring) 1727 錾锤 chipping hammer 1728 联合冲动涡轮机 combined impulse turbine 1729 离心力 centrifugal force 1730 均力装置 compensating gear 1731 挂衣钩 coat hook 1732 中心规 center gauge 1733 货物装卸装置 cargo gear 1734 1)复合规 2)涨缩表 compound gauge 1735 波形炉膛 corrugated furnace 1736 复式压力计 compound pressure gauge 1737 爪锤,拔钉锤 claw hammer 1738 装煤舱口 coal hatchway (or scuttle) 1739 斜肋骨 cant frame 1740 捻缝锤 caulking hammer 1741 吊货钩 cargo hook 1742 帆布软管 convase hose 1743 铜锤 copper hammer 1744 货舱 cargo hold 1745 呼铃指示器 call bell indicator 1746 链用铁 chain iron 1747 表面硬化 case hardening 1748 煤锤 coal hammer 1749 周围接头 circumferential joint 1750 [汽]缸[衬]套 cylinder liner 1751 铜损(电) copper loss 1752 吊桶钩 can hook 1753 曲柄轴颈 crank journal 1754 中线内龙骨 center line keelson 1755 锚链舱 chain locker 1756 链钩 chain hook 1757 海图灯 chart lamp 1758 切股毡(FRP) chopped strands mat 1759 软木垫 cork mat 1760 胶结[材]料 cementing material 1761 夹箍钩 clip hook 1762 同轴输送线(雷达) co-axial transmission line 1763 复合冲动涡轮机 compound impulse turbine 1764 铸铁 cast iron 1765 捻缝铁 chinsing iron 1766 电缆收布机(海底电缆) cable picking and lay machine 1767 复合机械 combination machinery 1768 塞漏毡,防水垫 collision mat 1769 大副 chief mate (or first officer) 1770 压缩线 compression line 1771 木炭铁 charcoal iron 1772 冷却水套 cooling water jacket 1773 普通链环 common link 1774 吊灯 ceiling lamp 1775 二氧化碳冷冻机 carbonic acid (or CO?) machine 1776 藤床垫 cane shaving mattress 1777 渐缩喷嘴 convergent nozzle 1778 堡形螺帽 castle nut 1779 升降梯 companion ladder 1780 货灯 cargo lamp 1781 中[心]线 centre line 1782 脊索 chine line 1783 离心润滑器 centrifugal lubricator 1784 定倾中心曲线 curve of metacenter 1785 [气]缸油 cylinder-oil 1786 控制线,管制线 control line 1787 铁芯损失,磁芯损失 core loss 1788 椰皮垫 coco mat 1789 货油 cargo oil 1790 整流[式]马达 commutator motor 1791 棕垫 coir mat 1792 离心净油机 centrifugal oil purifier 1793 周节 circular (or circum- ferential) pitch 1794 装货舷门 cargo port 1795 防擦垫 chafing mat 1796 复激马达 compound motor 1797 冷凝设备 condensing plant 1798 压力中心 center of pressure 1799 捻缝木槌 caulking mallet 1800 容量图 capacity plan 1801 侧面结构(图) construction profile 1802 锁[紧螺]帽 check (or jam, or lock ) nut 1803 棉子油 cotton seed oil 1804 房舱乘客 cabin passenger 1805 锚链管 chain pipe 1806 临界转数 critical number of revolution 1807 连络管,通话筒 communication pipe 1808 压缩压力 compression pressure 1809 导叶(螺桨) contra propeller 1810 无曲轴泵 crankless (or non- crank) pump 1811 碳精迫紧圈 carbon packing ring 1812 货油管 cargo oil pipe 1813 弦节 chordal pitch 1814 心塞 core plug 1815 碳精迫紧 carbon packing 1816 原油 crude oil 1817 软木涂料 cork paint 1818 货物装载图 cargo plan 1819 巡航距离 cruising range 1820 锥头铆钉 conical pointed rivet 1821 冷铆 cold riveting 1822 幕杆 curtain rod 1823 细腰喷嘴 convergent divergent nozzle 1824 装饰镜板 cartouche panel 1825 循环泵 circulating pump 1826 中心冲 center punch 1827 冷却管 cooling pipe 1828 电缆卷盘 cable reel 1829 临界压力 critical pressure 1830 货油泵 cargo oil pump 1831 离心泵 centrifugal pump 1832 埋头铆钉 countersunk (or countersunk head) rivet 1833 木工库 carpenter's store room 1834 装煤口 coal port 1835 燃烧压力 combustion pressure 1836 电缆架 cable rack 1837 凸轮滚子 cam roller 1838 横割锯 cross cut saw 1839 控制室 control room 1840 蟹加工船 crab factory ship 1841 曲柄泵 crank pump 1842 交叉铆[接] cross riveting 1843 幕环 curtain ring 1844 索具库 cordage room 1845 捕蟹母船 crab mother ship 1846 连杆 connecting rod 1847 短急浪 chopping sea 1848 1)波形外板 2)波形锅炉壁 corrugated shell 1849 木工场 carpenter's shop 1850 运河舵 canal rudder 1851 环形裂纹 cup shake 1852 主力舰 capital ship 1853 紧密铆[接] close riveting 1854 海防舰 coast defense ship 1855 钢筋混凝土船 concrete (or ferro cement) ship 1856 海图架 chart rack 1857 并[列]铆[接] chain riveting 1858 集流环 collector ring 1859 补强环 compensation ring 1860 导叶舵 contra rudder 1861 静海 calm sea 1862 巡航船速 cruising speed 1863 限制环 check (or limiting) ring 1864 圆锯 circular saw 1865 中心轴 center shaft 1866 对应速[率](船模试验) corresponding speed 1867 帆布幕 canvas screen 1868 曲[柄]轴 crank shaft 1869 起重船 crane ship 1870 盘簧,螺旋弹簧 coil spring 1871 碳钢 carbon steel 1872 防松索 check rope 1873 色幕(有色玻璃) colour screen 1874 货船 cargo ship 1875 布缆工作船 cable ship 1876 铜工场 coppersmith shop 1877 离心分离器 centrifugal separator 1878 对轴,副轴 counter shaft 1879 包铜 copper sheathing 1880 合构船 composite ship 1881 凸轮轴 cam shaft 1882 控制轴 control shaft 1883 牲口船 cattle ship 1884 货柜船 container ship 1885 铬钒钢 chrome vanadium steel 1886 弯曲伸出艏,飞箭式艏 clipper stem 1887 循环水过滤器 circulating water strainer 1888 强度连续性 continuity of strength 1889 控制开关 control switch 1890 权宜国籍船 convenient flag ship 1891 锚链扣 cable (or chain, or bow) stopper (or controller) 1892 中心线 center tank 1893 链工场 chain shop 1894 铸钢 cast steel 1895 压缩冲程 compression stroke 1896 海图桌 chart table 1897 建造规范 construction (or detail) specification 1898 合约规范 contract specification 1899 吊货索 cargo sling 1900 电缆插座 cable socket 1901 临界转速 critical speed 1902 渗碳钢 cemented steel 1903 冷轧钢 cold rolled steel 1904 电缆舱 cable tank 1905 弓形弹簧 coach spring 1906 链条用钢 chain steel 1907 巡洋舰型艉 cruiser stern 1908 压缩试验 compression test 1909 抗碎应力 crushing stress 1910 压缩温度 compression temperature 1911 铬钢 chrome steel 1912 冷藏 cold storage 1913 密闭式推力[轴]承 closed type thrust bearing 1914 [稳度]交叉曲线 cross curve of stability 1915 炉灶 cooking stove (or range) 1916 最后焊接板列 closing strake 1917 抗压强度 compressive strength 1918 抗碎强度 crushing strength 1919 冷却面 cooling surface 1920 补重水柜 compensation tank 1921 摄氏温度计 Celsius thermometer (or Centigrade) 1922 稳度曲线 curve of stability 1923 控制站 control station 1924 货轮 cargo steamer 1925 木工库 carpenter's store 1926 压应力 compressive stress 1927 推力环滚珠[轴]承 collar thrust ball bearing 1928 司令塔 conning tower 1929 坩埚钢 crucible steel 1930 合成应力 combined stress 1931 换向开关 change over switch 1932 轧碎试验 crushing test 1933 填充阀,充气阀 charge valve 1934 军舰,战舰 cambatant vessel 1935 上重船 crank vessel (or top heavy ship) 1936 黏度系数 coefficient of viscosity 1937 冷拉管 cold drawn tube 1938 通讯管 communication tube 1939 十字阀 cross valve 1940 临界速度 critical velocity 1941 临界温度 critical temperature 1942 凿平与轻敲工具 chipping and peening tool 1943 沿海船,近海船 coasting vessel (or coaster) 1944 合构船 composite vessel 1945 换算表 conversion table 1946 柏油,煤焦油 coal tar 1947 运河吨位 canal tonnage 1948 比流器 current transformer 1949 盅形阀 cup valve 1950 停汽阀,停供阀 cut-off valve 1951 链条试验机 chain testing machine 1952 巡航涡轮机 cruising turbine 1953 惰轮 cock (or idle) wheel 1954 连通阀 communication valve 1955 压缩空气阀 compressed air valve 1956 控制阀箱 control valve box 1957 滑动绞车 crab winch 1958 临界扭转振动 critical torsional vibration torsion balance 1959 全开阀 clear way valve 1960 控制阀 control valve 1961 缸阀 cylinder valve 1962 国际无线电干扰特别委员会 CISPR (= International Special Committee on Radio Interference) 1963 中国验船协会 CR (= China Corporation Register of Shipping, R.O.C.) 1964 翼门阀 clack valve 1965 1)连续波 2)等幅电波 continuous wave 1966 坩埚钳 crucible tongs 1967 变换阀 change over valve 1968 加拿大政府规范部 CGSB (= Canadian Government Specification Board, Canada) 1969 舱壁通风器 cabin wall ventilator 1970 吊货绞机 cargo winch 1971 美国压缩气体协会 CGA (= Compressed Gas Association, U.S.A.) 1972 瑞典国家标准 CSB (= Centrala Sjukvardsberedningen-SIS, Sweden) 1973 捻缝工具 caulking tool 1974 厨具 cooking utensil 1975 缓冲阀 cushion valve 1976 海防舰艇 coast defense vessel 1977 曲柄臂 crank web (or arm) 1978 凸轮 cam wheel 1979 美国商业标准 CS (= Commercial Standards, U.S.A.) 1980 加拿大标准协会 CSA (= Canadian Standards Association, Canada) 1981 空蚀试验槽 cavitation tunnel 1982 燃煤船 coal-fired vessel 1983 冷凝管 condenser tube 1984 止回阀 check valve 1985 阻气阀 choke valve 1986 定压阀 constant pressure valve 1987 烟斗形通风筒 cowl-head ventilator 1988 中国国家标准 CNS (= Chinese National Standards, R.O.C.) 1989 捷克验船协会 CS (= Czechoslovak Register of Shipping) 1990 捷克国家标准 CSN (= Ceskoslovenskych Norem, Czekoslovakia) 1991 锥形阀 conical valve 1992 货船 cargo vessel 1993 柱形阀 cylindrical valve 1994 镶齿轮 cog wheel 1995 加拿大电机制造商协会 CEMA (= Canadian Electrical Manufacturers Association, Canada) 1996 国际审核电机装备规程委员会 CEE ( International Commission on Rules for the Approval of Electric Equipment) 1997 起煤绞机 coaling winch 1998 意大利电机技士协会 CEI (= Comitato Electrotecnico Italiano, Italy) 1999 美国联邦规程法规 CFR (= Code of Federal Regulations, U.S.A.) |