发表于 2011-2-24 10:12
来自: 中国广东江门
OWS Test Procedure
Maker:JOWA Marine Equipment Co. Ltd
数量Qty.:1set/Vessel 型号Product Model: JOWA 3SEP5.0
试验内容: Test Contents:
1) 测量舱底水分离器供给水泵的冷态绝缘电阻、起动电流及工作电流。
Measuring oil water separator supply pump insulation resistance in cold and hot condition. Measuring the start current and working current.
2) 启动舱底水供给泵,检查补水电磁阀和流量开关是否工作。
Start the bilge water feed pump, check the feed water solenoid valve and flow switch.
3) 通过舱底水供给泵往No.1罐注水,当水位超过观察镜时,启动油水分离器。
Filling tank 1 with water to cover the level sight glass. Start the OWS.
4) 试验油水分离器的自动排放功能,当分离后水含油量大于15 mg/L时,高油份报警,水自行排放回舱底水存放舱。当分离后水含油量小于15 mg/L时,水自行排放舷外。
Automatic bilge discharge to be test. When the oil content of the separated water exceed 15 mg/L the alarm will start, bilge to be discharged back to bilge holding tank automatically. When the oil content of the separated water less than 15 mg/L, bilge to be discharged overboard.
5) 油水分离器自动起停试验,舱底水存放舱液位高启动、液位低停止;
Test of oily water separator auto. start and stop.
Note: the procedure is only for reference. Any question’s explaining right attributes the service engineer of the manufacturer.
注:此试验程序仅供参考,所有问题解释权属制造厂服务工程师。 |