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[规范公约] GL有关一人桥楼的规定!

发表于 2008-4-25 17:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏镇江
General Regulations and Information



1.1 These Rules comprise the technical premises for one-man control console.
The internationally required shipborne navi-gational equipment for all ships in accordance with SOLAS 1974, as amended and 1978 SOLAS Protocol is specified in the Annex.

Range of application

These Rules apply to seagoing ships.These Rules can be applied to new and existing ships.
Regulations, rules, standards

Other applicable regulations/rules

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended and 1978 SOLAS Protocol.
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 as amended
ISO 8468 Ship’s bridge layout and associated equip-ment - Requirements and guidelines
Rules for Classification and Construction –
Seagoing Ships, Chapter 1, Hull Structures

Rules for Classification and Construction –
Seagoing Ships, Chapter 2 - Machinery Installations

Rules for Classification and Construction – Seagoing Ships, Chapter 3 - Electrical Installations
Rules for Classification and Construction – Seagoing Ships, Chapter 4 - Automation
Regulations for Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electrical Equipment
Regulations for the Use of Computers and Computer Systems
Regulations for the Performance of Type Tests, Part 3 - Test Requirements for Navigational Equip-ment and Systems.
3.2 The international and national regulations shall remain unaffected.

Recommendations and standards, as far as relating to the components, instruments and equipment mentioned in these Rules shall also remain unaffected unless stipulated otherwise.
National requirements of the flag states

Ships sailing German flag

The "Recommendations for bridge design on seagoing ships", 1988, published by the See-Berufsgenossen-schaft on behalf of the Federal Minister of Transport of the Federal Republic of Germany, apply to German flag ships.
Ships sailing other than German flag

If necessary national requirements of the flag state are to be observed additionally.
Equivalent equipment

Other technical equipment and systems not mentioned in these Rules, as well as newly developed equipment and systems may be used provided that they are ac-cepted by this Society as being at least equivalent.

Whenever a small vessel or a vessel of special con-struction cannot comply fully with these Rules due to structural restrictions, any requirements not complied with have to be compensated by appropriate means on consultation with Germanischer Lloyd.

Notations Affixed to the Characters of Classification

Ships whose bridges are configurated in com-pliance with these Rules and equipped in accordance with Section 4, B. may have the notation "NAV-O" (Ocean Area) appended to the character of classifica-tion.

Ships whose bridges are configurated in com-pliance with these Rules and equipped in accordance with Section 4, B. and C. may have the notation "NAV-OC" (Ocean Areas / Coastal Waters) appended to the character of classification.

Chapter 11 Section 1 C General Regulations and Information I - Part 1Page 1–2 GL

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-25 17:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏镇江

Navigating and manoeuvring workstation

Main workstation for ship’s command preferably con-ceived for working in seated position with optimum visibility and integrated presentation of information and operating equipment. It shall be possible from this place to operate the ship safely, in particular when a fast sequence of action is required.
Radiocommunication workstation

Workstation for operating and control of equipment for GMDSS distress and safety communications and general communication.
Helmsman's workstation (workstation for manual steering)

Workstation from which the ship can be steered by a helmsman preferably conceived for working in seated position.
Chart table/documentation workstation

Workstation at which voyages are planned; in case of lack or failure of the automatic visual position indica-tor, it serves for fixing and documenting the ship’s position.
Bridge wing workstation

Workstation from which the ship can be steered and operated during unmooring and mooring, lock passage, taking or dropping the pilot, etc.
Safety workstation

Workstation at which monitoring displays and operat-ing elements of systems serving the ship’s own safety are concentrated.
Monitoring workstation

Workstation from where equipment and environment can be checked constantly; when several crew are working on the bridge it serves for relieving the navi-gator at the navigating and manoeuvring workstation and/or for carrying out control and advisory functions by the master and/or pilot.

The area from which the vessel is navigated, con-trolled and operated, including wheelhouse and bridge wings.
Bridge deck

Deck on which the bridge is arranged.
Field of vision

Angular size of the scene that can be observed from a position on the ship’s bridge.
Manoeuvring stations

Forecastle, stern, pilot boarding station, muster sta-tions.
Bridge wings

Those parts of the bridge on both sides of the wheel-house which in general extend to the ship’s side.

Enclosed area of the bridge.
Watch alarm system

The watch alarm system urges the officer of the watch at a predetermined time to acknowledge his watch-keeping awareness.
Officer of the watch

Person responsible for safe navigating, operating of bridge equipment and manoeuvring of the ship.
Ocean areas

Navigation area beyond the outer limits of coastal waters where freedom of course-setting is not re-stricted in any direction for a distance equivalent to 30 minutes of sailing at the relevant ship speed.
Coastal waters

Navigation area along the coast where freedom of course-setting to one side of the course line may be restricted, the other side of the course line, however, allows freedom of course-setting in any direction for a distance equivalent to at least 30 minutes of sailing at the relevant ship speed.
Normal conditions

Normal conditions exist when trouble-free operation of the equipment required for the bridge operation is given and environmental conditions with regard to weather and traffic do not cause excessive operator workloads and/or impair visibility.
Trouble-free operation

The appliances and systems work free of interference within the limits of the appliance specifications, the SOLAS Convention and the rules
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-25 17:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏镇江
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发表于 2008-5-1 20:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏镇江
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发表于 2008-8-18 14:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江舟山
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发表于 2019-6-8 07:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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