A satisfactory alignment and crankshaft deflection reading should be obtained. Allowance is made for initial chock compression when the foundation bolts are tightened is calculated by multiplying chock height in mm by 0.001 times (e.g. chock height = 50mm x 0.001 = 0.05mm) the Chockfast will compress due to Engine Weight & total bolt tension force. Therefore, the engine’s center line is aligned 0.05mm higher than the tail shaft center line to compensate. 2.
Welding of side-stoppers & other major welding works should be completed. 3.
The engine foundation & bed plate surfaces are cleaned thoroughly to remove all grease, oil, mill scale, rust & paint where in contact with Chockfast Orange. 4.
Flexible damming foam is cut to appropriate size and inserted to fit snugly between the bed plate and foundation to a form liquid-tight would according to measurements provided in the approved Chockfast plan. 5.
The jacking screws are wrapped around with thin rubber strips to facilitate loosening & removal of the jacking bolts after Chockfast. 6.
Rubber tubes are inserted to plug up the bolt holes. Care must be taken after insertion to check rubber tubes are straightened to avoid leaking and bolt hole is clear for insertion of foundation bolts after Chockfast. 7.
Spray lightly release agent PR-225 into the prepared moulds. Steel front dams surface in contact with Chockfast Orange should be sprayed heavily with release agent PR-225 or apply high temp grease to facilitate removal after Chockfast. 8.
Steel front dams are tack welded in place with a pouring gap of 15mm to 20mm wide for pouring Chockfast into the moulds along the edge of the engine foundation. 9.
Bottom edge of the steel front dams are then sealed off with sealing compound to prevent leakage. 10.
Final alignment and crankshaft deflection readings are taken for record. Ø
Sufficient Chockfast Orange material should be prepared in the engine room. 2.
Pry open lid from can and add in hardener according to steel temp/chock thickness relationship chart provided in our technical bulletin 692. 3.
Attach jiffy mixer blade to a slow speed electric drill (200-500rpm) for mixing of Chockfast. Squeeze can tightly with insides of both feet to avoid spinning of can when starting the drill for mixing. Care must be taken from start to end of mixing Chockfast that the jiffy mixer blade is completely immersed below the top surface of the Chockfast to avoid air bubbles during mixing. Power mix for 2 to 3 minutes until a homogenous mix is ensured before passing on for pouring. 4.
Pouring should be done shortly after mixing Chockfast Orange is poured slowly into the moulds through the gap between engine bed plate and steel front dams. To avoid air entrapment, always pour from lowest end of chocks until moulds are filled up the over pour. 5.
After pouring is completed checks should be made to ensure all moulds are filled with Chockfast. Any leakages should be plugged up immediately and refill up the mould with Chockfast again. 6.
Chockfast Orange is allowed to set and cure for 18 to 48 hrs depending on ambient temp. Heaters can be used to speed up curing as in winter application. 7.
Rubber tubing can be removed from the bolt holes for insertion of foundation bolts. 8.
Set up dial gauges for monitoring alignment to engine maker’s recommendations. 9.
Jacking screws are slackened & removed to allow engine to seat on Chockfast. Holding down bolts are inserted & ready for tensioning. 10.
All engine foundation bolts are tensioned to required torque and hydraulic pressure according to engine maker’s recommendations. 11.
Alignment and crankshaft deflection readings are taken for record. 12.
Steel front dams can be removed & chocks dressed for fitting of steel side stoppers. 13.
During winter application when steel temp is below 13 deg (55 deg F) heating of the engine foundation and Chockfast orange material to approx. 20 deg C to 25 deg C is ideal for application and curing of Chockfast Orange.
如有需要其他更新工艺请联系我,杨玉昌 13761876561 或者查看我们公司的美国网站 |