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发表于 2007-12-3 07:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国山东威海
新造船试航项目之操纵性试验 新造船首制船的试航项目一般都有船舶操纵性试验(Maneuvering Tests),具体包括回转试验(Turning trial)、左右转舵试验(ZIG-ZAG trial)及急停倒车试验(Crash stop astern trial)三个项目。下面将这三个项目的常规试验大纲以英文一一详细列举。 1. Turning trial (first ship only) (1) Purpose To know ship’s turning maneuverability, max. advance, max. transfer and max. tactical diameter. (2) Condition Ballast condition (3) Method With the ship initially under 90% of the speed corresponding to 85% MCR, move the rudder quickly to hard over starboard 35o and hold until ship has made a complete circle. Return rudder to midship and hold until full ahead speed is restored. Move the rudder quickly to hard over port 35o and hold until ship has made a complete circle. (4) Observation 4.1) Ship’s speed at 10 sec. interval by speed log 4.2) Ship’s heading angle at 10 sec. interval by GYRO COMPASS 4.3) Shaft R.P.M. at 10 sec. interval 4.4) Wind direction & velocity, weather, sea state and sea depth at the start of the test 4.5) Necessary time for completing the turning test (5) The trial will be conducted for the first vessel only, but the trial result achieved form the first vessel to be provided for the subsequent vessels. http://www.shipfriends.net/bbs/read.php?tid=22996&u=25683 2. ZIG-ZAG trial (10o & 20o)(first ship only) (1) Purpose To know the ship’s course stability and how the ship responds to changes in rudder angle. (2) Condition Ballast condition (3) Method With the ship initially under 90% of the speed corresponding to 85% MCR, the following maneuvering test to be carried out. 3.1) Starboard the helm 10o 3.2) When the ship’s heading has reached 10o to starboard from initial course, port the helm 10o 3.3) When the ship is turned to port from starboard and ship’s heading has reached 10o to port from initial course, starboard the helm 10o 3.4) When the ship’s heading returns to the initial course, the test is completed 3.5) Above tests to be carried out also by starting from other direction, port the helm10o 3.6) This test to be carried out also for helm 20o (4) Observation 4.1) Ship’s speed at 10 sec. interval by speed log 4.2) Ship’s heading angle at 10 sec. interval by GYROCOMPASS 4.3) Max. ship’s heading angle of each swing by GYRO COMPASS 4.4) RPM, wind direction & velocity, weather, sea state and sea depth at the start of the test 4.5) Time required for each change and holding of rudder angle (start and stop of actual rudder motion) 4.6) Crossing time of base course (5) The trial will be conducted for the first vessel only but the test result achieved from the first vessel to be provided for the other remaining vessels. http://www.shipfriends.net/bbs/read.php?tid=22996&u=25683 未完,待续.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-3 07:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东威海
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-3 07:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东威海
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发表于 2008-3-21 16:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江台州


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