Code 代码
| Actions to be Taken
00 | No Action Taken 无不需采取措施 |
10 | Deficiency Rectified 缺陷已纠正 |
12 | All Deficiencies Rectified 所有缺陷已纠正 |
15 | Rectify Deficiencies At Next Port 在下一港口纠正缺陷 |
16 | Rectify Deficiencies Within 14 Days 在14天内纠正缺陷 |
17 | Master Instructed to Rectify Deficiencies Before Departure 要求船长在离港前纠正缺陷 |
18 | Rectify Deficiencies Within 3 Months 在三个月内纠正缺陷 |
19 | Entrance Prohibition for ship without Certification 未经认证的船舶禁止靠港 |
20 | Ship Delayed to Rectify Deficiencies 船舶延期离港以纠正缺陷 |
25 | After Delay Allowed to Sail (*Specify Date) 延期后允许开航(注明日期) |
30 | Ship Detained 滞留船舶 |
35 | Detention Rised (*Specify Date) 解除滞留(注明日期) |
36 | Ship allowed to sail after follow-up detention 船舶再次滞留后允许开航 |
40 | Next Port Informed 通知下一港口 |
50 | Flag State /Consul Informed 通知船旗国/领事馆 |
55 | Flag State Consulted 咨询船旗国 |
60 | Region State Informed 通知本区域成员国 |
70 | Classification Society Informed 通知船级社 |
80 | Temporary Substitution of Equipment 临时更换设备 |
82 | Alternative equipment or method used 使用替代设备或方法 |
85 | Investigation of Contravention of Discharge Provision (MARPOL) 违反(MARPOL)排放规定的调查
90 | Letter of warning issued 签发警告信 |
95 | Re-inspection Connection with Code 90 根据签发的警告信重新检查 |
96 | Letter of Warning Withdrawn 收回警告信 |
97 | Destination Unknown Information 目的港信息未知 |
99 | Other (Specify) 其他(具体说明) |