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公告 公告: 海上风电行业资讯,关注它就对了! 黑白循环 2020-11-19    
[Standard] 渔船--20米图纸 新人帖 attachment agree zxfping 2018-6-13 10:35 13010 ASDQWE123 2024-10-27 16:14
[Standard] 焊后检验 attachment ntqsllsy 2023-11-24 17:58 41012 YyyXz333 2024-9-25 10:59
[Standard] 船体图纸 attachment ntqsllsy 2023-11-24 17:54 1869 思羽 2024-6-5 10:41
[Standard] 散化船验船师培训教材(2018终稿) attachment  ...2 wangluojt 2018-12-22 20:35 348232 关兵 2024-4-1 00:57
[Standard] 焊缝外观 attachment ntqsllsy 2023-11-24 17:55 0575 ntqsllsy 2023-11-30 13:26
[Standard] AWS 新人帖 attachment ntqsllsy 2023-11-24 17:51 2460 搬砖者 2023-11-27 11:44
[Standard] 钎焊铜焊规范 attachment ntqsllsy 2023-11-24 17:53 0365 ntqsllsy 2023-11-24 17:53
[Standard] NORSOK 新人帖 attachment Engineer_Sincer 2023-6-3 11:08 1709 xuexigong 2023-11-23 17:50
[Standard] 求 BS-EN 13501 attach_img Engineer_Sincer 2023-7-27 13:35 0382 Engineer_Sincer 2023-8-8 08:20
[Standard] DNVGL-RP-B401-Cathodic protection design-2017 attachment archer01 2019-6-10 17:35 04211 archer01 2022-12-19 14:00
[Standard] CAP437 attachment crazybo_y 2022-12-2 15:58 02142 crazybo_y 2022-12-2 15:58
[Standard] dnvgl-st-e273-27-3-portable-offshore-units attachment xuhehe002 2022-10-19 17:28 1724 辉飞湮灭 2022-11-8 08:10
[Standard] DNV-ST-0378 Offshore and platform lifting appliances attachment xuhehe002 2022-10-17 15:35 0718 xuhehe002 2022-11-2 08:03
[Standard] Noble_Denton_Guidelines attachment xuhehe002 2022-10-25 16:43 0869 xuhehe002 2022-10-25 16:43
[Standard] SFI COR attachment 龙的船人ABC 2022-10-13 13:47 0477 龙的船人ABC 2022-10-13 13:47
[Standard] api-rp-2sk_compress 新人帖 attachment VessleJu 2022-4-3 12:47 23146 zwb521xf 2022-4-4 07:48
[Standard] IEC 62660 attachment agree SQNRINA 2021-11-17 14:32 02131 SQNRINA 2021-12-5 08:33
[Standard] CO2气保焊焊接工艺 新人帖 JOSH1988112188 2020-5-26 20:03 22233 hopeyd2014 2021-9-18 15:00
[Standard] ASTM A36 对应的国内钢材是什么? attachment memoryhunter 2009-1-5 14:06 1833707 zxcbugu117 2021-8-20 10:59
[Standard] 阻尼涂料的资料不多啊 attachment cwpin 2020-8-6 16:01 32349 qiu1984 2021-8-13 15:51
[Standard] 近海拖轮 yyuemc 2020-9-7 11:33 44361 ggfriends 2020-9-9 19:42
[Standard] BS-EN 1090-2009 attachment crazybo_y 2020-7-7 13:32 12208 schofield 2020-8-19 13:37
悬赏 [Standard] 求: IACS UR Z23 TABLE 1 的excel 版 表格 - [悬赏 5 金币] attachment zqk_83 2012-9-21 16:42 54944 孙克 2019-3-6 18:27
[Standard] IACS reg.113讲的是什么内容 attachment emily3164 2012-3-21 16:10 73929 故乡的明月 2019-1-26 15:11
[Standard] ISO 15138 2007 新人帖 attach_img sky.gfj 2016-12-16 15:07 144455 125582997 2016-12-17 08:38
[Standard] 风电安转船 18041151765 2016-11-23 20:24 63092 feixie101 2016-12-12 22:39
[Standard] ICE Class 1A 是什么意思? jack-hw 2016-9-8 08:39 33981 125582997 2016-10-13 17:07
[Standard] nvs 6038 lwh1111 2016-9-30 13:32 02292 lwh1111 2016-9-30 13:32
[Standard] 合拢开刀规范 ziying1986 2016-1-9 07:42 52811 pqwe78787 2016-4-9 18:28
[Standard] ouyankeji com cp食用菌消毒剂 maoxidi 2012-3-14 04:23 12228 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:29
[Standard] NOFO规范及附录 attachment laonie1985 2012-4-10 14:27 22899 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:29
[Standard] ABS 里规定CO2 ROOM 和FIRE CONTROL ROOM 两个房间里的MCP 和SD要在一个LOOP中,为什 鑫森淼焱垚 2012-6-20 15:03 13010 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:29
[Standard] 关于IEC61363-1:1998的学习和讨论 8756289 2012-6-12 15:19 23492 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:29
[Standard] 船体板厚相关规范,有木有 ziying1986 2012-5-29 17:34 85212 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:29
[Standard] 几项船舶标准 attachment 蓝额鹦鹉 2012-4-11 21:57 13119 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:28
[Standard] 化学品船危险区域,蒸汽防爆要求 新人帖 attach_img zhuzhichaode 2013-5-23 12:56 115000 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:27
[Standard] 求液压管的安装规范要求 starchan 2012-12-29 05:16 83551 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:27
[Standard] 客船阳台的玻璃移门需要什么证书吗? 新人帖 HCJHB 2013-9-16 20:59 33420 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:27
[Standard] ABS型式认可证书问题 attachment hellozzw 2013-11-18 08:32 58078 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:27
[Standard] 危险区域能使用塑料管吗? islander 2014-7-10 09:21 43236 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:26
[Standard] NDT在LR规范哪里啊? hawk1103 2013-8-16 16:26 43116 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:26
[Standard] UK SI regulations flyingsky1113 2015-5-19 17:07 21809 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:26
[Standard] 各管路系统 阀分色 attach_img 小炮灰 2013-1-24 21:39 94702 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:25
悬赏 [Standard] IMO MEPC.197(62) 与 H8430 标准问题 - [悬赏 10 金币] laurenceli 2015-10-14 15:48 74450 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:25
[Standard] ISO_FDIS_19905-1_2 Petroleum and natural gas industries 新人帖 attachment 124652870 2016-1-28 10:37 12143 SQNRINA 2016-2-19 14:24
[Standard] ANSI B73.2 立式管道泵的标准 yanghongying 2014-9-19 10:49 02263 yanghongying 2014-9-19 10:49
[Standard] AWS D1.1 无名小卒 2013-3-18 19:48 36202 无名小卒 2013-3-19 11:02
[Standard] 液压系统尼龙管夹的阻燃要求 LMMHHDD 2012-11-8 10:17 32624 LMMHHDD 2012-11-21 14:49
[Standard] CSR规范中要求UT探伤量增加50%,在哪里能找到原文? sinbada 2012-4-8 23:52 113670 xyz001 2012-7-2 16:14


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