发表于 2019-9-24 21:20
来自: 中国山东济南
以前,从Load line的角度,应发(室)的持续送/排风以及是否配备有固定灭火系统的角度等有过很多讨论此处是否需要配备关闭装置。所以会见到船上有各种不同型式的布置,比如配备盖子加警示牌,配备盖子加行程开关指示开闭状况,配备与应发运行连锁的活动风闸或百叶窗等。
现在,比较一致的共识是,撇开上面那些复杂的讨论,仅按照SOLAS II-2 Pt.B, Reg.5, 2.1.1 "The main inlets and outlets of all ventilation systems can closed from outside the spaces being ventilated. The means of closing shall be easily accessible as well as prominently and permanently marked and shall indicate whether the shut-off is open or closed." 的要求, 就需要配备关闭装置! 至于对这个关闭装置的其它要求,可再去看LL,船级社规范的具体要求。 |