本帖最后由 sanshandaobojue 于 2017-5-4 16:45 编辑
话说MARPOL73/78 AnnexIV REGULATIONS FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION BY SEWAGE FROM SHIPS 是从 27 September 2003才开始强制执行的,最近的更新从2017-09-01生效。请仔细阅读下文,答案即将揭晓。
Chapter 3 Equipment and control of discharge Regulation 9 Sewage System 1 Every ship which, in accordance with regulation 2, is required to comply with the provisions of this Annex shall be equipped with one of the following sewage systems: .1 a sewage treatment plant which shall be of a type approved by the Administration, taking into account the standards and test methods developed by the Organization *, or
* Refer to the Recommendation on International effluent standards and guidelines for performance tests for sewage treatment plants adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the Organization by resolution MEPC.2(VI) or the Revised guidelines on implementation of effluent standards and performance tests for sewage treatment plants adopted by the MEPC by resolution MEPC.159(55) (see Unified Interpretation 3)..2 a sewage comminuting and disinfecting system approved by the Administration. Such system shall be fitted with facilities to the satisfaction of the Administration, for the temporary storage of sewage when the ship is less than 3 nautical miles from the nearest land, or .3 a holding tank of the capacity to the satisfaction of the Administration for the retention of all sewage, having regard to the operation of the ship, the number of persons on board and other relevant factors. The holding tank shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Administration and shall have a means to indicate visually the amount of its contents.
2 By derogation from paragraph 1, every passenger ship which, in accordance with regulation 2, is required to comply with the provisions of this Annex, and for which regulation 11.3 applies while in a special area, shall be equipped with one of the following sewage systems: .1 a sewage treatment plant which shall be of a type approved by the Administration, taking into account the standards and test methods developed by the Organization, or .2 a holding tank of the capacity to the satisfaction of the Administration for the retention of all sewage, having regard to the operation of the ship, the number of persons on board and other relevant factors. The holding tank shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Administration and shall have a means to indicate visually the amount of its contents.
也就是说sewage 处理装置的处理能力或者舱容只要满足Administration的要求即可。那么Administration 就是船旗国,对于大多数船旗国来说没有要求,可能个别的?目前我还没有见到。对于船级社来说,分为法定检验和入级检验,关注的是船的安全,环境的安全,你的问题与安全无关,所以船级社不可能规定这个参数。 这在你看来是个忽悠?其实不然,换个角度,如果你是船旗国政府,海事局,只要要求船舶保证排放入海的污水是合格的,干嘛要给出具体计算参数呢?这个参数是根据船形,船员,乘客,航线,等等诸多因素综合考虑的。有人答复引用内河船舶规定,就好比是个笑话,你想想内河规定是谁制定的?所以在我看来,你的问题根本不是问题,这是设计人员要综合考虑的。好比建筑师设计每家每户应该多大面积,取决于需求。开个玩笑,200斤大汉跟90斤的美女,每天排泄的便便分量不同吧。男的跟女的洗澡时间,消耗的水量也不同吧。有的人2天3天拉大便一次,有人一天拉两次。有人上船喝啤酒5~10瓶,然后去小便。船员有人天天洗澡,乘客坐船7~8个小时,乘客不洗澡,不大便,怎么算?
[size=13.3333px]倒是有的船级社有自愿选择的船级符号,如DNVGL的Clean,对此有要求, [size=13.3333px] Rules for Ships, July 2015 Pt.6 Ch.12 Sec.3 Additional requirements for the qualifier DESIGN – Page 21
[size=13.3333px] C 700 Sewage 701 The vessel shall be provided with holding tanks for sewage with facilities for delivery ashore. The tanks shall have sufficient capacity for the number of persons onboard and for the anticipated time of port stay. For estimating necessary tank capacity a minimum wastewater volume of 70 litres/day/person shall be used. For vessels using vacuum systems, a minimum wastewater volume of 25 litres/day/person shall be used. The duration of port stay shall not be assumed less than 4 days. [size=13.3333px]