本帖最后由 江海直达 于 2016-4-21 16:14 编辑
5.2. Engine room - For the purposes of these guidelines, the engine-room is considered to be a space or spaces containing propelling machinery, boilers, oil fuel units, generators, and major electrical machinery, and includes auxiliary machinery spaces, store rooms, workshops, machine shops, the shaft alley, and the steering gear room.
31. Machinery spaces of category A are those spaces and trunks to such spaces which contain either: .1. internal combustion machinery used for main propulsion;
.2. internal combustion machinery used for purposes other than main propulsion where such machinery has in the aggregate a total power output of not less than 375 kW; or
.3. any oil-fired boiler or oil fuel unit, or any oil-fired equipment other than boilers, such as inert gas generators, incinerators, etc.
4.2 Means of escape on cargo ships . Means of escape from each machinery space in cargo ships shall comply with the following provisions.
4.2.1. Escape from machinery spaces of category A
. Except as provided in paragraph 4.2.2, two means of escape shall be provided from each machinery space of category A. In particular, one of the following provisions shall be complied with: .1. two sets of steel ladders, as widely separated as possible, leading to doors in the upper part of the space, similarly separated and from which access is provided to the open deck. One of these ladders shall be located within a protected enclosure that satisfies regulation (4), from the lower part of the space it serves to a safe position outside the space. Self-closing fire doors of the same fire integrity standards shall be fitted in the enclosure. The ladder shall be fixed in such a way that heat is not transferred into the enclosure through non-insulated fixing points. The enclosure shall have minimum internal dimensions of at least 800 mm x 800 mm, and shall have emergency lighting provisions; or
.2. one steel ladder leading to a door in the upper part of the space from which access is provided to the open deck and, additionally, in the lower part of the space and in a position well separated from the ladder referred to, a steel door capable of being operated from each side and which provides access to a safe escape route from the lower part of the space to the open deck.
4.2.2. Dispensation from two means of escape
. In a ship of less than 1,000 gross tonnage, the Administration may dispense with one of the means of escape required under paragraph 4.2.1, due regard being paid to the dimension and disposition of the upper part of the space. In addition, the means of escape from machinery spaces of category A need not comply with the requirement for an enclosed fire shelter listed in paragraph In the steering gear space, a second means of escape shall be provided when the emergency steering position is located in that space unless there is direct access to the open deck.
4.2.3. Escape from machinery spaces other than those of category A
. From machinery spaces other than those of category A, two escape routes shall be provided except that a single escape route may be accepted for spaces that are entered only occasionally, and for spaces where the maximum travel distance to the door is 5 m or less.