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[规范类] 载重线公约中的几个问题 求解

发表于 2015-8-11 23:30 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国浙江
请教各位前辈     问题 1.在载重线公约中有这么一条,干舷甲板以上的门槛高度要大于600mm,那么常见以主甲板为干舷甲板的集装箱船,在艏楼处设有油漆间,我查看好几艘类似船型门槛高度都为400,那么这个400是怎么来的?  问题2、根据位置1和位置2的定义,假设我干舷甲板上的上层建筑高度小于标准高度,那么此上层建筑甲板也不属于位置1和位置2咯,上面的小仓盖围板高度怎么定义?问题3、如果去水手长储藏室的门为水密门,那么这个门槛高度怎么定义?(还是在干舷甲板上方)     辗转难眠,坐等高人。

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-12 21:54 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江
顶顶  求高手指点指点
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发表于 2015-8-12 22:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江嘉兴
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发表于 2015-8-13 09:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东青岛
问题 1.在载重线公约中有这么一条,干舷甲板以上的门槛高度要大于600mm,那么常见以主甲板为干舷甲板的集装箱船,在艏楼处设有油漆间,我查看好几艘类似船型门槛高度都为400,那么这个400是怎么来的?
规范哪有直接说干舷甲板上的门槛高度要大于600mm的?这个是要分很多情况的 干舷甲板上的房间如有通往下一层的升降口  是必须要求门槛600  艏楼油漆间的门槛要求可参照LL规范中第十二条中第3点 是否明白了?
这个问题你可以参照规范第14条第2点  这种情况下围板高度是没有要求的
不知道你说的这个水手长储藏室在具体位置,如果在艏楼且没有向下的出入口 门槛高度是380即可满足要求
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发表于 2015-8-13 09:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东青岛
说点个人小思路:关于规定门  盖等关闭装置的高度  从LL的角度来说是尽可能减少船舶进水的可能  防止船舶发生危险  简单来说  位置1最危险  位置2次之  其他再次之  
你从这个大的思路去看规范及考虑问题  很多就可以理解了  
前面有个好的关于LL的讨论帖  你可以参考参考  论坛还是有很多牛人的  只不过现在大部分可能没时间或者懒于上论坛来提出问题和解答问题了  
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发表于 2015-8-13 10:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
本帖最后由 江海直达 于 2015-8-13 10:22 编辑

Regulation 17 - Machinery space openings
(1). Machinery space openings in position 1 or 2 shall be properly framed and efficiently enclosed by steel casings of ample strength, and where the casings are not protected by other structures their strength shall be specially considered. Access openings in such casings shall be fitted with doors complying with the requirements of [url=mkMSITStore:\LRRuleFi.v01\Rulefinder_STAT.chm::/l31.]regulation 12(1)[/url], the sills of which shall be at least 600 mm above the deck if in position 1, and at least 380 mm above the deck if in position 2. Other openings in such casings shall be fitted with equivalent covers, permanently attached in their proper positions.

(2). Where machinery casings are not protected by other structures, double doors (i.e. inner and outer doors complying with the requirements of [url=mkMSITStore:\LRRuleFi.v01\Rulefinder_STAT.chm::/l31.]regulation 12(1)[/url]) shall be required for ships assigned freeboards less than those based on [url=mkMSITStore:\LRRuleFi.v01\Rulefinder_STAT.chm::/l31.]table 28.2[/url] of [url=mkMSITStore:\LRRuleFi.v01\Rulefinder_STAT.chm::/l31.]regulation 28[/url]. An inner sill of 230 mm in conjunction with the outer sill of 600 mm shall be provided.

(3). Coamings of any fiddley, funnel or machinery space ventilator in an exposed position on the freeboard deck or superstructure deck shall be as high above the deck as is reasonable and practicable. In general, ventilators necessary to continuously supply the machinery space shall have coamings of sufficient height to comply with [url=mkMSITStore:\LRRuleFi.v01\Rulefinder_STAT.chm::/l31.]regulation 19(3)[/url], without having to fit weathertight closing appliances. Ventilators necessary to continuously supply the emergency generator room, if this is considered buoyant in the stability calculation or protecting opening leading below, shall have coamings of sufficient height to comply with [url=mkMSITStore:\LRRuleFi.v01\Rulefinder_STAT.chm::/l31.]regulation 19(3)[/url], without having to fit weathertight closing appliances.

(4). Where due to ship size and arrangement this is not practicable, lesser heights for machinery space and emergency generator room ventilator coamings, fitted with weathertight closing appliances in accordance with [url=mkMSITStore:\LRRuleFi.v01\Rulefinder_STAT.chm::/l31.]regulation 19(4)[/url], may be permitted by the Administration in combination with other suitable arrangements to ensure an uninterrupted, adequate supply of ventilation to these spaces.

(5). Fiddley openings shall be fitted with strong covers of steel or other equivalent material permanently attached in their proper positions and capable of being secured weathertight.

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发表于 2015-8-13 10:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
Regulation 12 - Doors
(1). All access openings in bulkheads at ends of enclosed superstructures shall be fitted with doors of steel or other equivalent material, permanently and strongly attached to the bulkhead, and framed, stiffened and fitted so that the whole structure is of equivalent strength to the un-pierced bulkhead and weathertight when closed. The means for securing these doors weathertight shall consist of gaskets and clamping devices or other equivalent means and shall be permanently attached to the bulkhead or to the doors themselves, and the doors shall be so arranged that they can be operated from both sides of the bulkhead.

(2). Unless otherwise permitted by the Administration, doors shall open outwards to provide additional security against the impact of the sea.

(3). Except as otherwise provided in these regulations, the height of the sills of access openings in bulkheads at ends of enclosed superstructures shall be at least 380 mm above the deck.

(4). Portable sills shall be avoided. However, in order to facilitate the loading/unloading of heavy spare parts or similar, portable sills may be fitted on the following conditions:
(a). they shall be installed before the ship leaves port; and

(b). they shall be gasketed and fastened by closely spaced through bolts.

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发表于 2015-8-13 10:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
Regulation 19 - Ventilators
(1). Ventilators in position 1 or 2 to spaces below freeboard deck or decks of enclosed superstructures shall have coamings of steel or other equivalent material, substantially constructed and efficiently connected to the deck. Ventilators in position 1 shall have coamings of a height of at least 900 mm above the deck; in position 2 the coamings shall be of a height at least 760 mm above the deck. Where the coaming of any ventilator exceeds 900 mm in height it shall be specially supported.

(2). Ventilators passing through superstructures other than enclosed superstructures shall have substantially constructed coamings of steel or other equivalent material at the freeboard deck.

(3). Ventilators in position 1 the coamings of which extend to more than 4.5 m above the deck, and in position 2 the coamings of which extend to more than 2.3 m above the deck, need not be fitted with closing arrangements unless specifically required by the Administration.

(4). Except as provided in paragraph (3), ventilator openings shall be provided with weathertight closing appliances of steel or other equivalent material. In ships of not more than 100 m in length the closing appliances shall be permanently attached; where not so provided in other ships, they shall be conveniently stowed near the ventilators to which they are to be fitted.

(5). In exposed locations, the height of coamings may be increased to the satisfaction of the Administration.

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发表于 2015-8-13 10:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
Regulation 19 - Ventilators
(1). Ventilators in position 1 or 2 to spaces below freeboard deck or decks of enclosed superstructures shall have coamings of steel or other equivalent material, substantially constructed and efficiently connected to the deck. Ventilators in position 1 shall have coamings of a height of at least 900 mm above the deck; in position 2 the coamings shall be of a height at least 760 mm above the deck. Where the coaming of any ventilator exceeds 900 mm in height it shall be specially supported.

(2). Ventilators passing through superstructures other than enclosed superstructures shall have substantially constructed coamings of steel or other equivalent material at the freeboard deck.

(3). Ventilators in position 1 the coamings of which extend to more than 4.5 m above the deck, and in position 2 the coamings of which extend to more than 2.3 m above the deck, need not be fitted with closing arrangements unless specifically required by the Administration.

(4). Except as provided in paragraph (3), ventilator openings shall be provided with weathertight closing appliances of steel or other equivalent material. In ships of not more than 100 m in length the closing appliances shall be permanently attached; where not so provided in other ships, they shall be conveniently stowed near the ventilators to which they are to be fitted.

(5). In exposed locations, the height of coamings may be increased to the satisfaction of the Administration.


参与人数 1 +8 +12 收起 理由
水平 + 8 + 12 技术指点,共同进步


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发表于 2015-8-13 10:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东青岛
江海直达 发表于 2015-8-13 10:06
Regulation 17 - Machinery space openings (1). Machinery space openings in position 1 or 2 shall be p ...

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发表于 2015-8-13 10:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
Regulation 23 - Side Scuttles
(1). Side scuttles to spaces below the freeboard deck or to spaces within enclosed superstructures shall be fitted with efficient hinged inside deadlights arranged so that they can be effectively closed and secured watertight.

(2). No side scuttle shall be fitted in a position so that its sill is below a line drawn parallel to the freeboard deck at side and having its lowest point 2.5 per cent of the breadth (B) above the load waterline, or 500 millimetres (19½ inches), whichever is the greater distance.

(3). The side scuttles, together with their glasses, if fitted, and deadlights, shall be of substantial and approved construction.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-13 11:51 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江
to hwlw1314    不好意思  现在才回复  问题1  regulation12  写明如若无其它条款特殊说明,在封闭的上层建筑上的开孔高度大于380。在regulation18第二条又明确说明  where access is not provide from above ,the height of the sill to doorways in deckhouse on freeboard shall be 600mm.我查阅其它类型船舶  可以看出的确如果是可以通入干舷以下  可以理解为升降口  门槛大于600mm  但其它不能通入干舷甲板以下  没有看到对应的说明  说此处尽管在干舷甲板上  但门槛可以按照上层建筑端壁开口的380计算
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-13 11:59 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江
问题2  同意您的观点   问题3  此处类似于升降口   我理解为   哪怕此处设置为水密门   也应该遵循600高的门槛
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-13 12:02 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江
to  江海直达   好久没上龙船  你如两年前还是很热心  大赞
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-13 12:10 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江
那么第四个问题,如果有通入干舷甲板下层舱室的结构风道  现在在此风道上设置了一个风雨密的检修盖 此处为位置1  那么此检修盖的下口高度是按通风筒的900计算还是参考升降口的600高度计算?
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-13 12:32 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江
hwlw1314 发表于 2015-8-13 09:53
说点个人小思路:关于规定门  盖等关闭装置的高度  从LL的角度来说是尽可能减少船舶进水的可能  防止船舶发 ...

恩  我知道古董级大boss很多,所以过来求解,闭门造车不容易。手机手打,可能读起来有点累。
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-13 18:35 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江
问题五  干舷甲板上,风机房上面的风机维修盖板 又该怎么定义?
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发表于 2015-8-13 19:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-13 23:47 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江
to draftman    如果是水密人孔盖   那么肯定是没有问题的  我这有个项目  在升降口设置的水密门  门槛只有400   船检提出来要加高
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发表于 2015-8-14 13:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州
DraftMan 发表于 2015-8-13 19:20

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