发表于 2011-9-19 20:30
来自: 中国浙江台州
回复 1# ymc418628
你如果想知道选用多大重块做试验,那参考IACS Rec.31 Inclining test unified procedure:
2.5 Inclining Weights
2.5.1 For the inclining test, solid inclining weights normally should be used.
2.5.2 Use of water ballast transfer to incline the vessel may be permitted only in cases where it is impractical to incline the vessel using solid weights. If the transfer of water ballast is to be used, a detailed procedure, including calculation procedure, is to be submitted to the society for approval prior to
the experiment.
2.5.3 The total weight used should be sufficient to provide a minimum inclination of one degree and a maximum of four degrees of heel to each side of the initial position. However, in those cases where it is absolutely impractical to reach a minimum angle of 1 degree by use of solid weights or waterballast a lesser inclination angle may be accepted, provided that the requirements on pendulum deflection or Utube difference in height in 2.6.1 are complied with.
2.5.4 Each weight is to be compact, impervious to water and shaped such that its centre of gravity may be accurately determined. It is recommended that not fewer than four weights (or sets of weights) be used, each approximately equal in mass, and that the inclining weights (or sets of weights) be positioned as symmetrically as possible and parallel to the centre line in places convenient for the shifting of weights and measurement of the arms.
2.5.5 Each inclining weight should be marked with an identification number. The inclining weights should have been weighed with a calibrated instrument to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. |