回复 26# zyh1984102
关于授权文件的相关做法,由于中国船级社实际上以前就是中国船检,前身即是主管机关。因此国际通行做法在这里遇到了“中国国情”,涉及到政府机构调整和权利分配的事情这个就讲不清楚了。IACS本身只是个船级社之间的组织,并不能代表主管机关。因此,是否越权要由主管机关来确定。(那你认为IACS就没有业务规范各成员的检验活动了?IACS的Quality Management System Requirements (QMSR)又派什么用处?)
在具体执行法定检验时对于公约没有明确界定而存在模糊的规定,船级社当然可以以自己的理解作为操作的依据。(请问QMSR有什么用处?请特别注意3.4.2条。内容如下:3.4.2 Statutory service The results generated by statutory activities as defined by the Administration at the interface between the Classification Society and the customer and the Classification Society internal activities to meet customer needs. Statutory services address the same concepts noted under classification (3.4.1) except that the Regulations are defined by the Administration.
For statutory requirements it is recognized that classification societies traditionally have a contractual arrangement with flag Administrations to act on their behalf. This means the societies do not design the requirements but are authorised to apply the flag state requirements provided to them either directly or by adoption of an international, regional or national published instrument. In this context a flag Administration is one of the Society’s customers.)
(你把主管机关没有及时纠正你的处理方法当作是默认了!问你:船级社的有效文件派什么用处?如果你的处理方法连你自己船级社的质量体系文件中都没有规定,就是你都没有有效文件的支持,你的处理行为只能算作是个人行为,对整个船级社来说就是越权检验了。) |