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公告 公告: 海上风电行业资讯,关注它就对了! 黑白循环 2020-11-19    
[LR指南] LR Recommendations for Design and Operation of Ammonia-Fuelled Vessels Based on Multi-disciplinary Risk Analysis 2023-07 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-7-11 14:30 0764 龙船编辑 2023-7-12 11:40
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Class & Statutory Approval & Use of Marine Biofuels 2023-01 attachment 龙船客服 2023-2-14 14:25 01154 龙船客服 2023-2-14 14:25
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Life Extension of Fixed Jacket Structures 2022-03 attachment 龙船客服 2023-2-14 14:22 0700 龙船客服 2024-11-12 09:02
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Technology Qualification 2022-01 attachment 龙船客服 2023-2-14 14:16 0582 龙船客服 2023-2-14 14:16
[LR指南] LR Guidance for Approval, Manufacture, Testing and Certification of High Manganese Austenitic Steel for Low Temperature Service 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2023-2-14 13:57 0927 龙船客服 2023-2-14 13:57
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for the Classification of Special Service Craft 2014-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 15:12 0693 系统发布 2021-3-1 15:12
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes on Ballast Water Management System Commissioning Testing 2020-12 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 15:10 0934 系统发布 2021-3-1 15:10
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Technology Qualification 2017-05 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 15:07 01016 系统发布 2021-3-1 15:07
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for the Certification of Consumables for Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing 2020-12 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 15:05 0634 系统发布 2021-3-1 15:05
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Special Consideration Processes 2017-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 15:02 0568 系统发布 2021-3-1 15:02
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Special Consideration Process for Materials Applications 2017-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:59 0524 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:59
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Risk Based Inspection for Hull Structures 2017-09 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:57 0679 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:57
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Calculation Procedure of Container Stack Analysis 2018-03 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:54 0652 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:54
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Risk Based Analysis: Cryogenic Spill 2015-08 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:52 0568 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:52
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Appraisal of Flexible Pipe Systems 2018-09 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:50 0643 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:50
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Masts, Spars and Standing Rigging 2016-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:47 0486 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:47
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Notations and Descriptive Notes for Yachts 2016-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:44 0547 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:44
[LR指南] LR Guidance Note on Requirements for Ships Intended to Carry IMSBC Group A Cargo 2018-08 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:41 0740 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:41
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Flettner Rotor Approval 2015-05 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:38 0613 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:38
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Offshore Wind Farm Project Certification 2019-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:36 0586 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:36
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Fire Loading and Protection 2014-08 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:32 0654 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:32
[LR指南] LR Guidance for the Calculation of Stress Concentration Factors, Fatigue Enhancement and Evaluation of Fatigue Tests 2018-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:29 0655 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:29
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Collision Assessment for the Location of Low-flashpoint Fuel Tanks 2016-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:26 0676 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:26
[LR指南] LR Guidance Information on Spare Gear 2011-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:23 0605 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:23
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Collision Analysis 2014-11 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:21 0596 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:21
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Wind Turbine Installation Vessels 2014-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:16 0528 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:16
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Calculation Procedures for Composite Construction 2013-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:13 0557 系统发布 2021-3-1 14:13
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for the Inventory of Hazardous Materials 2021-02 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 13:59 0711 系统发布 2021-3-1 13:59
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Calculation of Probabilistic Explosion Loads 2015-02 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 11:10 0698 系统发布 2021-3-1 11:10
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for the Classification of Wind Farm Service Vessels 2012-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-1 11:02 0575 系统发布 2021-3-1 11:02
[LR指南] LR Guidance Notes for Air Lubrication Systems 2020-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-2-26 11:57 0681 系统发布 2021-2-26 11:57


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