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规范指南下载 今日: 1 |主题: 1580|排名: 6 

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[BV规范] BV Rules for the classification of crew boat 2018-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:58 0476 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:58
[BV规范] BV Approval of the manufacturing process of metallic materials 2021-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:54 0533 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:54
[BV规范] BV NR476 Approval testing of welders 2021-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:49 1667 龙船客服 2022-1-4 09:46
[BV规范] BV Floating dock 2001-10 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:47 0521 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:47
[BV规范] BV Process systems onboard offshore units and installations 2015-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:46 0914 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:46
[BV规范] BV Construction survey of steel structures of offshore units and installations 2006-05 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:44 0445 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:44
[BV规范] BV Rules for the classification of high speed craft 2002-02 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:42 0507 系统发布 2021-3-10 09:42
[BV规范] BV Rules for the classification and certification of fish farms 1994-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-9 17:52 11020 a0726 2023-11-22 08:37
[BV规范] BV Certification scheme of materials and equipment for the classification of marine units 2018-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-9 17:38 0726 系统发布 2021-3-9 17:38
[BV规范] BV Requirements for survey of materials and equipment for the classification of ships and offshore units 2019-06 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-9 16:03 0566 系统发布 2021-3-9 16:03
[BV规范] BV Wind propulsion systems 2021-02 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-9 15:52 0496 系统发布 2021-3-9 15:52
[BV规范] BV NR561 Hull in aluminium alloys, design principles, construction and survey R03 2021-06 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-23 15:00 11024 龙船客服 2021-6-15 11:58
[BV规范] BV NR546 Hull in Composite Materials and Plywood 2018-11 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-23 14:55 0569 系统发布 2021-1-23 14:55
[BV规范] BV NR566 Ships less than 500GT 2018-7 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-23 14:49 0696 系统发布 2021-1-23 14:49
[BV规范] BV NR600 Ships less than 65m or 90m R04 2021-06 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-22 17:48 1778 龙船客服 2021-6-15 11:55
[BV规范] BV NR483 Naval Ships 2020-10 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-22 11:29 4686 系统发布 2021-1-22 15:55
[BV规范] BV NR580 Floating Establishments 2012-9 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-21 11:59 3559 系统发布 2021-1-22 11:17
[BV规范] BV NR217 Inland Navigation Vesssels 2019-2 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-20 16:16 3497 系统发布 2021-1-20 17:32
[BV规范] BV NR500 Rules for the classification and certification of yatchs R03 2021-06 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-20 14:33 1818 龙船客服 2021-6-15 11:47
[BV规范] BV NR445 Offshore Units 2019-2 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-20 11:53 31102 系统发布 2021-1-20 14:29
[BV规范] BV NR467 RULES FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF STEEL SHIPS 2022-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-18 17:37 12528 龙船客服 2022-1-4 10:41
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