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[BV规范] BV NR600 - Hull structure and arrangement for the classification of cargo ships less than 65m and non-cargo ships less than 90m 2024-01 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:47 0269 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:47
[BV规范] BV NR529 - Gas fuelled ships 2024-01 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:45 0236 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:45
[BV规范] BV NR480 R07 - Approval of the manufacturing process of metallic materials 2024-01 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:43 0204 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:43
[BV规范] BV NR206 R02 - Wind propulsion systems 2024-01 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:42 0173 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:42
[BV规范] BV NR216 R15 Rules on materials and welding for the classification of marine units 2024-01 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:37 0327 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:37
[BV规范] BV NR467 - Rules for the classification of steel ships 2024-01 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:34 0458 龙船编辑 2024-1-23 16:34
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Ships Using Alternative Fuels 2024-01 attachment 龙船客服 2024-1-18 09:57 0257 龙船客服 2024-1-18 09:57
[CCS指南] CCS 船用高强度钢厚板应用指南 2024 attachment 龙船客服 2024-1-18 09:33 0423 龙船客服 2024-1-18 09:33
[CCS指南] CCS 海上渔业养殖设施指南 2024 attachment 龙船客服 2024-1-18 09:28 0462 龙船客服 2024-1-18 09:28
[CCS规范] CCS 重型破冰船规范 2024 attachment 龙船客服 2024-1-18 09:24 11011 ericcx 2024-7-15 23:06
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶应用碳捕集系统指南 2023-12 attachment 龙船客服 2024-1-18 09:16 1431 robby123456 2024-6-7 15:30
[CCS指南] CCS 汽车运输船舶船体结构指南 2023-12 attachment 龙船客服 2024-1-18 09:15 0222 龙船客服 2024-1-18 09:15
[ABS指南] ABS Requirements for Liquefied Carbon Dioxide Carriers 2024-1 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-15 17:32 0371 龙船编辑 2024-1-15 17:32
[CCS指南] CCS 基于载荷-抗力因子设计法的C型独立舱屈服强度评估指南 2024 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-13 11:35 0312 龙船编辑 2024-1-13 11:35
[CCS指南] CCS 水路运输巨灾情景构建指南 2024 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-3 16:39 1354 zyl822 2024-4-2 09:53
[ABS指南] ABS Requirements for Building and Classing Wind Farm Support Vessels 2023-12 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-2 15:12 0258 龙船编辑 2024-1-2 15:12
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶智能机舱检验指南 2024 attachment 龙船编辑 2024-1-2 11:49 1349 zyl822 2024-4-2 09:54
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Smart Functions for Marine Vessels and Offshore Units 2023-12 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-12-25 14:13 2401 chenj123 2024-1-12 10:21
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶智能能效管理检验指南 2024 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-12-25 13:39 0403 龙船编辑 2024-1-12 12:38
[BV规范] BV NR678 - Hydrogen-fuelled ships-2023-11 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-12-18 14:08 0413 龙船编辑 2023-12-18 14:08
[CCS规范] CCS 智能船舶规范 2024 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-12-18 13:52 0659 龙船编辑 2023-12-18 13:52
[CCS指南] CCS 海上固定监测平台指南 2024 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-12-11 17:04 0301 龙船编辑 2023-12-11 17:04
[KR指南] KR Guidelines for Safe STS LNG Transfer Operation 2023-11 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-11-27 14:28 0382 龙船编辑 2023-11-27 14:28
[KR规范] KR Rules for the Classification of Underwater Vehicles_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-21 15:03 0272 龙船客服 2023-11-21 15:03
[KR规范] KR Rules for the Classification of Steel Barges_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-21 15:00 0324 龙船客服 2023-11-21 15:00
[KR规范] KR Rules for the Classification of Ships Using Low-flashpoint Fuels_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:55 0308 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:55
[KR规范] KR Rules for the Classification of Mobile Offshore Units_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:53 0232 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:53
[KR规范] KR Rules for the Classification of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:51 0239 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:51
[KR规范] KR Rules for the Classification of High Speed and Light Crafts_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:47 0202 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:47
[KR规范] KR Rules for the Classification of Fixed Offshore Structures_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:36 0212 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:36
[KR规范] KR Rules for the Classification of Dredgers_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:32 0217 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:32
[KR指南] KR Provisional Guidance for Ships of Less Than 24 Meters Using Liquefied Petroleum Gas as Fuels_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:30 0198 龙船客服 2023-11-21 14:30
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Smart Systems_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 17:14 0251 龙船客服 2023-11-20 17:14
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Ships designed to Prevent the spread of Infectious Disease_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 17:10 2316 Mr丶尔康 2023-11-24 12:51
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Remote Survey_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 17:01 0209 龙船客服 2023-11-20 17:01
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Prevention Systems of Pollution from Ships_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 16:53 0241 龙船客服 2023-11-20 16:53
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Maritime Cyber Security System_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 16:44 0192 龙船客服 2023-11-20 16:44
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Fuel Cell Systems on Board of Ships_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 16:37 0156 龙船客服 2023-11-20 16:37
[KR指南] KR Guidance for External Airborne noise from ships_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 16:03 0176 龙船客服 2023-11-20 16:03
[KR指南] KR Guidance for DC Distribution Systems_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:58 0176 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:58
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Conformity Certification of Maritime Equipment Cyber Security_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:43 0146 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:43
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Building and Classing Bottom-Founded Offshore Wind Turbines 2023-11 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-11-20 15:42 0247 龙船编辑 2023-11-20 15:42
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Battery Systems on Board Ships_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:36 0143 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:36
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Autonomous Ships_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:32 0145 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:32
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Approval of Service Suppliers_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:29 0137 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:29
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Approval of Manufacturing Process and Type Approval, Etc._2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:26 0152 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:26
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Floating Production Units_2023 attachment 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:19 0204 龙船客服 2023-11-20 15:19
[KR规范] KR Rules and guidance for the Classification of Steel Ships_Total 2023 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-11-20 14:48 0228 龙船编辑 2023-11-20 14:48
[KR指南] KR Technical Information for Safe Marine Transport of Electric Vehicles 2023-10 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-11-20 14:19 0247 龙船编辑 2023-11-20 14:19
[CCS指南] CCS 《基于断裂力学理论的疲劳强度评估指南》2023-10 attachment 龙船编辑 2023-11-12 21:24 0466 龙船编辑 2023-11-12 21:24
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