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规范指南下载 今日: 1 |主题: 1570|排名: 28 

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[KR规范] KR Rules for the Classification of Dredgers attachment 系统发布 2021-1-26 16:15 0685 系统发布 2021-1-26 16:15
[KR规范] KR Guidances for the Classification of Steel Barges attachment 系统发布 2021-1-26 16:13 0655 系统发布 2021-1-26 16:13
[KR指南] KR Guidance for OSV (Offshore Support Vessels) attachment 系统发布 2021-1-26 16:10 0585 系统发布 2021-1-26 16:10
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Floating Liquefied Gas Storage and Regasification Units attachment 系统发布 2021-1-26 16:08 0552 系统发布 2021-1-26 16:08
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Floating Production Units attachment 系统发布 2021-1-26 15:26 0406 系统发布 2021-1-26 15:26
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Floating Liquefied Gas Production Units attachment 系统发布 2021-1-26 15:12 0609 系统发布 2021-1-26 15:12
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Approval of Service Suppliers attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:39 0395 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:39
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Exhaust Gas Emission Abatement System attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:38 0418 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:38
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Floating LNG Bunkering Terminal attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:31 0535 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:31
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Maritime Cybersecurity System attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:13 0477 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:13
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Battery Systems on Board of Ships attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:09 0549 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:09
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Shiplift and Transfer Systems attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:08 0455 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:08
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Noise and Vibration attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:03 0541 系统发布 2021-1-25 17:03
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Structural Strength Assessment of Pump Tower of LNG Carriers attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 16:58 0644 系统发布 2021-1-25 16:58
[KR指南] KR Guidance on Strength Assessment of Containerships Considering the Whipping Effect attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 16:12 0510 系统发布 2021-1-25 16:12
[KR指南] KR Guidance for LNG Fuel Ready Ships attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 16:03 0520 系统发布 2021-1-25 16:03
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Assessment of Sloshing Load and Structural Strength of Cargo Containment System attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:57 0564 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:57
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Approval of Risk-based Ship Design attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:37 0494 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:37
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Ship for Navigation in Ice attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:36 0583 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:36
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Fuel Cell Systems on Board of Ships attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:32 0538 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:32
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Large Yachts attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:30 0437 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:30
[KR指南] KR Guidance for WIG Craft (Wing-In-Ground Effect Craft) attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:28 0505 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:28
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Recreational Crafts attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:27 0414 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:27
[KR指南] Guidance for Ships Carrying CNG In Bulk attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:25 0489 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:25
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Single Point Mooring attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:20 0548 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:20
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Freight Containers attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:15 0434 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:15
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Floating Structures attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:03 0483 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:03
[KR指南] KR Guidance for Approval of Manufacturing Process and Type Approval etc attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:01 0477 系统发布 2021-1-25 15:01
[KR指南] KR Guidance for the Classification of Ships Using Low-flashpoint Fuels attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:57 0564 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:57
[KR规范] KR Rules for the Towing Survey of Barges and Tugboats attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:56 0768 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:56
[KR指南] KR Guidances for the Classification of High Speed and Light Crafts attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:19 0528 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:19
[KR指南] KR Guidances for the Classification of Floating Docks attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:18 0724 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:18
[KR指南] KR Guidances for the Classification of FRP Ships attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:16 0639 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:16
[KR指南] KR Guidance for the Classification of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:15 0528 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:15
[KR规范] KR Rules for the Classification of Fixed Offshore Structures attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:13 0547 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:13
[KR指南] KR Guidance for the Classification of Mobile Offshore Units attachment 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:07 0523 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:07
[KR规范] KR RULES AND GUIDANCE FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF STEEL SHIPS attachment 系统发布 2021-1-23 15:55 141216 系统发布 2021-1-25 14:00
[BV规范] BV NR561 Hull in aluminium alloys, design principles, construction and survey R03 2021-06 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-23 15:00 11014 龙船客服 2021-6-15 11:58
[BV规范] BV NR546 Hull in Composite Materials and Plywood 2018-11 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-23 14:55 0564 系统发布 2021-1-23 14:55
[BV规范] BV NR566 Ships less than 500GT 2018-7 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-23 14:49 0683 系统发布 2021-1-23 14:49
[BV规范] BV NR600 Ships less than 65m or 90m R04 2021-06 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-22 17:48 1771 龙船客服 2021-6-15 11:55
[BV规范] BV NR483 Naval Ships 2020-10 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-22 11:29 4681 系统发布 2021-1-22 15:55
[ABS规范] ABS Guidance Notes on Production Riser Life Extension 2021-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:29 0663 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:29
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Subsea Mining 2020-10 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:27 0863 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:27
[ABS指南] ABS Guidance Notes on Composite Repairs of Steel Structures and Piping 2021-08 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:25 0934 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:25
[ABS规范] ABS Guidance Notes on Cathodic Protection of Offshore Structures 2018-12 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:24 0615 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:24
[ABS规范] ABS Stationkeeping Operations of Self-Elevating Units Equipped with Dynamic Positioning Systems 2018-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:22 0647 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:22
[ABS规范] ABS Mooring Integrity Management 2018-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:20 0590 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:20
[ABS规范] ABS Position Mooring Systems 2020-05 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:18 0740 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:18
[ABS规范] ABS Recommended Specifications of Junction Box and Cable Tray for Offshore Application 2018-02 attachment 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:16 0542 系统发布 2021-1-21 15:16
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