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规范指南下载 今日: 1 |主题: 1529|排名: 3 

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[ABS指南] ABS Guidance Notes on Ship Vibration 2021-05 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-25 11:25 0569 龙船客服 2021-5-25 11:25
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Building and Classing Wind Farm Support Vessels 2021-05 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-25 11:22 0552 龙船客服 2021-5-25 11:22
[ABS指南] ABS Guidance Notes on the Application of Fiber Rope for Offshore Mooring 2021-06 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-25 11:20 0713 龙船客服 2021-5-25 11:20
[CCS指南] CCS 饱和潜水系统自航式高压逃生艇检验指南 2021 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-12 08:28 0864 龙船客服 2021-5-12 08:28
[CCS指南] CCS 饱和潜水系统外循式环控设备检验指南 2021 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-12 08:24 01402 龙船客服 2021-5-12 08:24
[CCS指南] CCS 水面智能搜救机器人技术指南 2021 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-12 08:09 0640 龙船客服 2021-5-12 08:09
[CCS指南] CCS 海上公务船船体结构指南 2021 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-12 08:08 0798 龙船客服 2021-10-7 21:44
[ABS规范] ABS List of ABS Notations and Symbols 2021-05 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-8 08:20 0860 龙船客服 2021-5-8 08:20
[ABS指南] ABS Guidance Notes Life Extension Methodology for Floating Production Installations 2021-05 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-8 08:17 01685 龙船客服 2021-5-8 08:17
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Portable Accommodation Modules 2021-05 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-8 08:13 0640 龙船客服 2021-5-8 08:13
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Building and Classing Liquefied Gas Carriers with Independent Tanks 2021-08 attachment 龙船客服 2021-5-8 07:56 0847 龙船客服 2021-5-8 07:56
[CCS指南] CCS 集装箱船增强消防安全指南 2021 attachment 龙船客服 2021-4-28 14:11 0886 龙船客服 2021-4-28 14:11
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for the Classification Notation Underwater Noise and External Airborne Noise 2021-05 attachment 龙船客服 2021-4-25 13:51 0766 龙船客服 2021-4-25 13:51
[CCS指南] CCS 增材制造检验指南 2021-04 attachment 龙船客服 2021-4-13 10:56 0868 龙船客服 2021-4-13 10:56
[CCS指南] CCS 海上升压站平台消防工程建设质量验收指南 2021-04-12 attachment 龙船客服 2021-4-13 10:53 01004 龙船客服 2021-4-13 10:53
[CCS指南] CCS 海洋工程结构设计和评估环境条件应用指南 2021-02 attachment 龙船客服 2021-4-13 10:48 0950 龙船客服 2021-4-13 10:48
[ABS规范] ABS Guide for Application of Higher-Strength Hull Structural Thick Steel Plates in Container Carriers 2022-03 attachment 龙船客服 2021-4-9 09:30 0770 龙船客服 2021-4-9 09:30
[ABS规范] ABS Classification of Drilling Systems 2021-02 attachment 龙船客服 2021-4-9 09:23 2768 龙船客服 2021-4-9 09:25
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Gas and Other Low-Flashpoint Fuel Ready Vessels 2021-02 attachment 龙船客服 2021-4-9 09:03 0601 龙船客服 2021-4-9 09:03
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Dynamic Positioning Systems 2021-03 attachment 龙船客服 2021-4-9 08:53 0597 龙船客服 2021-4-9 08:53
[CCS指南] CCS 远洋渔业船舶远程检验指南 2021-03-26 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-30 10:00 01296 系统发布 2021-3-30 10:00
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶数据质量评估指南 2021-03-19 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-23 09:51 0726 系统发布 2021-3-23 09:51
[CCS指南] CCS 挖泥船疏浚设备建造检验指南 2021-03-09 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-17 11:40 0853 系统发布 2022-11-21 11:40
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Building and Classing Drillships 2021-11 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-17 11:36 0986 系统发布 2021-3-17 11:36
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for ROV/AUV 2021-03 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 16:42 0682 系统发布 2021-3-10 16:42
[BV规范] BV Additional Service Feature SMART 2021-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:37 0637 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:37
[BV规范] BV Condition monitoring systems 2021-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:36 0509 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:36
[BV规范] BV Recognition of non-destructive testing suppliers 2020-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:34 0523 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:34
[BV规范] BV Parametric roll assessment 2019-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:33 0550 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:33
[BV规范] BV Rules on cyber security for the classification of marine units 2020-09 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:28 0581 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:28
[BV规范] BV Power generation units 2018-11 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:18 0987 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:18
[BV规范] BV Tentative Rules for structural assessment of steel ships 2020-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:15 0796 系统发布 2021-3-10 14:15
[BV规范] BV Rules for the classification of floating storage regasification units and floating storage units 2019-05 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:50 0532 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:50
[BV规范] BV Cybersecurity requirements for products to be installed on-board naval ships 2018-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:43 0548 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:43
[BV规范] BV Comfort and health onboard offshore units 2016-12 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:41 0488 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:41
[BV规范] BV SYS-NEQ-OSV 2016-03 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:40 0663 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:40
[BV规范] BV Hardware-in-the-loop testing 2016-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:39 0454 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:39
[BV规范] BV Anchor windlass 2020-06 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:38 0543 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:38
[BV规范] BV NR625 Structural rules for container ships 2021-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:35 0902 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:35
[BV规范] BV Structural assessment of independent tanks and supports for asphalt carriers 2017-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:32 0495 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:32
[BV规范] BV LNG Bunkering Ship 2015-10 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:30 0526 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:30
[BV规范] BV Ice load monitoring system (MON-ICE) 2015-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:29 0523 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:29
[BV规范] BV Underwater radiated noise (URN) 2018-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:28 0422 系统发布 2021-3-10 13:28
[BV规范] BV Rules for the classification of harbour equipment 2015-11 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:52 0829 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:52
[BV规范] BV Rules for the classification of diving systems 2018-12 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:31 0818 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:31
[BV规范] BV Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil tankers 2020-01 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:28 0431 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:28
[BV规范] BV Hull structure and arrangement for the classification of cargo ships less than 65 m and non-cargo ships less than 90 m 2018-11 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:26 0368 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:26
[BV规范] BV Wind Farms Service Ships 2018-12 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:23 0720 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:23
[BV规范] BV Offshore oil offloading - transfer arms 2012-11 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:20 0831 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:20
[BV规范] BV Additional class notation SEEMP (ship energy efficiency management plan) 2012-07 attachment 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:18 0357 系统发布 2021-3-10 11:18
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