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[BV规范] BV NR216 Rules on materials and welding for the classification of marine units 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-5 14:32 0643 龙船客服 2022-7-5 14:32
[BV规范] BV NR681 Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-5 14:20 0471 龙船客服 2022-7-5 14:20
[NK规范] NK Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part C 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-5 13:49 0723 龙船客服 2022-7-5 13:49
[CCS指南] CCS 法定检验实施指南(国际航行部分)2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-28 12:46 1885 nanyang138 2024-10-27 17:00
[CCS指南] CCS 供方认可及人员资格管理指南 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-22 09:41 0772 龙船客服 2022-6-22 09:41
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶废气清洗系统设计与安装指南 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-22 09:39 0710 龙船客服 2022-6-22 09:39
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Condition Based Program for Government Vessels 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-15 09:32 02876 龙船客服 2022-6-15 09:32
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶应用燃料电池发电装置指南 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-15 09:28 01600 龙船客服 2022-6-15 09:28
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶应用氨燃料指南 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-15 09:24 01624 龙船客服 2022-6-15 09:24
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶应用甲醇乙醇燃料指南 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-15 09:22 0704 龙船客服 2022-6-15 09:22
[CCS规范] CCS 海上高速船入级与建造规范 2022修改通报 2022-05 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-7 11:24 02661 龙船客服 2022-6-7 11:24
[CCS规范] CCS 海上高速船入级与建造规范 2022综合文本 2022-05 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-7 11:22 0748 龙船客服 2024-4-11 15:44
[CCS规范] CCS 材料与焊接规范 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-7 11:19 02104 龙船客服 2024-4-11 15:44
[CCS规范] CCS 钢质海船入级规范 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-7 11:17 12541 zfs313026447 2024-4-11 15:43
[CCS规范] CCS 国内航行海船建造规范 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-7 11:12 0776 龙船客服 2024-4-11 15:44
[KR指南] KR Guidelines for Selection of Metallic Materials of Containment System 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-6-1 11:10 01617 龙船客服 2022-6-1 11:10
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Smart Functions for Marine Vessels and Offshore Units 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-31 14:26 02073 龙船客服 2022-5-31 14:26
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for the Environmental Protection Notations for Vessels 2022-06 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-31 14:22 0406 龙船客服 2022-5-31 14:22
[ABS指南] ABS Guidance Notes on the Use of Remote Inspection Technologies 2022-05 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-31 14:19 0326 龙船客服 2022-5-31 14:19
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Fire-Fighting Systems for Cargo Areas of Container Carriers 2022-05 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-24 15:03 0570 龙船客服 2022-5-24 15:03
[CCS指南] CCS 选择性催化还原(SCR)系统船上应用指南 2022-05 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-24 14:21 01543 龙船客服 2022-5-24 14:21
[CCS指南] CCS 海洋工程结构物疲劳强度评估技术指南 2022-05 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-17 11:39 0802 龙船客服 2022-5-17 11:39
[CCS指南] CCS 海上移动平台搁置检验指南 2022-05 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-10 09:24 0331 龙船客服 2022-5-10 09:24
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for the Environmental Protection Notations for Vessels 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-4 13:07 0610 龙船客服 2022-5-4 13:07
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Advanced Safety Measures 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-4 13:02 0541 龙船客服 2022-5-4 13:02
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Excellent Living and Working Environment 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-4 12:58 0359 龙船客服 2022-5-4 12:58
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Installations for Infection Control 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-4 12:54 0556 龙船客服 2022-5-4 12:54
[BV指南] BV NI364 Verification scheme for unbonded flexible pipes 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-4 12:45 0338 龙船客服 2022-5-4 12:45
[BV规范] BV NR686 Rules for the design and certification of membrane type LNG cargo containment system 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-4 12:43 0419 龙船客服 2022-5-4 12:43
[BV规范] BV NR646 Tentative Rules for Steel Ships 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-4 12:40 0426 龙船客服 2022-5-4 12:40
[CCS规范] CCS 内河小型船舶建造规范 2022 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-4 10:55 0600 龙船客服 2022-5-4 10:55
[CCS规范] CCS 内河船舶入级规则 2022 attachment 龙船客服 2022-5-4 10:54 0826 龙船客服 2022-5-4 10:54
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Position Mooring Systems 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-4-19 11:05 01103 龙船客服 2022-4-19 11:05
[CCS指南] CCS 海上移动平台轮机循环检验实施指南 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-4-19 10:58 0350 龙船客服 2022-4-19 10:58
[CCS指南] CCS 在役海底管道系统检验指南 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-4-19 10:57 0469 龙船客服 2022-4-19 10:57
[BV指南] BV NI682 Certification of fixed offshore substations for renewable energy projects 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-4-12 10:56 0575 龙船客服 2022-4-12 10:56
[CCS指南] CCS 海洋工程结构物屈曲强度评估技术指南 2022-04 attachment 龙船客服 2022-4-12 09:37 0517 龙船客服 2022-4-12 09:37
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Gas and Other Low-Flashpoint Fuel Ready Vessels 2022-03 attachment 龙船客服 2022-4-6 13:40 0514 龙船客服 2022-4-6 13:40
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Technology Qualification (Ver.1.0) (Mar. 2022) attachment 龙船客服 2022-4-6 13:36 0414 龙船客服 2022-4-6 13:36
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Approval in Principle and General Design Approval (Ver.1.0) (Mar. 2022) attachment 龙船客服 2022-4-6 13:35 0666 龙船客服 2022-4-6 13:35
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Ballast Water Treatment 2022-03 attachment 龙船客服 2022-3-22 16:49 0893 龙船客服 2022-3-22 16:49
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶智能能效管理检验指南 2022-03 attachment 龙船客服 2022-3-8 13:19 01756 龙船客服 2022-3-8 13:19
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶智能机舱检验指南 2022-03 attachment 龙船客服 2022-3-8 13:18 0555 龙船客服 2022-3-8 13:18
[CCS指南] CCS 锂电池冷藏集装箱检验指南 2022-02 attachment 龙船客服 2022-2-23 14:06 0812 龙船客服 2022-2-23 14:06
[BV规范] BV NR547 R01 SHIPS USING FUEL CELLS attachment 龙船客服 2022-2-22 16:52 0566 龙船客服 2022-2-22 16:52
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Exhaust Emission Abatement 2022-02 attachment 龙船客服 2022-2-15 11:13 0570 龙船客服 2022-2-15 11:13
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Hybrid Electric Power Systems for Marine and Offshore Applications 2022-02 attachment 龙船客服 2022-2-15 11:11 0857 龙船客服 2022-2-15 11:11
[ABS指南] ABS Guidance Notes on Fracture Analysis for Marine and Offshore Structures 2022-02 attachment 龙船客服 2022-2-15 11:08 0568 龙船客服 2022-2-15 11:08
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Portable Accommodation Modules 2022-02 attachment 龙船客服 2022-2-15 11:06 0362 龙船客服 2022-2-15 11:06
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Bridge Design and Navigational Equipment/Systems 2022-01 attachment 龙船客服 2022-2-15 10:52 0456 龙船客服 2022-2-15 10:52
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