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[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Certification of Container Securing Systems 2022-09 attachment 龙船客服 2022-10-11 10:45 0566 龙船客服 2022-10-11 10:45
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶压载水管理检验发证指南 2022-09 attachment 龙船客服 2022-9-27 09:02 0638 龙船客服 2022-9-27 09:02
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶压载水管理系统型式认可指南 2022-09 attachment 龙船客服 2022-9-27 08:59 0496 龙船客服 2022-9-27 08:59
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶压载水管理计划编制指南 2022-09 attachment 龙船客服 2022-9-27 08:57 0539 龙船客服 2022-9-27 08:57
[CCS指南] CCS 国内航行海船能效设计指数(EEDI)计算与验证指南 2022-09 attachment 龙船客服 2022-9-20 16:01 01250 龙船客服 2022-9-20 16:01
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶降功率检验指南 2022-09 attachment 龙船客服 2022-9-14 10:30 0661 龙船客服 2022-9-14 10:30
[CCS指南] CCS 固定锚地储油船指南 2022-09 attachment 龙船客服 2022-9-14 10:24 0375 龙船客服 2022-9-14 10:24
[BV指南] BV NI684 R00 Guidelines for condition based maintenance 2022-09 attachment 龙船客服 2022-9-14 10:12 0546 龙船客服 2022-9-14 10:12
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Type Approval of Products for Marine Use for EU Mutual Recognition(Eighth Edition)2022-09 attachment 龙船客服 2022-9-14 10:09 0483 龙船客服 2022-9-14 10:09
[CCS指南] CCS 国内航行集装箱船载运包装危险货物消防和积载指南 2022-09 attachment 龙船客服 2022-9-6 10:47 0738 龙船客服 2022-9-6 10:47
[NK指南] NK Guidelines for Direct Load Analysis and Strength Assessment (2022-08) attachment 龙船客服 2022-8-30 15:52 0520 龙船客服 2022-8-30 15:52
[BV指南] BV NI640 R01 Guidance note for structural assessment of passenger ships and ro-ro ships 2022-08 attachment 龙船客服 2022-8-30 15:49 0524 龙船客服 2022-8-30 15:49
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Sustainability Notations 2022-08 attachment 龙船客服 2022-8-30 15:38 0577 龙船客服 2022-8-30 15:38
[BV规范] BV NR670 METHANOL & ETHANOL FUELLED SHIPS 2022-08 attachment 龙船新闻 2022-8-24 09:45 01136 龙船新闻 2022-8-24 09:45
[BV规范] BV NR688 R00 Internal Connectivity 2022-08 attachment 龙船客服 2022-8-23 13:40 0392 龙船客服 2022-8-23 13:40
[CCS指南] CCS 货物系固手册编制指南 2022-08 attachment 龙船客服 2022-8-23 13:32 01145 龙船客服 2022-8-23 13:32
[RINA指南] RINA Guide for the development of SEEMP Part III : Ship Operational Carbon Intensity Plan (2022) attachment 龙船客服 2022-8-15 16:31 01127 龙船客服 2022-8-15 20:20
[CCS指南] CCS 船舶与海上设施数字孪生系统指南 2022-08 attach_img 龙船客服 2022-8-15 16:27 0669 龙船客服 2022-8-15 16:27
[CCS规范] CCS 集装箱船结构规范 2022-08 attachment 龙船客服 2022-8-15 16:23 0922 龙船客服 2022-8-15 16:23
[RINA指南] RINA Guide for the Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) (2022) attachment 龙船客服 2022-8-3 11:55 0891 龙船客服 2022-8-3 23:25
[BV规范] BV NR529 R04 Gas fuelled ships 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-8-3 11:11 0641 龙船客服 2022-8-3 11:11
[BV规范] BV NR566 R03 Hull arrangement, stability and systems for ships less than 500 GT 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-8-3 11:09 0643 龙船客服 2022-8-3 11:09
[BV规范] BV NR686 Rules for the design and certification of membrane type LNG cargo containment system 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-20 10:41 0633 龙船客服 2022-7-20 10:41
[BV规范] BV NR496 Approval of computerized maintenance management systems used on board ships 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-20 10:39 0475 龙船客服 2022-7-20 10:39
[ABS指南] ABS Structural Direct Analysis for High-Speed Craft 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-20 10:37 0484 龙船客服 2022-7-20 10:37
[ABS规范] ABS Rules for Building and Classing Light Warships, Patrol and High-Speed Naval Vessels 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-20 10:33 0538 龙船客服 2022-7-20 10:33
[BV规范] BV NR620 LNG Bunkering Ship 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 14:13 0773 龙船客服 2023-1-6 22:18
[BV规范] BV NR671 Ammonia-fuelled ships - Tentative Rules 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 14:11 0601 龙船客服 2022-7-12 14:11
[ABS规范] ABS Rules for Building and Classing Bulk Carriers for Service on the Great Lakes 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 14:00 0485 龙船客服 2022-7-12 14:00
[ABS规范] ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Barges 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:51 0667 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:51
[ABS规范] ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels for Service on Rivers and Intracoastal Waterways 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:42 0504 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:42
[ABS规范] ABS Rules for Building and Classing Single Point Moorings 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:32 0612 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:32
[ABS规范] ABS Rules for Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:24 0588 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:24
[ABS规范] ABS Rules for Building and Classing Offshore Installations 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:19 0426 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:19
[ABS规范] ABS Rules for Building and Classing High-Speed Craft 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:15 0443 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:15
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Building and Classing International Naval Ships 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:04 0465 龙船客服 2022-7-12 13:04
[ABS指南] ABS Guide for Building and Classing Liftboats 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 12:32 0343 龙船客服 2022-7-12 12:32
[ABS规范] ABS Generic Rules for Classification, Materials and Welding and Survey After Construction 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 12:16 0407 龙船客服 2022-7-12 12:16
[ABS规范] ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Units 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 12:08 0634 龙船客服 2022-7-12 12:08
[ABS规范] ABS Marine Vessel Rules 2022-07 attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-12 11:51 0835 龙船客服 2022-7-12 11:51
[RINA规范] RINA Rules for the Classification of Wing-In-Ground (WIG) Craft (2022) attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:43 0679 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:43
[RINA规范] RINA Rules for the classification of Offshore Support Vessels (Withdrawn 1.1.2022) attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:38 0576 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:38
[RINA规范] RINA Rules for the classification of yachts designed for commercial use (2022) attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:36 0546 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:36
[RINA规范] RINA Rules for the Classification of Inland Waterway Ships and for Conformity to Directive 2016/1629/EU as amended (2022) attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:31 0585 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:31
[RINA规范] RINA Rules for the Classification of Floating Offshore Units at Fixed Locations and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (2022) attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:25 0544 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:25
[RINA规范] RINA Rules for the Classification of Pleasure Yachts (2022) attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-7 16:20 0674 龙船客服 2023-2-6 17:41
[RINA指南] RINA Guide for installation on deck of equipment for well stimulation and CO2 sequestration activities attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-7 15:58 0372 龙船客服 2022-7-7 15:58
[RINA指南] RINA Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installation (2021) attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-7 15:57 0671 龙船客服 2022-7-7 15:57
[RINA指南] RINA Guide for the Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) (2021) attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-7 15:56 0393 龙船客服 2022-7-7 15:56
[RINA指南] RINA Guide for the Certification of Cybersecurity Capabilities of Marine Materials and Equipment (2021) attachment 龙船客服 2022-7-7 15:53 0508 龙船客服 2022-7-7 15:53
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