发表于 2020-4-3 23:05
来自: 中国浙江宁波
2.2 Means of control in machinery spaces
2.2.1 Means of control shall be provided for opening and closure of skylights, closure of openings in funnels which normally allow exhaust ventilation and closure of ventilator dampers.
2.2.2 Means of control shall be provided for stopping ventilating fans. Controls provided for the power ventilation serving machinery spaces shall be grouped so as to be operable from two positions, one of which shall be outside such spaces. The means provided for stopping the power ventilation of the machinery spaces shall be entirely separate from the means provided for stopping ventilation of other spaces.
2.2.3 Means of control shall be provided for stopping forced and induced draught fans, oil fuel transfer pumps, oil fuel unit pumps, lubricating oil service pumps, thermal oil circulating pumps and oil separators (purifiers). However, paragraphs 2.2.4 and 2.2.5 need not apply to oily water separators.
2.2.4 The controls required in paragraphs 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 and in regulation shall be located outside the space concerned so they will not be cut off in the event of fire in the space they serve.
2.2.5 In passenger ships, the controls required in paragraphs 2.2.1 to 2.2.4 and in regulations 8.3.3 and and the controls for any required fire-extinguishing system shall be situated at one control position or grouped in as few positions as possible to the satisfaction of the Administration. Such positions shall have a safe access from the open deck