楼主 |
发表于 2012-10-9 17:39
来自: 中国上海
四木 发表于 2012-10-9 16:22
不可以,从安全考量,如果因破舱原因,导致一根透气管破裂进水,会使所有与此透气总管相联的舱室进水,显然 ...
CCS 海上移动平台入级规范这样写的:
BV 规范(ship)上这样写的:
9.1.8 e. Air pipes from several tanks or spaces may be led into a common main line, provided that:
- the tanks or spaces are not intended for liquids which are not compatible and that the arrangement could not effect unacceptable condition for the ship
- the cross-sectional area of the air pipes main is generally not less than the aggregate cross-sectional area of the two largest pipes discharging into the main. However, a reduced value may be considered for acceptance in each particular case on the basis of back pressure calculation submitted for all normal working conditions
- as far as practical, each separate air pipe is fitted to the common air pipe from the top side
- where no overflow pipes are provided, the cross-sectional area of a common air pipe from several tanks is not less than 1,25 times the area of the common filling pipeline for these tanks
- where the tanks or spaces are situated at the shell side, the connections to the air pipes main are to be above the freeboard deck. Where it is not practical, different position proposed as far as possible above the deepest load waterline may be considered for acceptance. For vessels subject to damage stability requirements these connections should be above final water line at any damaged condition assumed by the Damage stability examination as defined in Pt B, Ch 3, App 4, [3.5.2].