发表于 2021-1-5 00:39
来自: 中国香港
对于一个集装箱船公司,看来应该是看它的年TEU 运输量,年营业额和年净利润,而不是看它全资拥有几艘条船。很明显,当全资拥有一条船的成本高于租赁一条同样(或相当)船的成本时,应该选择租船。
我上网找到这个公司 2018 和 2019 年的资料, 可惜不是来自同一个渠道 ,只可做一般了解,不做投资依据。温馨提醒。
Operational statistics[edit]
Annual turnover 2018: $3.2 billion
TEU's Carried in 2018: 2,914,000 million
Total TEU Capacity (owned and chartered vessels): 344,460 TEU's
Containers: over 547,000 TEUs of various types
About 70 vessels, 13 fully or partly owned
Ports of Call: 180 throughout the world, with 10 strategically located hubs
Services: Over 70 lines and services, mostly on a weekly, fixed-day basis, covering all major trade routes with regional connections
Employees: ~4200
Regional Headquarters: Haifa (Israel), Norfolk, Virginia (USA), Hamburg (Germany), Hong Kong
Agents: ZIM has more than 170 offices and representatives in over 100 countries throughout the world
Facts & Figures
Annual turnover 2019: $3,299.8 million
TEU's Carried in 2019: 2,821,000
Total TEU Capacity (owned and chartered vessels): about 384,000 TEU's
Containers: about 630,000 TEUs of various types
About 81 operated vessels
Ports of Call: 310 throughout the world, with 10 strategically located hubs
Services: Over 100 lines and services, mostly on a weekly, fixed-day basis, covering major trade routes with regional connections
Employees: ~3,800
Agents: ZIM has more than 200 offices and representatives in over 100 countries throughout the world
China: Strong presence in China with 20 offices and branches and hundreds of employees