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发表于 2020-5-4 10:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
Hoyer Group continues the growth after the 2018 record year and is on track with strategic ambitions to strengthen the position in selected markets and niches.

In 2019 the turnover increased by 37% to DKK 709,4 million. In the same period operating earnings almost doubled to an EBITDA result of DKK 83,8 million. The result reflects prosperity in several key segments where Hoyer has succeeded in gaining market share.

“Hoyer Group is satisfied with the 2019 result and in particular the way we have managed to implement and execute the selected strategy. It underlines the continued potential and the organisation’s ability to drive changes despite of growth and busyness,” says Sren . Srensen, Chairman of the board, Hoyer Group.
“霍尔集团对2019年取得的成就非常满意,尤其是我们成功地完成了战略目标。我们的潜力是无限的,我们在忙碌中不断壮大,我们有能力应对各种挑战和变化。”霍尔集团董事会主席Sren . Srensen说。

In addition to the financial results Hoyer has succeeded in increasing both the customer and employee satisfaction in 2019.  

“Across our segments we experience an increasing demand to offer more than just a good product. Therefore in 2019 we have made significant investments including new test facilities, an optimised supply chain setup in Asia and our human resources. It is satisfactory to see that our strategic initiatives are acknowledged by our customers and employees,” says Henrik Srensen, CEO, Hoyer Group.
“在我们的各大业务板块,除了性能优良的产品之外,客户对其他方面的需求也越来越旺盛。因此,我们在2019年做了许多投资,包括新的测试设备、亚洲供应链优化管理,以及人力资源等。令人满意的是,我们的战略举措得到了客户和员工的一致认可。”霍尔集团CEO Henrik Srensen说。

A strong position in a challenged market

2020 will be a challenging year as a consequence of covid-19. However, with the strong 2019 results combined with a divestment of the business unit Hoyer Transmissions in Q1 2020, Hoyer Group has a solid basis. Sren . Srensen elaborates:
因为冠状病毒的影响,2020年将是极具挑战的一年。但是,有2019年的业绩支撑,以及随着传动件业务在2020年一季度的剥离,霍尔集团的基础非常结实。Sren . Srensen做出了如下分析:

“Despite our concerns related to the effect of covid-19 we have a strategic as well as financial situation that enables us to continue the development and meet future challenges. There are still many opportunities for Hoyer and we expect to exit the crisis strengthened by applying a considerate acceleration of the business.”

The financial foundation is also highlighted by Henrik Srensen:
Henrik Srensen也对霍尔的财务支持表示信心:

“The new situation is challenging our strategy but we have the liquidity to continue and even accelerate our investments in selected markets and initiatives. We will have a very clear priority and focus on short-term initiatives that further benefits our customers’ intensified attention to supply chain optimisations.”
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