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发表于 2020-1-13 17:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
2019年11月11日,马来西亚海事局签发 MSN 07/2019 号海事通告,正式宣布,禁止在水域距离海岸线 12 海里以内,排放开式脱硫塔的洗涤水:

Malaysia prohibits the discharge of washwater from EGCS open-loop system whilst in Malaysian Water (12 nautical miles from the nearest land).

Ships calling to the Malaysian Ports are advised to change over to compliance fuel oil or change over to close loopsystem (if hybrid system) before entering Malaysian Waters and Ports.

马来西亚禁止从 EGCS 开环系统在马来西亚水域(距离最近的陆地12海里)排放洗涤水。


2019 年 12 月 5 日,海事局又签发 MSN 08/2019 号海事通告,澄清说明,仅通过马六甲海峡而不停靠马来西亚港口的船舶,可以不遵守 MSN 07/2019 通告中的要求:

Any ship transiting through the Malaysian Waters in the Straits of Malacca without any intention of entering at any Malaysian Ports is exempted from complying with the requirement as sets out in the Notice MSN 07/2019.

任何在马六甲海峡通过马来西亚水域而无意进入任何马来西亚港口的船舶,可豁免于遵守MSN 07/2019号通告中规定的要求。

附 MSN 07/2019 和 MSN 08/2019 通告原文:
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