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发表于 2009-3-31 09:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海


地点:威海 龙de船人论坛$ F5 f" q' V8 a) V4 H: i* S% {
中国船舶论坛,船舶行业互动平台,船舶,船厂,船舶设计,船级社,船东,船舶建造,船舶修造/ ?- d. t, H8 [/ C
船厂名称:威海三进船业(韩国) 龙de船人论坛, |# p4 M4 i, L: X# n& f
中国船舶论坛 | 船舶与海洋工程交流平台  k( n2 u" q) N8 c3 P3 T
论坛,船舶行业互动平台,船舶,船厂,船舶设计,船级社,船东,船舶建造,船舶修造  H# h. i9 I$ n2 L
事故船:3.4万吨汽车滚装船(新船) imarine.cn0 k" f/ J6 t8 b1 Y5 E9 n& ?
imarine.cn  P" }7 A9 l- l  B& Z
事故地点:事故地点自然水深10m 中国船舶论坛 | 船舶与海洋工程交流平台+ h; D& C  G8 K  a+ s! ^3 X) N9 G' s; u


    韩国三进船业创建于1983年3月10日,之后在1999年公司法人变更为(株) 三进。2000年11月16日进入中国威海,设立居龙船业有限公司(现SSI),为外商独资企业。之后一直从事船舶分段、货船盖和汽车甲板的生产。2006年10月26日才开始建造整船(2艘6500UnitPCTC)。2007年3月12日公司更名为威海三进船业有限公司,并开始承接33500吨散货船订单。2008年8月26日设立外商独资企业三进重工(威海)有限公司。

Dyvi in brief(简介)
*A family-owned company founded in 1955 by Jan-Erik Dyvi, and a pioneer in the maritime industry with extensive newbuilding experience from the construction of about 30 prototypes and/or special-purpose vessels.
*Currently engaged in shipping as well as strategic and financial investment with the aim of creating long-term &#118alue for customers and owners.
*A fully integrated shipowning company, focused primarily on the car carrier segment, with ships on time charter to some of the best known companies in the business.
*Since 1995, Dyvi has developed an investment arm which covers private equity, real estate and financial investments.
History (历史)
Dyvi was founded in 1955 by Jan-Erik Dyvi, and has been highly innovative throughout its history.
Dyvi was the first to construct a purpose-built pure car carrier (PCC) in the 1960s. The company pioneered the Norwegian offshore oil drilling industry in the 1970s, becoming the largest operator before selling this business to Smedvig ASA in 1988. In addition, it took the lead in introducing semi-submersible heavy lift vessels. More than 30 ships and offshore units have been built over the years, almost all of them prototypes and/or special-purpose vessels.
Business philosophy (经营理念)
Today’s shipping business at Dyvi is project-oriented, primarily focusing on PCCs. The company is committed to developing maritime projects in segments where it has special expertise and/or competitive advantages.
*The core business is characterised by long-term industrial projects developed for first-class charterers, where Dyvi has a primary role and can utilise its expertise and position.
*Related business areas are characterised by opportunities to utilise and develop the company’s network.
*Opportunity-based projects rest on the identification and utilisation of cyclical market variations.

Dyvi has acquired a unique ability to enter new projects by combining in-depth knowledge of core markets and operations with the capacity of the Norwegian maritime cluster, which embraces brokers, financial institutions, legal specialists, classification societies, insurance and a wide range of marine suppliers.
Ships in the Dyvi fleet are chartered to some of the best-known companies in the business, such as Volkswagen Transport GmbH, Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK), Tokyo, Kawasaki Kaisen Kaisha (K-Line), Tokyo, and Eukor, Seoul.
Fleet List(船队)
Vessel nameBuiltCapacityChartererCP expires
Dyvi Adriatic19884 000 UnitsMitsui OSK13-Dec
Dyvi Baltic19894 000 UnitsMitsui OSK13-Dec
Kassel19995 100 UnitsSold Feb - 09 
Dyvi Puebla19994 300 UnitsVWT/KKK9-Aug
Dyvi Pamplona20004 300 UnitsVWT/KKK10-Jan
Cable Innovator199510 557 DWTGlobal Marine Systems Ltd.18-Mar
Dyvi Atlantic20096 700 UnitsTBATBA
Dyvi Pacific
20096 700 UnitsTBATBA


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发表于 2009-3-31 10:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南通
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发表于 2009-4-1 08:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国河北秦皇岛
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发表于 2009-4-2 11:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南通
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发表于 2009-4-14 14:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东济南
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