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SBM Offshore increases operating range of high pressure swivels

发表于 2014-4-22 11:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
HOUSTON – SBM Offshore has been recognized by the OTC Spotlight Awards committee for the very high pressure fluid swivel.
This new technology increases the operating range of high pressure swivels by using a patented technique to cascade the pressure drop over multiple seals. The 12-in. prototype toroidal swivel has been fully qualified to 830 barg (12,000 psig), including long-term endurance test runs, and has the potential to operate at more than 1,000 barg (14,500 psig).
SBM says this swivel is specifically aimed at gas or water injection from FPSOs into ultra-high pressure reservoirs, such as the lower tertiary fields of the US Gulf of Mexico.


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